
A specific type of interaction object and a specific type of interaction state object are designed for each type of interaction. An interaction object stores the non-propagating data of an interaction as well as a number of instances of the corresponding interaction state object, each of which stores the propagating data of the interaction in a single step. Instances of the interaction state object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding interaction object.

Create interactions#

class InteractionModel(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:



AcousticImpedance(name, createStepName, surface)

This method creates an AcousticImpedance object.

AcousticImpedanceProp(name, tableType, table)

This method creates an AcousticImpedanceProp object.

ActuatorSensor(name, createStepName, point, ...)

This method creates an ActuatorSensor object.

ActuatorSensorProp(name[, realProperties, ...])

This method creates an ActuatorSensorProp object.

CavityRadiation(name, createStepName, surfaces)

This method creates a CavityRadiation object.

CavityRadiationProp(name[, ...])

This method creates a CavityRadiationProp object.

ConcentratedFilmCondition(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a ConcentratedFilmCondition object.

ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object.

ContactExp(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ContactExp object.


This method creates a ContactProperty object.

ContactStd(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ContactStd object.

CyclicSymmetry(name, createStepName, main, ...)

This method creates a CyclicSymmetry object.

ElasticFoundation(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates an ElasticFoundation object.

ExpContactControl(name[, globTrkChoice, ...])

This method creates an ExpContactControl object.

ExpInitialization(name[, overclosureType, ...])

This method creates an ExpInitialization object.

FilmCondition(name, createStepName, surface, ...)

This method creates a FilmCondition object.

FilmConditionProp(name[, ...])

This method creates a FilmConditionProp object.

FluidCavity(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates an FluidCavity object.

FluidCavityProperty(name[, definition, ...])

This method creates a FluidCavityProperty object.

FluidExchange(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates an FluidExchange object.

FluidExchangeProperty(name, dataTable[, ...])

This method creates a FluidExchangeProperty object.

FluidInflator(name, createStepName, cavity, ...)

This method creates a FluidInflator object.

FluidInflatorProperty(name, definition, ...)

This method creates a FluidInflatorProperty object.

IncidentWave(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates an IncidentWave object.

IncidentWaveProperty(name[, definition, ...])

This method creates an IncidentWaveProperty object.

ModelChange(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ModelChange object.

PressurePenetration(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a PressurePenetration object.

RadiationToAmbient(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a RadiationToAmbient object.

SelfContactExp(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates a SelfContactExp object.

SelfContactStd(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates a SelfContactStd object.

StdContactControl(name[, ...])

This method creates an StdContactControl object.

StdInitialization(name[, overclosureType, ...])

This method creates a StdInitialization object.

StdStabilization(name[, zeroDistance, ...])

This method creates a StdStabilization object.

StdXplCosimulation(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a StdXplCosimulation object.

SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object.

SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object.

XFEMCrackGrowth(name, createStepName, crackName)

This method creates an XFEMCrackGrowth object.

contactDetection([name, createStepName, ...])

This method uses contact detection to create SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd, SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp, and Tie objects.


This method returns a list of all possible contacts that can be created using the ContactDetection method.

AcousticImpedance(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', interactionProperty: str = '', nonreflectingType: SymbolicConstantType = 'PLANE', radius: float = 1, semimajorAxis: float = 1, eccentricity: float = 0, centerCoordinates: tuple = (), directionCosine: tuple = ()) AcousticImpedance[source]#

This method creates an AcousticImpedance object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the AcousticImpedance object is created.


A Region object specifying the acoustic boundary surface.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of acoustic impedance to be defined. Possible values are TABULAR and NONREFLECTING. The default value is TABULAR.


A String specifying the AcousticImpedanceProp object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of nonreflecting geometry to be defined. Possible values are PLANE, IMPROVED, CIRCULAR, SPHERICAL, ELLIPTICAL, and PROLATE. The default value is PLANE.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING.


A Float specifying the radius of the circle or sphere defining the boundary surface. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=CIRCULAR or SPHERICAL.


A Float specifying the semimajor axis length of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.


A Float specifying the eccentricity of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is (0, 0, 0).This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z components of the direction cosine of the major axis of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is (0, 0, 1).This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.

An AcousticImpedance object.


This function can be accessed by:

AcousticImpedanceProp(name: str, tableType: SymbolicConstantType, table: tuple, frequencyDependency: BooleanType = 0) AcousticImpedanceProp[source]#

This method creates an AcousticImpedanceProp object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of tabular data to be defined. Possible values are IMPEDANCE and ADMITTANCE.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying acoustic impedance properties.If *tableType*=IMPEDANCE, each sequence of the table data specifies:The real part of the complex impedance.The imaginary part of the complex impedance.Frequency, if the data depend on frequency.If *tableType*=ADMITTANCE, each sequence of the table data specifies:The real part of the complex admittance.The imaginary part of the complex admittance.Frequency, if the data depend on frequency.


A Boolean specifying whether the table data depend on frequency. The default value is OFF.

An AcousticImpedanceProp object.


This function can be accessed by:

ActuatorSensor(name: str, createStepName: str, point: Region, interactionProperty: str, noCoordComponents: int, unsymm: BooleanType, noSolutionDepVar: int, userSubUel: str, dof: str, solutionDepVars: tuple) ActuatorSensor[source]#

This method creates an ActuatorSensor object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the actuator/sensor interaction is created. createStepName must be set to ‘Initial’.


A Region object specifying the point at which the constraint is applied.


A String specifying the ActuatorSensorProp object associated with this interaction.


An Int specifying the number of coordinate components supplied to the user subroutine (UEL).


A Boolean specifying whether the element matrices are symmetric (ON) or unsymmetric (OFF). The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of solution-dependent variables. The default value is 0.


A String specifying the name of the user subroutine (UEL) that defines the user element.


A String specifying the degrees of freedom, separated by commas.


A sequence of Floats specifying the initial values of the solution-dependent variables.

An ActuatorSensor object.


This function can be accessed by:

ActuatorSensorProp(name: str, realProperties: tuple = (), integerProperties: tuple = ()) ActuatorSensorProp[source]#

This method creates an ActuatorSensorProp object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A sequence of Floats specifying the PROPS array used by user subroutine UEL. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of Ints specifying the JPROPS array used by user subroutine UEL. The default value is an empty sequence.

An ActuatorSensorProp object.


This function can be accessed by:

CavityRadiation(name: str, createStepName: str, surfaces: ~abaqus.Region.RegionArray.RegionArray, surfaceEmissivities: tuple = (), ambientTemp: float | None = None, blocking: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'BLOCKING_ALL', blockingSurfaces: ~abaqus.Region.RegionArray.RegionArray | None = None, rangeOfView: float | None = None, surfaceReflection: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, viewfactorAccurTol: float = 0, minInfinitesimalRatio: float = 64, numPointsPerEdge: int = 3, minLumpedAreaDS: float = 5, cyclicSymmetry: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, cyclicImages: int = 2, cyclicRotPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, cyclicRotEndPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, cyclicSymPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, periodicSymmetries: int = 0, periodicImages_1: int = 2, periodicImages_2: int = 2, periodicImages_3: int = 2, periodicSymAxis_1: str = '', periodicSymAxis_2: str = '', periodicSymPlane_1: str = '', periodicSymPlane_2: str = '', periodicSymPlane_3: str = '', periodicDistance_1: tuple = (), periodicDistance_2: tuple = (), periodicDistance_3: tuple = (), periodicSymZ: float | None = None, periodicDistZ: float | None = None, reflectionSymmetries: int = 0, reflectionSymAxis_1: str = '', reflectionSymAxis_2: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_1: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_2: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_3: str = '', reflectionSymZ: float | None = None) CavityRadiation[source]#

This method creates a CavityRadiation object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the cavity radiation interaction should be created.


A RegionArray object specifying the surfaces for which radiation viewfactor control is being specified.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of the Cavity Radiation properties containing the surface emissivity data. One name per specified surface. The emissivity data is ignored when *surfaceReflection*=OFF.


None or a Float specifying the reference ambient temperature value, θ0θ0. Specifying a value indicates an open cavity. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the blocking checks to be performed in the viewfactor calculations. Possible values are BLOCKING_ALL, NO_BLOCKING, and PARTIAL_BLOCKING. The default value is BLOCKING_ALL.


A RegionArray object specifying the surfaces that provide blocking inside the cavity. This argument applies only when *blocking*=PARTIAL_BLOCKING.


None or a Float specifying the maximum distance between surface facets at which viewfactors are calculated. More distant facets are deemed too far apart to exchange significant amounts of heat through radiation effects, and the viewfactors between these facets are assumed to be zero. If *rangeOfView*=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether heat reflections are to be included in the cavity radiation calculations. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the acceptable tolerance for the viewfactor calculations. The default value is 0.05.


A Float specifying the facet area ratio above which the infinitesimal-to-finite area approximation is used for viewfactor calculations. The default value is 64.0.


An Int specifying the number of Gauss integration points to be used along each edge when the numerical integration of contour integrals is used for viewfactor calculations. One to five integration points are allowed. The default value is 3.


A Float specifying the nondimensional distance-square value above which the lumped area approximation is used for viewfactor calculations. The default value is 5.0.


A Boolean specifying whether cyclic symmetry will be applied. This argument cannot be specified for axisymmetric models. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of cyclically similar images that compose the cavity formed as a result of this symmetry. This argument applies only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON. The default value is 2.


A ModelDot object specifying the rotation axis point. This argument applies only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON.


A ModelDot object specifying the rotation axis end point. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON.


A ModelDot object specifying the symmetry axis end point. This argument applies only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON.


An Int specifying the number of periodic symmetries that will be applied. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the first periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_1. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero. The default value is 2.


An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the second periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_2. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than one. The default value is 2.


An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the third periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_3. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries = 3. The default value is 2.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the first line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for 2D models, and when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the second line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for two-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries = 2.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the first plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the second plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries is greater than one.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the third plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries = 3.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the first periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the second periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than one. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the third periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries = 3. The default value is an empty sequence.


None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the symmetry reference line in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when periodicSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the periodic distance in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when periodicSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the number of reflection symmetries will be applied. The default value is 0.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the first line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for two-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries is greater than zero.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the second line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for two-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 2.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the first plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries is greater than zero.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the second plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries is greater than one.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the third plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 3.


None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the symmetry reference line in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.

A CavityRadiation object.


This function can be accessed by:

CavityRadiationProp(name: str, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, property: tuple = ()) CavityRadiationProp[source]#

This method creates a CavityRadiationProp object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the following:The emissivity, ϵϵ.Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.Value of the second field variable.Etc.

A CavityRadiationProp object.


This function can be accessed by:

ConcentratedFilmCondition(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, definition: SymbolicConstantType, nodalArea: float = 1, explicitRegionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAGRANGIAN', interactionProperty: str = '', field: str = '', sinkTemperature: float = 0, sinkAmplitude: str = '', filmCoeff: float = 0, filmCoeffAmplitude: str = '', sinkFieldName: str = '', sinkDistributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM') ConcentratedFilmCondition[source]#

This method creates a ConcentratedFilmCondition object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the ConcentratedFilmCondition object is created.


A Region object specifying the region to which the concentrated film condition interaction is applied. The interaction is applied to each node in the region.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the concentrated film condition is defined. Possible values are EMBEDDED_COEFF, PROPERTY_REF, USER_SUB, and FIELD.


A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated film condition is applied. The default value is 1.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the concentrated film condition is applied to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. Possible values are LAGRANGIAN, SLIDING, and EULERIAN. The default value is LAGRANGIAN. This argument applies only during an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


A String specifying the name of the FilmConditionProp object associated with this interaction. The interactionProperty argument applies only when *definition*=PROPERTY_REF. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *definition*=FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A Float specifying the reference sink temperature, θ0θ0. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the sink temperature, θ0θ0, with time. The default value is an empty string.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied throughout the step.


A Float specifying the reference film coefficient value, hh. The filmCoeff argument applies when *definition*=EMBEDDED_COEFF, *definition*=USER_SUB, or *definition*=FIELD. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the film coefficient, hh, with time. The default value is an empty string.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied throughout the step.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with the sink temperature. The sinkFieldName argument applies only when *sinkDistributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD or *sinkDistributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the sink temperature is distributed. Possible values are UNIFORM, ANALYTICAL_FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

A ConcentratedFilmCondition object.


This function can be accessed by:

ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, ambientTemperature: float, ambientTemperatureAmp: str, emissivity: float, nodalArea: float = 1, explicitRegionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAGRANGIAN', field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM') ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient[source]#

This method creates a ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object is created.


A Region object specifying the region to which the concentrated radiation interaction is applied. The interaction is applied to each node in the region.


A Float specifying the reference ambient temperature, θ0θ0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the ambient temperature with time.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference ambient temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference ambient temperature is applied throughout the step.


A Float specifying the emissivity, ϵϵ.


A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated radiation interaction is applied. The default value is 1.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the concentrated radiation is applied to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. Possible values are LAGRANGIAN, SLIDING, and EULERIAN. The default value is LAGRANGIAN.Note:explicitRegionType applies only during an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the radiation is defined. Possible values are UNIFORM and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

A ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object.


This function can be accessed by:

ContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, useAllstar: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, globalSmoothing: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, includedPairs: ~abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs = <abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs object>, excludedPairs: ~abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs = <abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs object>, contactPropertyAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.ContactPropertyAssignment.ContactPropertyAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.ContactPropertyAssignment.ContactPropertyAssignment object>, surfaceThicknessAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceThicknessAssignment.SurfaceThicknessAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceThicknessAssignment.SurfaceThicknessAssignment object>, surfaceOffsetAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceOffsetAssignment.SurfaceOffsetAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceOffsetAssignment.SurfaceOffsetAssignment object>, surfaceFeatureAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceFeatureAssignment.SurfaceFeatureAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceFeatureAssignment.SurfaceFeatureAssignment object>, smoothingAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SmoothingAssignment.SmoothingAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SmoothingAssignment.SmoothingAssignment object>, surfaceCrushTriggerAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment.SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment.SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment object>, surfaceFrictionAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceFrictionAssignment.SurfaceFrictionAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceFrictionAssignment.SurfaceFrictionAssignment object>, mainSecondaryAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.MainSecondaryAssignment.MainSecondaryAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.MainSecondaryAssignment.MainSecondaryAssignment object>, polarityAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.PolarityAssignments.PolarityAssignments = <abaqus.Interaction.PolarityAssignments.PolarityAssignments object>) ContactExp[source]#

This method creates a ContactExp object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which this contact interaction is created.


A Boolean specifying whether the contacting surface pair consists of all exterior faces, shell edges, beam segments, analytical rigid surfaces, and, when applicable, Eulerian material surfaces.


A Boolean specifying whether surface smoothing (geometric correction) is automatically applied to all eligible surfaces. The default value is ON.


A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs included in contact.


A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs excluded from contact.


A ContactPropertyAssignment object specifying the contact property assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceThicknessAssignment object specifying the surface thickness assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceOffsetAssignment object specifying the surface offset fraction assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceFeatureAssignment object specifying the surface feature angle assignments in the contact domain.


A SmoothingAssignment object specifying the surface smoothing assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment object specifying the surface crush trigger assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceFrictionAssignment object specifying the surface friction assignments in the contact domain.


A MasterSlaveAssignment object specifying the master-slave assignments in the contact domain.


A PolarityAssignments object specifying the polarity assignments in the contact domain.

A ContactExp object.


This function can be accessed by:

ContactProperty(name: str) ContactProperty[source]#

This method creates a ContactProperty object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.

A ContactProperty object.


This function can be accessed by:

ContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, useAllstar: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, globalSmoothing: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, includedPairs: ~abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs = <abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs object>, excludedPairs: ~abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs = <abaqus.Interaction.RegionPairs.RegionPairs object>, contactPropertyAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.ContactPropertyAssignment.ContactPropertyAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.ContactPropertyAssignment.ContactPropertyAssignment object>, surfaceThicknessAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceThicknessAssignment.SurfaceThicknessAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceThicknessAssignment.SurfaceThicknessAssignment object>, surfaceOffsetAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceOffsetAssignment.SurfaceOffsetAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceOffsetAssignment.SurfaceOffsetAssignment object>, surfaceFeatureAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceFeatureAssignment.SurfaceFeatureAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceFeatureAssignment.SurfaceFeatureAssignment object>, surfaceBeamSmoothingAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment.SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment.SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment object>, surfaceVertexCriteriaAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment.SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment.SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment object>, mainSecondaryAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.MainSecondaryAssignment.MainSecondaryAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.MainSecondaryAssignment.MainSecondaryAssignment object>, initializationAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.InitializationAssignment.InitializationAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.InitializationAssignment.InitializationAssignment object>, stabilizationAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.StabilizationAssignment.StabilizationAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.StabilizationAssignment.StabilizationAssignment object>, smoothingAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SmoothingAssignment.SmoothingAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SmoothingAssignment.SmoothingAssignment object>, slidingTransitionAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SlidingTransitionAssignment.SlidingTransitionAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SlidingTransitionAssignment.SlidingTransitionAssignment object>, slidingFormulationAssignments: ~abaqus.Interaction.SlidingFormulationAssignment.SlidingFormulationAssignment = <abaqus.Interaction.SlidingFormulationAssignment.SlidingFormulationAssignment object>) ContactStd[source]#

This method creates a ContactStd object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which this contact interaction is created.


A Boolean specifying whether the contacting surface pairs consist of all exterior faces in the model.


A Boolean specifying whether surface smoothing (geometric correction) is automatically applied to all eligible surfaces. The default value is ON.


A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs included in contact.


A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs excluded from contact.


A ContactPropertyAssignment object specifying the contact property assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceThicknessAssignment object specifying the surface thickness assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceOffsetAssignment object specifying the surface offset fraction assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceFeatureAssignment object specifying the surface feature angle assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment object specifying the surface beam smoothing assignments in the contact domain.


A SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment object specifying the surface vertex criteria assignments in the contact domain.


A MasterSlaveAssignment object specifying the master-slave assignments in the contact domain.


An InitializationAssignment object specifying the contact initialization assignments in the contact domain.


A StabilizationAssignment object specifying the contact stabilization assignments in the contact domain.


A SmoothingAssignment object specifying the surface smoothing assignments in the contact domain.


A SlidingTransitionAssignments object specifying the sliding transition assignments in the contact domain.


A SlidingFormulationAssignment object specifying the sliding formulation assignments in the contact domain.

A ContactStd object.


This function can be accessed by:

CyclicSymmetry(name: str, createStepName: str, main: Region, secondary: Region, repetitiveSectors: int, axisPoint1: Region, axisPoint2: Region, extractedNodalDiameter: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER', lowestNodalDiameter: int = 0, highestNodalDiameter: int = 0, excitationNodalDiameter: int = 0, adjustTie: BooleanType = 1, positionTolerance: float = 0, positionToleranceMethod: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED_TOLERANCE') CyclicSymmetry[source]#

This method creates a CyclicSymmetry object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the cyclic symmetry interaction should be created.


A Region object specifying the master surface.


A Region object specifying the slave surface.


An Int specifying the total number of sectors in the cyclic symmetric model.


A Region object specifying the first point of the axis of symmetry. The region should contain exactly one mesh node, vertex, interesting point, reference point, or datum point. In a two-dimensional model axisPoint1 is the only point used to define the axis of symmetry.


A Region object specifying the second point of the axis of symmetry. The region should contain exactly one mesh node, vertex, interesting point, reference point, or datum point. This point is ignored in a two-dimensional model.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether Abaqus should extract all possible nodal diameters or the nodal diameters between the user-specified values for lowestNodalDiameter and highestNodalDiameter. Possible values are ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER and SPECIFIED_NODAL_DIAMETER. The default value is ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER.


An Int specifying the lowest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the highest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. This argument value should be less than or equal to the half of the total number of sectors (as specified in the repetitiveSectors parameter). The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the nodal diameter for which the modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis will be performed. This value should be greater than or equal to the lowest nodal diameter (specified in the lowestNodalDiameter parameter), and less than or equal to the highest nodal diameter (specified in the highestNodalDiameter parameter). The default value is 0.


A Boolean specifying whether or not to adjust the slave surface of the cyclic symmetry to tie it to the master surface. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the position tolerance. The*positionTolerance* argument applies only when *positionToleranceMethod*=SPECIFY_TOLERANCE. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to determine the position tolerance. Possible values are COMPUTED_TOLERANCE and SPECIFY_TOLERANCE. The default value is COMPUTED_TOLERANCE.

A CyclicSymmetry object.


This function can be accessed by:

ElasticFoundation(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, stiffness: float) ElasticFoundation[source]#

This method creates an ElasticFoundation object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the ElasticFoundation object is created. createStepName must be set to ‘Initial’.


A Region object specifying the surface to which the foundation applies.


A Float specifying the foundation stiffness per area (or per length for beams).

An ElasticFoundation object.


This function can be accessed by:

ExpContactControl(name: str, globTrkChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', globTrkInc: int | None = None, fastLocalTrk: BooleanType = 1, scalePenalty: float = 1, warpCheckPeriod: int = 20, warpCutoff: float = 20) ExpContactControl[source]#

This method creates an ExpContactControl object.


A String specifying the contact controls repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether or not the default value will be used for the maximum number of increments between global contact searches. Possible values are DEFAULT and SPECIFY. The default value is DEFAULT.


An Int specifying the maximum number of increments between global contact searches. The globTrkInc argument applies only when *globTrkChoice*=SPECIFY. The default value is 100 for surface-to-surface contact and 4 for self-contact.


A Boolean specifying whether to use the more computationally efficient local tracking method. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the factor by which Abaqus/Explicit will scale the default penalty stiffness to obtain the stiffnesses used for the penalty contact pairs. The default value is 1.0.


An Int specifying the number of increments between checks for highly warped facets on msater surfaces. The default value is 20.


A Float specifying the out-of-plane warping angle (in degrees), at which a facet will be considered to be highly warped. The default value is 20.0.

An ExpContactControl object.


This function can be accessed by:

ExpInitialization(name: str, overclosureType: SymbolicConstantType = 'ADJUST', interferenceDistance: float | None = None, clearanceDistance: float | None = None, openingTolerance: float | None = None, overclosureTolerance: float | None = None, adjustNodalCoords: BooleanType = True, secondaryNodesetName: str | None = None, stepFraction: float = 1) ExpInitialization[source]#

This method creates an ExpInitialization object.


A String specifying the contact initialization repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of overclosure to be defined. Possible values are ADJUST, INTERFERENCE, and CLEARANCE. The default value is ADJUST.


None or a Float specifying the interference distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the initial clearance distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=CLEARANCE and must be specified in that case. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial openings will undergo strain-free adjustments. This argument is not valid when overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE unless a value has been specified for *interferenceDistance. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial overclosures will undergo strain-free adjustments. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether to resolve clearances/overclosures by adjusting the nodal coordinates without creating strain in the model. *adjustNodalCoords*=True can be used only for clearances/overclosures defined in the first step of an analysis. The default value is True.


A String specifying the name of the node set containing the slave nodes to be included in the initial clearance specification. This argument is not valid when overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE and if *openingTolerance or overclosureTolerance is specified. The default value is None.


A Float specifying the fraction of the step time (between 0.0 and 1.0) in which the interference fit has to be solved. The default value is 1.0. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE.

An ExpInitialization object.


This function can be accessed by:

FilmCondition(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, definition: SymbolicConstantType, interactionProperty: str = '', sinkTemperature: float = 0, sinkAmplitude: str = '', filmCoeff: float = 0, filmCoeffAmplitude: str = '', field: str = '', sinkFieldName: str = '', sinkDistributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM') FilmCondition[source]#

This method creates a FilmCondition object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the FilmCondition object is created.


A Region object specifying the name of the surface to which the film condition interaction is applied.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the film condition is defined. Possible values are EMBEDDED_COEFF, PROPERTY_REF, USER_SUB, and FIELD.


A String specifying the name of the FilmConditionProp object associated with this interaction. The interactionProperty argument applies only when *definition*=PROPERTY_REF. The default value is an empty string.


A Float specifying the reference sink temperature, θ0θ0. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the sink temperature, θ0θ0, with time. The default value is an empty string.Note:Use empty string in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use empty string in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied throughout the step.


A Float specifying the reference film coefficient value, hh. The filmCoeff argument applies when *definition*=EMBEDDED_COEFF, *definition*=USER_SUB, or *definition*=FIELD. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the film coefficient, hh, with time. The default value is an empty string. Note: Use empty string in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use empty string in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied throughout the step.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *definition*=FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with the sink temperature. The sinkFieldName argument applies only when *sinkDistributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD or *sinkDistributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the sink temperature is distributed. Possible values are UNIFORM, ANALYTICAL_FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

A FilmCondition object.


This function can be accessed by:

FilmConditionProp(name: str, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, property: tuple = ()) FilmConditionProp[source]#

This method creates a FilmConditionProp object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the following: - The film coefficient, hh. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.

A FilmConditionProp object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidCavity(name: str, createStepName: str, cavityPoint: Region, cavitySurface: Region, interactionProperty: str, ambientPressure: float = 0, thickness: float = 1, useAdiabatic: BooleanType = 0, checkNormals: BooleanType = 1) FluidCavity[source]#

This method creates an FluidCavity object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the FluidCavity object is created.


A Region object specifying the fluid cavity reference point.


A Region object specifying the surface forming the boundary of the fluid cavity.


A String specifying the FluidCavityProperty object associated with this interaction.


A Float specifying the magnitude of the ambient pressure. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying the out-of-plane thickness of the surface for two-dimensional models. This argument is valid only when using two-dimensional models. The default value is 1.0.


A Boolean specifying whether adiabatic behavior is assumed for the ideal gas. This argument is valid only when interactionProperty specifies a pneumatic definition. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the analysis will check the consistency of the surface normals. The default value is ON.

A FluidCavity object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidCavityProperty(name: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'HYDRAULIC', fluidDensity: float | None = None, molecularWeight: float | None = None, useExpansion: BooleanType = 0, expansionTempDep: BooleanType = 0, expansionDependencies: int = 0, referenceTemperature: float = 0, expansionTable: tuple = (), useBulkModulus: BooleanType = 0, bulkModulusTempDep: BooleanType = 0, bulkModulusDependencies: int = 0, bulkModulusTable: tuple = (), useCapacity: BooleanType = 0, capacityType: SymbolicConstantType = 'POLYNOMIAL', capacityTempDep: BooleanType = 0, capacityDependencies: int = 0, capacityTable: tuple = ()) FluidCavityProperty[source]#

This method creates a FluidCavityProperty object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of fluid cavity property to be defined. Possible values are HYDRAULIC and PNEUMATIC. The default value is HYDRAULIC.


None or a Float specifying the reference fluid density. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC, and is required in that case. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the molecular weight of the ideal gas species. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, and is required in that case. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether thermal expansion coefficients will be defined. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the thermal fluid expansion data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useExpansion*=True. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the thermal fluid expansion data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useExpansion*=True. The default value is 0.


A Float specifying the reference temperature for the coefficient of thermal expansion. This argument is applicable only when definition*=HYDRAULIC, when *useExpansion*=True, and when either *expansionTempDep*=True or when *expansionDependencies is greater than 0. The default value is 0.0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the thermal expansion coefficients. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useExpansion*=True. Each sequence contains the following data: - The mean coefficient of thermal expansion. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.


A Boolean specifying whether fluid bulk modulus values will be defined. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the fluid bulk modulus data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useBulkModulus*=True. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the fluid bulk modulus data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useBulkModulus*=True. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the fluid bulk modulus values. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useBulkModulus*=True. Each sequence contains the following data: - The fluid bulk modulus. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.


A Boolean specifying whether molar heat capacity values will be defined. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method to define the molar heat capacity. Possible values are POLYNOMIAL and TABULAR. The default value is POLYNOMIAL.


A Boolean specifying whether the molar heat capacity data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=TABULAR. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the molar heat capacity data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=TABULAR. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the molar heat capacity values in the form of a polynomial expression. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=POLYNOMIAL. In this form, only one sequence is specified and that sequence contains the following data: - The first molar heat capacity coefficient. - The second molar heat capacity coefficient. - The third molar heat capacity coefficient. - The fourth molar heat capacity coefficient. - The fifth molar heat capacity coefficient. Alternatively, the sequence data may specify the molar heat capacity values at constant pressure for an ideal gas species. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=TABULAR. Each sequence contains the following data: - The molar heat capacity at constant pressure. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.

A FluidCavityProperty object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidExchange(name: str, createStepName: str, firstCavity: str, interactionProperty: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TO_ENVIRONMENT', secondCavity: str = '', exchangeArea: float = 1) FluidExchange[source]#

This method creates an FluidExchange object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the FluidExchange object is created.


A String specifying the first FluidCavity object associated with this interaction. This will be the only cavity specified if *definition*=TO_ENVIRONMENT.


A String specifying the FluidExchangeProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of fluid exchange to be defined. Possible values are TO_ENVIRONMENT and BETWEEN_CAVITIES. The default value is TO_ENVIRONMENT.


A String specifying the second FluidCavity object associated with this interaction. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BETWEEN_CAVITIES.


A Float specifying the effective exchange area. The default value is 1.0.

A FluidExchange object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidExchangeProperty(name: str, dataTable: tuple, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'BULK_VISCOSITY', pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, fieldDependencies: int = 0) FluidExchangeProperty[source]#

This method creates a FluidExchangeProperty object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the viscous and hydrodynamic resistance coefficients when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY. Each sequence contains the following data: - The viscous resistance coefficient. - The hydrodynamic resistance coefficient. - The average absolute pressure, if the data depend on pressure. - The average temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - The value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - The value of the second field variable. - Etc. Alternatively, the sequence data may specify the mass flow rate. This is applicable only when *definition*=MASS_FLUX. In this form, only one sequence is specified and that sequence contains the following data: - The mass flow rate per unit area. Alternatively, the sequence data may specify the mass rate leakage. This is applicable only when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK. Each sequence contains the following data: - The absolute value of the mass flow rate per unit area. (The first tabular value entered must always be zero.) - The absolute value of the pressure difference. (The first tabular value entered must always be zero.) - The average absolute pressure, if the data depend on pressure. - The average temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - The value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - The value of the second field variable. - Etc. Alternatively, the sequence data may specify the volume flow rate. This is applicable only when *definition*=VOL_FLUX. In this form, only one sequence is specified and that sequence contains the following data: - The volumetric flow rate per unit area. Alternatively, the sequence data may specify the volume rate leakage. This is applicable only when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. Each sequence contains the following data: - The absolute value of the volumetric flow rate per unit area. (The first tabular value entered must always be zero.) - The absolute value of the pressure difference. (The first tabular value entered must always be zero.) - The average absolute pressure, if the data depend on pressure. - The average temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - The value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - The value of the second field variable. - Etc.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of fluid exchange property to be defined. Possible values are BULK_VISCOSITY, MASS_FLUX, MASS_RATE_LEAK, VOL_FLUX, and VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is BULK_VISCOSITY.


A Boolean specifying whether the data will have pressure dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY, or when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK, or when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY, or when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK, or when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY, or when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK, or when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is 0.

A FluidExchangeProperty object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidInflator(name: str, createStepName: str, cavity: str, interactionProperty: str, inflationTimeAmplitude: str = '', massFlowAmplitude: str = '') FluidInflator[source]#

This method creates a FluidInflator object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the FluidInflator object is created.


A String specifying the first FluidCavity object associated with this interaction.


A String specifying the FluidInflatorProperty object associated with this interaction.


A string specifying the name of the amplitude curve defining a mapping between the inflation time and the actual time.


A string specifying the name of the amplitude curve by which to modify the mass flow rate.

A FluidInflator object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidInflatorProperty(name: str, definition: str, effectiveArea: float, tankVolume: float, dischargeCoefficient: float | None = None, dataTable: tuple = (), numFluids: int | None = None, mixtureType: str = '', inflationTime: tuple = (), fluidbehaviorName: tuple = (), massFraction: tuple = ()) FluidInflatorProperty[source]#

This method creates a FluidInflatorProperty object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A Symbolic constant specifying the method used for modeling the flow characteristics of inflators. The default value is *definition*=DUAL PRESSURE. The possible values are DUAL PRESSURE, PRESSURE AND MASS, TANK TEST, and TEMPERATURE AND MASS.


A Float specifying the total inflator orifice area. This argument is applicable only if *definition*=DUAL PRESSURE or *definition*=PRESSURE AND MASS.


A Float specifying the tank volume. This argument is applicable only if *definition*=DUAL PRESSURE or *definition*=TANK TEST.


A Float specifying the discharge coefficient. This argument is applicable only if *definition*=DUAL PRESSURE or *definition*=PRESSURE AND MASS.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the items described in the “Table data” section below.


An Int specifying the number of gas species used for this inflator.


A Symbolic constant specifying whether to use mass fraction or the molar fraction for a mixture of ideal gases. The default value is MASS FRACTION. The possible values are MASS FRACTION or MOLAR FRACTION.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the inflation time.


A sequence of sequences of Strings specifying fluid behavior names.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the mass fraction or the molar fraction corresponding to entered fluid behavior.

A FluidInflatorProperty object.


This function can be accessed by:

IncidentWave(name: str, createStepName: str, sourcePoint: Region, standoffPoint: Region, surface: Region, interactionProperty: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'PRESSURE', amplitude: str = '', imaginaryAmplitude: str = '', surfaceNormal: tuple = (), initialDepth: float | None = None, referenceMagnitude: float | None = None, detonationTime: float | None = None, magnitudeFactor: float = 1) IncidentWave[source]#

This method creates an IncidentWave object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the IncidentWave object is created.


A Region object specifying the incident wave source point.


A Region object specifying the incident wave standoff point.This argument is not valid when *definition*=CONWEP.


A Region object specifying the surface defining the incident wave interaction. In problems involving fluid/surface boundaries, both the fluid surface and the solid surface comprising the boundary must have an incident wave interaction specified.


A String specifying the IncidentWaveProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave to be defined. The value must be PRESSURE for linear perturbation steps. An Explicit step is required when the value is set to CONWEP. Possible values are PRESSURE, ACCELERATION, UNDEX, and CONWEP. The default value is PRESSURE.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines the fluid pressure time history at the standoff point, if *definition*=PRESSURE. If *definition*=ACCELERATION, then this string specifies the name of the Amplitude object that defines the fluid particle acceleration time history at the standoff point. This member can be specified only if *definition*=PRESSURE or ACCELERATION. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines the imaginary component of the fluid pressure time history at the standoff point. This member is applicable only for linear perturbation steps and if *definition*=PRESSURE. The default value is an empty string.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z components of the direction cosine of the fluid surface normal.This argument is valid only when *definition*=UNDEX.


None or a Float specifying the initial depth of the UNDEX bubble. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=UNDEX.


A Float specifying the reference magnitude.This argument is not valid when *definition*=CONWEP.


A Float specifying the time of detonation, given in total time.This argument is valid only when *definition*=CONWEP.


A Float specifying the magnitude scale factor. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=CONWEP.

An IncidentWave object.


This function can be accessed by:

IncidentWaveProperty(name: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'PLANAR', propagationModel: SymbolicConstantType = 'ACOUSTIC', soundSpeed: float | None = None, fluidDensity: float | None = None, specificHeatRatio: float | None = None, gravity: float | None = None, atmosphericPressure: float | None = None, dragCoefficient: float | None = None, dragExponent: float = 2, waveEffects: BooleanType = 1, chargeDensity: float | None = None, chargeMass: float | None = None, constantK1: float | None = None, constantK2: float | None = None, constantA: float | None = None, constantB: float | None = None, constantKc: float | None = None, duration: float | None = None, maximumSteps: int = 1500, relativeStepControl: float | None = None, absoluteStepControl: float | None = None, stepControlExponent: float = 0, genDecayA: float = 0, genDecayB: float = 0, genDecayC: float = 0, seedNumber: int | None = None, massTNT: float | None = None, massFactor: float = 1, lengthFactor: float = 1, timeFactor: float = 1, pressureFactor: float = 1) IncidentWaveProperty[source]#

This method creates an IncidentWaveProperty object.


A String specifying the interaction property repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of wave to be defined. Possible values are PLANAR, SPHERICAL, DIFFUSE, AIR_BLAST, and SURFACE_BLAST. The default value is PLANAR.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the spherical propagation model. Possible values are ACOUSTIC, UNDEX_CHARGE, and GENERALIZED_DECAY. The default value is ACOUSTIC.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL.


A Float specifying the speed of sound in the fluid.This argument is not valid when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or when *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the fluid mass density.This argument is not valid when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or when *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


None or a Float specifying the ratio of specific heats for gas. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the acceleration due to gravity. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the atmospheric pressure. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the fluid drag coefficient. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the fluid drag exponent. The default value is 2.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Boolean specifying whether or not to include wave effects in the fluid and gas. The default value is ON.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the density of the charge material. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the mass of the charge material. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant K. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant k. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant A. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant B. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant Kc. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the time duration for the bubble simulation. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


An Int specifying the maximum number of time steps for the bubble simulation. The default value is 1500.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the relative step size control parameter. The default value is 1×10–11.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the absolute step size control parameter. The default value is 1×10–11.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the step size control exponent. The default value is 0.2.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the constant A associated with the generalized decay propagation model. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=GENERALIZED_DECAY.


A Float specifying the constant B associated with the generalized decay propagation model. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=GENERALIZED_DECAY.


A Float specifying the constant C associated with the generalized decay propagation model. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=GENERALIZED_DECAY.


An Int specifying the seed number (N) for the diffuse source calculation. N2 sources will be used in the simulation.This argument is valid only when *definition*=DIFFUSE.


A Float specifying the equivalent mass of TNT, in any preferred mass unit.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the preferred mass unit to kilograms. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the analysis length unit to meters. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the analysis time unit to seconds. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the analysis pressure unit to pascals. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.

An IncidentWaveProperty object.


This function can be accessed by:

ModelChange(name: str, createStepName: str, isRestart: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, regionType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'GEOMETRY', region: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, activeInStep: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, includeStrain: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0) ModelChange[source]#

This method creates a ModelChange object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the ModelChange object is created.


A Boolean specifying whether this interaction is being used solely to indicate that model change may be required in a subsequent restart analysis (either for elements or contact pairs). The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the region selection type. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False. Possible values are GEOMETRY, SKINS, STRINGERS, and ELEMENTS. The default value is GEOMETRY.


A Region object specifying the elements to be removed or reactivated. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False.


A Boolean specifying whether elements are being removed or reactivated. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether stress/displacement elements are reactivated with strain. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False and when *activeInStep*=True. The default value is OFF.

A ModelChange object.


This function can be accessed by:

PressurePenetration(name: str, createStepName: str, contactInteraction: str, mainPoints: RegionArray, secondaryPoints: RegionArray, penetrationPressure: float, criticalPressure: float, amplitude: str = 'UNSET', penetrationTime: float = 0) PressurePenetration[source]#

This method creates a PressurePenetration object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the PressurePenetration object is created.


A String specifying the name of the Surface-to-surface contact (Standard) interaction.


A RegionArray object specifying the points on the master surface that are exposed to the fluid.


A RegionArray object specifying the points on the slave surface that are exposed to the fluid.


A tuple of Floats specifying the fluid pressure magnitude. For steady state dynamic analyses, a tuple of Complexes specifying the fluid pressure magnitude.


A tuple of Floats specifying the critical contact pressure below which fluid penetration starts to occur.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the load has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.


A Float specifying the fraction of the current step time over which the fluid pressure on newly penetrated contact surface segments is ramped up to the current magnitude. The default value is 0.001.

A PressurePenetration object.


This function can be accessed by:

RadiationToAmbient(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, emissivity: float, field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', radiationType: SymbolicConstantType = 'AMBIENT', ambientTemperature: float = 0, ambientTemperatureAmp: str = '') RadiationToAmbient[source]#

This method creates a RadiationToAmbient object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the RadiationToAmbient object is created.


A Region object specifying the surface to which the radiation interaction is applied.


A Float specifying the emissivity, ϵϵ.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the radiation is distributed. This argument applies only when *radiationType*=AMBIENT. Possible values are UNIFORM and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use the default surface radiation behavior, or the cavity radiation approximation. Possible values are AMBIENT and CAVITY. The default value is AMBIENT.


A Float specifying the reference ambient temperature, θ0θ0. This argument applies only when *radiationType*=AMBIENT. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the ambient temperature with time.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference ambient temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference ambient temperature is applied throughout the step. This argument applies only when *radiationType*=AMBIENT.

A RadiationToAmbient object.


This function can be accessed by:

SelfContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, interactionProperty: str, mechanicalConstraint: SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC', contactControls: str = '') SelfContactExp[source]#

This method creates a SelfContactExp object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the SelfContactExp object is created.


A Region object specifying the surface where self-contact is defined.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mechanical constraint formulation. Possible values are KINEMATIC and PENALTY. The default value is KINEMATIC.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.

A SelfContactExp object.


This function can be accessed by:

SelfContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, interactionProperty: str, enforcement: SymbolicConstantType = 'SURFACE_TO_SURFACE', thickness: BooleanType = 1, smooth: float = 0, contactControls: str = '') SelfContactStd[source]#

This method creates a SelfContactStd object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the SelfContactStd object is created.


A Region object specifying the surface where self-contact is defined.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the discretization method. Possible values are NODE_TO_SURFACE and SURFACE_TO_SURFACE. The default value is SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


A Boolean specifying whether shell/membrane element thickness is considered. The default value is ON.This argument in valid only when *enforcement*=SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


A Float specifying the degree of smoothing used for deformable or rigid main surfaces involved when *enforcement*=NODE_TO_SURFACE. The value given must lie between 0.0 and 0.5. The default value is 0.2.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.

A SelfContactStd object.


This function can be accessed by:

StdContactControl(name: str, stiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, penetrationTolChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'RELATIVE', relativePenetrationTolerance: float | None = None, absolutePenetrationTolerance: float | None = None, frictionOnset: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, automaticTolerances: BooleanType = 0, maxchp: int = 0, perrmx: float = 0, uerrmx: float = 0, stabilizeChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', dampFactor: float = 1, dampCoef: float = 0, tangFraction: float = 1, eosFraction: float = 0, zeroDampingChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTE', zeroDamping: float | None = None, enforceWithLagrangeMultipliers: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT') StdContactControl[source]#

This method creates an StdContactControl object.


A String specifying the contact controls repository key.


A Float specifying the factor by which Abaqus/Standard will scale the default penalty stiffness to obtain the stiffnesses used for the contact pairs. Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. The default value is 1.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the allowable penetration is an absolute value or a value relative to the characteristic contact surface face dimension. Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. Possible values are RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE. The default value is RELATIVE.


A Float specifying the ratio of the allowable penetration to the characteristic contact surface face dimension. The float values represent percentages (e.g.: 0.001=0.1%). Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. The default value is 10–3.The relativePenetrationTolerance argument applies only when penetrationTolChoice*=RELATIVE. The *relativePenetrationTolerance and absolutePenetrationTolerance arguments are mutually exclusive.


None or a Float specifying the allowable penetration. Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. The absolutePenetrationTolerance argument applies only when penetrationTolChoice*=ABSOLUTE. The *relativePenetrationTolerance and absolutePenetrationTolerance arguments are mutually exclusive. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying when the application of friction occurs. Possible values are: - IMMEDIATE, specifying the friction is included in the increment when contact occurs. - DELAYED, specifying the application of friction is delayed until the increment after contact occurs.


A Boolean specifying whether Abaqus/Standard should automatically compute an overclosure tolerance and a separation tolerance to prevent chattering in contact. The default value is OFF.The automaticTolerances argument cannot be used with the maxchp, perrmx, and uerrmx arguments.


An Int specifying the maximum number of points that are permitted to violate contact conditions in any increment. The default value is 0.Either the perrmx or the uerrmx argument must be specified in conjunction with the maxchp argument.


A Float specifying the maximum value of tensile stress (tensile force in GAP- or ITT-type contact elements) allowed to be transmitted at a contact point. The default value is 0.0.The perrmx argument must be specified in conjunction with the maxchp argument.


A Float specifying the maximum overclosure distance allowed at a slave node that is considered to be open. The default value is 0.0.The uerrmx argument must be specified in conjunction with the maxchp argument.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether or not viscous damping will be specified, and if so, how it will be specified. Possible values are NONE, AUTOMATIC, and COEFFICIENT. The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the value of the damping factor. This value is multiplied by the calculated damping coefficient. The default value is 1.0.This argument is only valid when *stabilizeChoice*=AUTOMATIC.


A Float specifying the damping coefficient. The default value is 0.0.This argument is only valid when *stabilizeChoice*=COEFFICIENT.


A Float specifying the tangential stabilization as a fraction of the normal stabilization (damping). The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only if stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT.


A Float specifying the fraction of the damping that remains at the end of the step. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only if stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the zero-damping clearance will be specified. Possible values are COMPUTE and SPECIFY. The default value is COMPUTE.This argument is valid only if stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT.


None or a Float specifying the clearance at which damping becomes zero. This argument is valid only when zeroDampingChoice*=SPECIFY. This argument is valid only if *stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to enforce the contact constraints with Lagrange multipliers. Possible values are DEFAULT, ENFORCEMENT_OFF, and ENFORCEMENT_ON. The default value is DEFAULT.

A StdContactControl object.


This function can be accessed by:

StdInitialization(name: str, overclosureType: SymbolicConstantType = 'ADJUST', interferenceDistance: float | None = None, clearanceDistance: float | None = None, openingTolerance: float | None = None, overclosureTolerance: float | None = None) StdInitialization[source]#

This method creates a StdInitialization object.


A String specifying the contact initialization repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of overclosure to be defined. Possible values are ADJUST, INTERFERENCE, and CLEARANCE. The default value is ADJUST.


None or a Float specifying the interference distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the initial clearance distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=CLEARANCE, and must be specified in that case. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial openings will undergo strain-free adjustments. This argument is not valid when overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE unless a value has been specified for *interferenceDistance. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial overclosures will undergo strain-free adjustments.. The default value is None.

A StdInitialization object.


This function can be accessed by:

StdStabilization(name: str, zeroDistance: float | None = None, reductionFactor: float = 0, scaleFactor: float = 1, tangentialFactor: float = 0, amplitude: str = '', reset: BooleanType = 0) StdStabilization[source]#

This method creates a StdStabilization object.


A String specifying the contact stabilization repository key.


None or a Float specifying the clearance distance at which the stabilization becomes zero. The default value is None.


A Float specifying the factor by which the analysis will reduce the contact stabilization coefficient per increment. The default value is 0.1.


A Float specifying the factor by which the analysis will scale the contact stabilization coefficient. The default value is 1.0.


A Float specifying the factor that scales the contact stabilization coefficient in the tangential direction. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines a time-dependent scale factor for contact stabilization over the step. The default value is an empty string.


A Boolean specifying whether to cancel carryover effects from contact stabilization specifications involving nondefault amplitudes that appeared in previous steps. The default value is OFF.

A StdStabilization object.


This function can be accessed by:

StdXplCosimulation(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, incrementation: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALLOW_SUBCYCLING', stepSize: float = 0, stepSizeDefinition: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT') StdXplCosimulation[source]#

This method creates a StdXplCosimulation object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the StdXplCosimulation object is created.


A Region object specifying the import and export region upon which the co-simulation exchanges data with the coupled analysis program.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the analysis programs use the same time increments or one is allowed to use more time increments than the other before exchanging data. Possible values are ALLOW_SUBCYCLING and LOCKSTEP. The default value is ALLOW_SUBCYCLING.


A Float specifying the size of the increments to be used by Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the increment size is the analysis default or a supplied variable. Possible values are DEFAULT and SPECIFIED. The default value is DEFAULT.

A StdXplCosimulation object.


This function can be accessed by:

SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, main: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, secondary: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, sliding: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType, interactionProperty: str, mechanicalConstraint: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC', weightingFactorType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', weightingFactor: float = 0, contactControls: str = '', initialClearance: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'OMIT', halfThreadAngle: str | None = None, pitch: str | None = None, majorBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', meanBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', datumAxis: ~abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis = <abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis object>, useReverseDatumAxis: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, clearanceRegion: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>) SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp[source]#

This method creates a SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object is created.


A Region object specifying the master surface.


A Region object specifying the slave surface.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the contact formulation. Possible values are FINITE and SMALL.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mechanical constraint formulation. Possible values are KINEMATIC and PENALTY. The default value is KINEMATIC.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the weighting for node-to-face contact. Possible values are DEFAULT and SPECIFIED. The default value is DEFAULT.


A Float specifying the weighting factor for the contact surfaces when *weightingFactorType*=SPECIFIED. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant or a Float specifying the initial clearance at regions of contact. Possible values are OMIT and COMPUTED. The default value is OMIT.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the half thread angle used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the pitch used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the major diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the mean diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


A DatumAxis object specifying the orientation of the bolt hole when specifying bolt clearance.


A Boolean specifying whether to reverse the bolt clearance direction given by the datum axis. The default value is OFF.


A Region object specifying the contact region for which clearance is specified.

A SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object.


This function can be accessed by:

SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, main: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, secondary: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, sliding: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType, interactionProperty: str, interferenceType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', overclosure: float = 0, interferenceDirectionType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED', direction: tuple = (), amplitude: str = '', smooth: float = 0, hcrit: float = 0, extensionZone: float = 0, adjustMethod: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', adjustTolerance: float = 0, adjustSet: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, enforcement: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'SURFACE_TO_SURFACE', thickness: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, contactControls: str = '', tied: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, initialClearance: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'OMIT', halfThreadAngle: str | None = None, pitch: str | None = None, majorBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', meanBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', datumAxis: ~abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis = <abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis object>, useReverseDatumAxis: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, clearanceRegion: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, surfaceSmoothing: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', bondingSet: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, handedness: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'RIGHT', normalAdjustment: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | None = None) SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd[source]#

This method creates a SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object is created.


A Region object specifying the master surface.


A Region object specifying the slave surface.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the contact formulation. Possible values are FINITE and SMALL.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of time-dependent allowable interference for contact pairs and contact elements. Possible values are: - NONE, specifying no allowable contact interference. - SHRINK_FIT. - UNIFORM. The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the maximum overclosure distance allowed. This argument applies only when *interferenceType*=UNIFORM. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to determine the interference direction. Possible values are COMPUTED and DIRECTION_COSINE. The default value is COMPUTED.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the following: - XX-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. - YY-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. - ZZ-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. This argument is required only when *interferenceDirectionType*=DIRECTION_COSINE.


A String specifying the name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the prescribed interference during the step. Use None to specify that the prescribed interference is applied immediately at the beginning of the step and ramped down to zero linearly over the step.


A Float specifying the degree of smoothing used for deformable or rigid master surfaces involved when *enforcement*=NODE_TO_SURFACE. The value given must lie between 0.0 and 0.5. The default value is 0.2.


A Float specifying the distance by which a slave node must penetrate the master surface before Abaqus/Standard abandons the current increment and tries again with a smaller increment. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying a fraction of the end segment or facet edge length by which the master surface is to be extended to avoid numerical round-off errors associated with contact modeling. The value given must lie between 0.0 and 0.2. The default value is 0.1.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the adjust method. Possible values are NONE, OVERCLOSED, TOLERANCE, and SET. The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the adjust tolerance. The default value is 0.0.


A Region object specifying the Set object to which the adjustment is to be applied.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the discretization method. Possible values are NODE_TO_SURFACE and SURFACE_TO_SURFACE. The default value is SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


A Boolean specifying whether shell/membrane element thickness is considered. The default value is ON.This argument is not valid when *sliding*=FINITE and *enforcement*=NODE_TO_SURFACE.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. The empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


A Boolean specifying whether the surfaces are to be “tied” together for the duration of the simulation. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant or a Float specifying the initial clearance at regions of contact. Possible values are OMIT and COMPUTED. The default value is OMIT.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the half thread angle used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the pitch used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the major diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the mean diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


A DatumAxis object specifying the orientation of the bolt hole when specifying bolt clearance.


A Boolean specifying whether to reverse the bolt clearance direction given by the datum axis. The default value is OFF.


A Region object specifying the contact region for which clearance is specified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use surface smoothing for geometric surfaces in SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd interactions. Possible values are AUTOMATIC and NONE. The default value is NONE.


A Region object specifying the slave node sub-set for bonding, used only when the contact property CohesiveBehavior option specifies use.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the bolt handedness formulation. Possible values are RIGHT and LEFT. The default value is RIGHT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the bolt normal adjustment formulation for all slave nodes. Possible values are UNIFORM AXIAL COMPONENT and LOCATION DEPENDENT. The default value is UNIFORM AXIAL COMPONENT.

A SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object.


This function can be accessed by:

XFEMCrackGrowth(name: str, createStepName: str, crackName: str, allowGrowth: BooleanType = 1) XFEMCrackGrowth[source]#

This method creates an XFEMCrackGrowth object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the XFEMCrackGrowth object is created.


A String specifying the XFEMCrack object associated with this interaction.


A Boolean specifying whether the crack is allowed to grow (propagate) during this analysis step. The default value is ON.

A XFEMCrackGrowth object.


This function can be accessed by:

contactDetection(name: str = '', createStepName: str = '', searchDomain: SymbolicConstantType = 'MODEL', defaultType: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONTACT', interactionProperty: str = '', separationTolerance: float | None = None, extendByAngle: float = 20, mergeWithinAngle: float = 20, searchSingleInstances: BooleanType = 0, nameEachSurfaceFound: BooleanType = 1, createUnionOfMainSurfaces: BooleanType = 0, createUnionOfSecondarySurfaces: BooleanType = 0, createUnionOfMainSecondarySurfaces: BooleanType = 0, includePlanar: BooleanType = 1, includeCylindricalSphericalToric: BooleanType = 1, includeSplineBased: BooleanType = 1, includeMeshSolid: BooleanType = 1, includeMeshShell: BooleanType = 1, includeMeshMembrane: BooleanType = 0, includeOverclosed: BooleanType = 1, includeNonOverlapping: BooleanType = 0, meshedGeometrySearchTechnique: SymbolicConstantType = 'USE_GEOMETRY', useShellThickness: BooleanType = 1, surfaceSmoothing: SymbolicConstantType | None = None)[source]#

This method uses contact detection to create SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd, SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp, and Tie objects.


A String specifying the prefix used to generate repository keys. The default value is “CP-”


A String specifying the name of the step in which the SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd, SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp, and Tie objects are created. The default value is “Initial.”


A SymbolicConstant MODEL or a sequence of Strings specifying the names of instances to search. MODEL indicates the whole model is searched. The default value is MODEL.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the default type of object to create. Possible values are CONTACT, CONTACT_STANDARD, CONTACT_EXPLICIT, and TIE. If CONTACT is used, the behavior is determined by the type of Step in the model. If an ExplicitDynamicsStep or TempDisplacementDynamicsStep exists, then SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp is created by default. Otherwise SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd is created by default. The default value is CONTACT.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with any interactions created.


A Float specifying the maximum separation for considering two surfaces to be candidates for contact, where separation is the maximum distance between the points of closest approach on the two surfaces. The default value is a function of the model.


None or a Float specifying the angle for extending surface definitions to include adjacent faces. The default value is 20.


None or a Float specifying the angle for merging adjacent contact pairs that lie within the angle. The default value is 20.


A Boolean specifying whether to include surface pairs within a single instance. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to assign a name to each surface found. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to create a surface that is the union of all master surfaces found. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to create a surface that is the union of all slave surfaces found. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to create a surface that is the union of all master and slave surfaces found. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to include planar geometry. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to include cylindrical, spherical, and toric geometry. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to include spline-based geometry. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to include solid mesh entities. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to include shell mesh entities. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to include mesh membrane entities. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to include overclosed pairs. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to include opposing geometry surfaces that do not overlap. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant USE_GEOMETRY or USE_MESH specifying whether to locate pairs in meshed geometry using the geometric entities or mesh entities. The default value is USE_GEOMETRY.


A Boolean specifying whether to account for shell thickness and offset during contact detection. The default value is ON.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use surface smoothing for geometric surfaces in SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd interactions. Possible values are NONE and AUTOMATIC. The default value isAUTOMATIC.


This method returns a list of all possible contacts that can be created using the ContactDetection method.

Tuple of tuples, where each python:tuple holds information, to be used in contact creation as
A python:str specifying the name of the master surface used in contact.
A python:str specifying the name of the slave surface used in contact.
A python:float specifying the separation distance between the master surface and the slave
A bool specifying whether or not contact surfaces are overclosed..

Object features#


class ContactControl[source]#

The ContactControl object is the abstract base type for other ContactControl objects. The ContactControl object has no explicit constructor, members, or methods.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


class ContactDamage(initTable: tuple, criterion: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAX_STRESS', initTempDep: BooleanType = 0, initDependencies: int = 0, useEvolution: BooleanType = 0, evolutionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'DISPLACEMENT', softening: SymbolicConstantType = 'LINEAR', useMixedMode: BooleanType = 0, mixedModeType: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', modeMixRatio: SymbolicConstantType = 'ENERGY', exponent: float | None = None, evolTempDep: BooleanType = 0, evolDependencies: int = 0, evolTable: tuple = (), useStabilization: BooleanType = 0, viscosityCoef: float | None = None)[source]#

The ContactDamage object specifies damage options for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:
Table data for *initTable*:
If *criterion*=MAX_STRESS or QUAD_TRACTION, the table data specify the following:
    - Maximum nominal stress in the normal-only mode.
    - Maximum nominal stress in the first shear direction (for a mode that involves separation only in this direction).
    - Maximum nominal stress in the second shear direction (for a mode that involves separation only in this direction).
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *criterion*=MAX_SEPARATION or QUAD_SEPARATION, the table data specify the following:
    - Separation at damage initiation in a normal-only mode.
    - Separation at damage initiation in a shear-only mode that involves separation only along the first shear
    - Separation at damage initiation in a shear-only mode that involves separation only along the second shear
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
Table data for *evolTable*:
If *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT, *softening*=LINEAR, and *useMixedMode*=OFF, the table data specify the following:
    - Effective total or Plastic displacement at failure, measured from the time of damage initiation.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=ENERGY, *softening*=LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL, and *useMixedMode*=OFF, the table data specify
the following:
    - Fracture energy.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT, *softening*=LINEAR, *useMixedMode*=ON, *mixedModeType*=TABULAR, and
*modeMixRatio*=ENERGY or TRACTION, the table data specify the following:
    - Total displacement at failure, measured from the time of damage initiation.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio (if relevant, for three dimensional problems with anisotropic shear behavior).
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=ENERGY, *softening*=LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL, *useMixedMode*=ON, *mixedModeType*=TABULAR, and
*modeMixRatio*=ENERGY or TRACTION, the table data specify the following:
    - Fracture energy.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio (if relevant, for three dimensional problems with anisotropic shear behavior).
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT, *softening*=EXPONENTIAL, and *useMixedMode*=OFF, the table data specify the
    - Effective total or Plastic displacement at failure, measured from the time of damage initiation.
    - Exponential law parameter.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT, *softening*=EXPONENTIAL, *useMixedMode*=ON, *mixedModeType*=TABULAR, and
*modeMixRatio*=ENERGY or TRACTION, the table data specify the following:
    - Total displacement at failure, measured from the time of damage initiation.
    - Exponential law parameter.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio (if relevant, for three dimensional problems with anisotropic shear behavior).
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT, *softening*=TABULAR, and *useMixedMode*=OFF, the table data specify the following:
    - Damage variable.
    - Effective total or Plastic displacement at failure, measured from the time of damage initiation.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT, *softening*=TABULAR, *useMixedMode*=ON, *mixedModeType*=TABULAR, and
*modeMixRatio*=ENERGY or TRACTION, the table data specify the following:
    - Damage variable.
    - Effective total displacement, measured from the time of damage initiation.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio.
    - Appropriate mode mix ratio (if relevant, for three dimensional problems with anisotropic shear behavior).
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *evolutionType*=ENERGY, *softening*=LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL, *useMixedMode*=ON, *mixedModeType*=POWER_LAW or
BK, and *modeMixRatio*=ENERGY, the table data specify the following:
    - Normal mode fracture energy.
    - Shear mode fracture energy for failure in the first shear direction.
    - Shear mode fracture energy for failure in the second shear direction.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



criterion: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the initiation of damage. Possible values are MAX_STRESS, MAX_SEPARATION, QUAD_TRACTION, and QUAD_SEPARATION. The default value is MAX_STRESS.

initTempDep: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the initiation data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.

initDependencies: int

An Int specifying the number of initiation data field variables. The default value is 0.

useEvolution: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether evolution data will be defined. The default value is OFF.

evolutionType: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the evolution of damage. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON. Possible values are DISPLACEMENT and ENERGY. The default value is DISPLACEMENT.

softening: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the evolution softening response. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON. The TABULAR value can be used only when evolutionType=DISPLACEMENT. Possible values are LINEAR, EXPONENTIAL, and TABULAR. The default value is LINEAR.

useMixedMode: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether evolution data be defined using dependent behavior modes. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON. The default value is OFF.

mixedModeType: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the mode mix fracture criterion. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON and when useMixedMode=ON. The POWER_LAW and BK values can be used only when evolutionType=ENERGY. Possible values are TABULAR, POWER_LAW, and BK. The default value is TABULAR.

modeMixRatio: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the mode mix ratio type. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON and when useMixedMode=ON. The TRACTION value can be used only when mixedModeType=TABULAR. Possible values are ENERGY and TRACTION. The default value is ENERGY.

exponent: float

None or a Float specifying the exponent in the power-law or BK criterion that defines the variation of fracture energy with mode mix. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON and when mixedModeType=POWER_LAW or BK. The default value is None.

evolTempDep: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the evolution data depend on temperature. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON. The default value is OFF.

evolDependencies: int

An Int specifying the number of evolution data field variables. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON. The default value is 0.

useStabilization: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether stabilization data will be defined. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON. The default value is OFF.

viscosityCoef: float

None or a Float specifying the viscosity coefficient. This argument is valid only when useStabilization=ON. The default value is None.

initTable: float

A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the values defining the damage initiation. The items in the table data are described below.

evolTable: float

A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the values defining the damage evolution. The items in the table data are described below. This argument is valid only when useEvolution=ON.



This method modifies the ContactDamage object.


This method modifies the ContactDamage object.


class ContactDamping(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'DAMPING_COEFFICIENT', tangentFraction: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'DEFAULT', clearanceDependence: SymbolicConstantType = 'STEP', table: tuple = ())[source]#

The ContactDamping object specifies damping for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:

- If *definition*=DAMPING_COEFFICIENT and *clearanceDependence*=STEP, the table data specify the following:
    - Damping coefficient.

- If *definition*=DAMPING_COEFFICIENT and *clearanceDependence*=LINEAR or BILINEAR, the table data specify the following:

    - Damping coefficient.
    - Clearance.

    Two pairs must be given for *clearanceDependence*=LINEAR and three pairs for *clearanceDependence*=BILINEAR. The first pair must have *clearance*=0.0, and the last pair must have *coefficient*=0.0.
- If *definition*=CRITICAL_DAMPING_FRACTION, the table data specify the following:
    - Critical damping fraction.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


definition: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to define the damping. Possible values are DAMPING_COEFFICIENT and CRITICAL_DAMPING_FRACTION. The default value is DAMPING_COEFFICIENT.

tangentFraction: typing.Union[SymbolicConstant, float]

The SymbolicConstant DEFAULT or a Float specifying the tangential damping coefficient divided by the normal damping coefficient. The default value is DEFAULT.

clearanceDependence: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the variation of the damping coefficient or fraction with respect to clearance. Possible values are STEP, LINEAR, and BILINEAR. The default value is STEP.If definition=CRITICAL_DAMPING_FRACTION, the only possible value is STEP.

table: float

A tuple of pairs of Floats specifying the damping properties. The items in the table data are described below.



This method modifies the ContactDamping object.


This method modifies the ContactDamping object.


class ContactInitialization[source]#

The ContactInitialization object is the abstract base type for other ContactInitialization objects. The ContactInitialization object has no explicit constructor, members, or methods.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


class ContactProperty(name: str)[source]#

The ContactProperty object defines a contact interaction property. The ContactProperty object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


tangentialBehavior: ContactTangentialBehavior

A ContactTangentialBehavior object.

normalBehavior: NormalBehavior

A NormalBehavior object.

damping: ContactDamping

A ContactDamping object.

damage: ContactDamage

A ContactDamage object.

fractureCriterion: FractureCriterion

A FractureCriterion object.

cohesiveBehavior: CohesiveBehavior

A CohesiveBehavior object.

thermalConductance: ThermalConductance

A ThermalConductance object.

heatGeneration: GapHeatGeneration

A GapHeatGeneration object.

radiation: Radiation

A Radiation object.

geometricProperties: GeometricProperties

A GeometricProperties object.

electricalConductance: GapElectricalConductance

A GapElectricalConductance object.


CohesiveBehavior([repeatedContacts, ...])

This method creates a CohesiveBehavior object.

Damage(initTable[, criterion, initTempDep, ...])

This method creates a ContactDamage object.

Damping([definition, tangentFraction, ...])

This method creates a ContactDamping object.

ElectricalConductance([definition, ...])

This method creates a GapElectricalConductance object.

FractureCriterion(initTable[, type, ...])

This method creates a FractureCriterion object.

GeometricProperties([contactArea, ...])

This method creates a GeometricProperties object.

HeatGeneration([conversionFraction, ...])

This method creates a GapHeatGeneration object.

NormalBehavior([contactStiffness, ...])

This method creates a NormalBehavior object.

Radiation(mainEmissivity, ...)

This method creates a Radiation object.

TangentialBehavior([formulation, ...])

This method creates a ContactTangentialBehavior object.

ThermalConductance([definition, ...])

This method creates a ThermalConductance object.

CohesiveBehavior(repeatedContacts: BooleanType = 0, eligibility: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALL_NODES', defaultPenalties: BooleanType = 1, coupling: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNCOUPLED', temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, table: tuple = ())[source]#

This method creates a CohesiveBehavior object.


A Boolean specifying whether to enforce cohesive behavior for recurrent contacts at nodes on the slave surface subsequent to ultimate failure. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the eligible slave nodes. Possible values are ALL_NODES, INITIAL_NODES, and SPECIFIED. The default value is ALL_NODES.


A Boolean specifying whether to use the default contact penalties. The default value is ON.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the traction-separation coefficients are coupled or uncoupled. This argument is valid only for *defaultPenalties*=OFF. Possible values are UNCOUPLED and COUPLED. The default value is UNCOUPLED.


A Boolean specifying whether the coefficient data depend on temperature. This argument is valid only for *defaultPenalties*=OFF. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variables. This argument is valid only for *defaultPenalties*=OFF. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the traction-separation coefficients. The items in the table data are described below. This argument is valid only for *defaultPenalties*=OFF.

A CohesiveBehavior object.


This function can be accessed by:

Damage(initTable: tuple, criterion: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAX_STRESS', initTempDep: BooleanType = 0, initDependencies: int = 0, useEvolution: BooleanType = 0, evolutionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'DISPLACEMENT', softening: SymbolicConstantType = 'LINEAR', useMixedMode: BooleanType = 0, mixedModeType: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', modeMixRatio: SymbolicConstantType = 'ENERGY', exponent: float | None = None, evolTempDep: BooleanType = 0, evolDependencies: int = 0, evolTable: tuple = (), useStabilization: BooleanType = 0, viscosityCoef: float | None = None)[source]#

This method creates a ContactDamage object.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the values defining the damage initiation. The items in the table data are described below.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the initiation of damage. Possible values are MAX_STRESS, MAX_SEPARATION, QUAD_TRACTION, and QUAD_SEPARATION. The default value is MAX_STRESS.


A Boolean specifying whether the initiation data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of initiation data field variables. The default value is 0.


A Boolean specifying whether evolution data will be defined. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the evolution of damage. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON. Possible values are DISPLACEMENT and ENERGY. The default value is DISPLACEMENT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the evolution softening response. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON. The TABULAR value can be used only when *evolutionType*=DISPLACEMENT. Possible values are LINEAR, EXPONENTIAL, and TABULAR. The default value is LINEAR.


A Boolean specifying whether evolution data be defined using dependent behavior modes. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mode mix fracture criterion. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON and when *useMixedMode*=ON. The POWER_LAW and BK values can be used only when *evolutionType*=ENERGY. Possible values are TABULAR, POWER_LAW, and BK. The default value is TABULAR.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mode mix ratio type. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON and when *useMixedMode*=ON. The TRACTION value can be used only when *mixedModeType*=TABULAR. Possible values are ENERGY and TRACTION. The default value is ENERGY.


None or a Float specifying the exponent in the power-law or BK criterion that defines the variation of fracture energy with mode mix. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON and when *mixedModeType*=POWER_LAW or BK. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether the evolution data depend on temperature. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of evolution data field variables. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the values defining the damage evolution. The items in the table data are described below. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON.


A Boolean specifying whether stabilization data will be defined. This argument is valid only when *useEvolution*=ON. The default value is OFF.


None or a Float specifying the viscosity coefficient. This argument is valid only when *useStabilization*=ON. The default value is None.

A ContactDamage object.


This function can be accessed by:

Damping(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'DAMPING_COEFFICIENT', tangentFraction: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'DEFAULT', clearanceDependence: SymbolicConstantType = 'STEP', table: tuple = ())[source]#

This method creates a ContactDamping object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to define the damping. Possible values are DAMPING_COEFFICIENT and CRITICAL_DAMPING_FRACTION. The default value is DAMPING_COEFFICIENT.


The SymbolicConstant DEFAULT or a Float specifying the tangential damping coefficient divided by the normal damping coefficient. The default value is DEFAULT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the variation of the damping coefficient or fraction with respect to clearance. Possible values are STEP, LINEAR, and BILINEAR. The default value is STEP.If *definition*=CRITICAL_DAMPING_FRACTION, the only possible value is STEP.


A sequence of pairs of Floats specifying the damping properties. The items in the table data are described below.

A ContactDamping object.


This function can be accessed by:

ElectricalConductance(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', clearanceDependency: BooleanType = 1, pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependencyC: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesC: int = 0, clearanceDepTable: tuple = (), temperatureDependencyP: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesP: int = 0, pressureDepTable: tuple = ())[source]#

This method creates a GapElectricalConductance object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the electrical conductance is defined. Possible values are TABULAR and USER_DEFINED. The default value is TABULAR.


A Boolean specifying whether to use clearance-dependent data. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to use pressure-dependent data. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to use temperature-dependent data with clearance dependency. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variables to use with clearance dependency. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying clearance dependency data. The items in the table data are described below.


A Boolean specifying whether to use temperature-dependent data with pressure dependency. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variables to use with pressure dependency. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying pressure dependency data. The items in the table data are described below.

A GapElectricalConductance object.


This function can be accessed by:

FractureCriterion(initTable: tuple, type: SymbolicConstantType = 'VCCT', mixedModeBehavior: SymbolicConstantType = 'BK', temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, tolerance: float = 0, specifyUnstableCrackProp: SymbolicConstantType = 0, unstableTolerance: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'DEFAULT')[source]#

This method creates a FractureCriterion object.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the value defining the fracture criterion. The items in the table data are described below.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of data used to define the fracture criterion. Possible values are VCCT and ENHANCED VCCT. The default value is VCCT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mixed mode behavior type used to define fracture criterion. Possible values are BK, POWER, and REEDER. The default value is BK.


A Boolean specifying whether the fracture criterion data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of fracture criterion data field variables. The default value is 0.


A Float specifying the tolerance for VCCTEnhanced VCCT type. The default value is 0.2.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to include unstable crack growth tolerance in fracture criterion. Possible values are ON and OFF. The default value is OFF.


The SymbolicConstant DEFAULT or a Float specifying the tolerance for unstable crack propagation. This parameter specified only if *specifyUnstableCrackProp*=ON. The default value is DEFAULT.

A FractureCriterion object.


This function can be accessed by:

GeometricProperties(contactArea: float = 1, padThickness: float | None = None, trackingThickness: float | None = None, dependentVariables: int = 0, numProperties: int = 0, useUnsymmetricEqunProcedure: BooleanType = 0, modelType: SymbolicConstantType | None = None)[source]#

This method creates a GeometricProperties object.


A Float specifying the out-of-plane thickness of the surface for a two-dimensional model or cross-sectional area for every node in the node-based surface. The default value is 1.0.


None or a Float specifying the thickness of an interfacial layer between the contacting surfaces. If *padThickness*=None, there is no interfacial layer. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the thickness that determines the contacting surfaces to be tracked. The input value for this parameter cannot be negative. An internal default value is used if a zero value is input or if the parameter is omitted.


An Int specifying the number of state-dependent variables. The default value is 0. This argument is applicable only if *modelType*=MODELTYPE_USER or *modelType*=MODELTYPE_USER_INTERACTION.


An Int specifying the number of property values required. The default value is 0. This argument is applicable only if *modelType*=MODELTYPE_USER or *modelType*=MODELTYPE_USER_INTERACTION.


A Boolean specifying whether to use unsymmetric equation solution procedures. This argument is applicable only if *modelType*=MODELTYPE_USER or *modelType*=MODELTYPE_USER_INTERACTION.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the surface interaction model type.

A GeometricProperties object.


This function can be accessed by:

HeatGeneration(conversionFraction: float = 1, secondaryFraction: float = 0)[source]#

This method creates a GapHeatGeneration object.


A Float specifying the fraction of dissipated energy caused by friction or electric currents that is converted to heat. The default value is 1.0.


A Float specifying the fraction of converted heat distributed to the slave surface. The default value is 0.5.

A GapHeatGeneration object.


This function can be accessed by:

NormalBehavior(contactStiffness: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'DEFAULT', pressureOverclosure: SymbolicConstantType = 'HARD', allowSeparation: BooleanType = 1, maxStiffness: float | None = None, table: tuple = (), constraintEnforcementMethod: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', overclosureFactor: float = 0, overclosureMeasure: float = 0, contactStiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, initialStiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, clearanceAtZeroContactPressure: float = 0, stiffnessBehavior: SymbolicConstantType = 'LINEAR', stiffnessRatio: float = 0, upperQuadraticFactor: float = 0, lowerQuadraticRatio: float = 0)[source]#

This method creates a NormalBehavior object.


The SymbolicConstant DEFAULT or a Float specifying the contact stiffness. This argument is valid for *pressureOverclosure*=LINEAR. This argument is also valid for *pressureOverclosure*=HARD when *constraintEnforcementMethod*=AUGMENTED_LAGRANGE or PENALTY. A value of DEFAULT is valid only when the later conditions are met. A value of zero is equivalent to specifying DEFAULT. The default value is DEFAULT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the pressure-overclosure relationship to be used. Possible values are HARD, EXPONENTIAL, LINEAR, TABULAR, and SCALE_FACTOR. The default value is HARD.


A Boolean specifying whether to allow separation after contact. The default value is ON.


None or a Float specifying the maximum stiffness. If *maxStiffness*=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the normal behavior properties. This argument is valid only for *pressureOverclosure*=EXPONENTIAL or TABULAR. The items in the table data are described below.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method for enforcement of the contact constraint. Possible values are DEFAULT, AUGMENTED_LAGRANGE, PENALTY, and DIRECT. The default value is DEFAULT.


A Float specifying the overclosure measure (used to delineate the segments of the pressure-overclosure curve) as a percentage of the minimum element size in the contact region. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying the overclosure measure (used to delineate the segments of the pressure-overclosure curve) directly. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying scale factor for the penalty stiffness or the geometric scaling of the “base” stiffness. The default value is 1.0.


A Float specifying an additional scale factor for the “base” default contact stiffness. The default value is 1.0.


A Float specifying the clearance at which the contact pressure is zero. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of penalty stiffness to be defined. This argument is valid only when *constraintEnforcementMethod*=PENALTY. Possible values are LINEAR and NONLINEAR. The default value is LINEAR.


A Float specifying the ratio of the initial stiffness divided by the final stiffness. This argument is valid only when stiffnessBehavior*=NONLINEAR. Possible values are 0 ≤≤ *stiffnessRatio << 1. The default value is 0.01.


A Float specifying the ratio of the overclosure at the maximum stiffness divided by the characteristic facet length. This argument is valid only when *stiffnessBehavior*=NONLINEAR. The default value is 0.03.


A Float specifying the ratio of the overclosure at the initial stiffness divided by the overclosure at the maximum stiffness, both relative to the clearance at which the contact pressure is zero. This argument is valid only when stiffnessBehavior*=NONLINEAR. Possible values are 0 ≤≤ *stiffnessRatio << 1. The default value is 0.33333.

A NormalBehavior object.


This function can be accessed by:

Radiation(mainEmissivity: float, secondaryEmissivity: float, table: tuple)[source]#

This method creates a Radiation object.


A Float specifying the emissivity of the master surface.


A Float specifying the emissivity of the slave surface.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the following:Effective viewfactor, FF.Gap clearance, dd.

A Radiation object.


This function can be accessed by:

TangentialBehavior(formulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'FRICTIONLESS', directionality: SymbolicConstantType = 'ISOTROPIC', slipRateDependency: BooleanType = 0, pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, exponentialDecayDefinition: SymbolicConstantType = 'COEFFICIENTS', table: tuple = (), shearStressLimit: float | None = None, maximumElasticSlip: SymbolicConstantType = 'FRACTION', fraction: float = 0, absoluteDistance: float = 0, elasticSlipStiffness: float | None = None, nStateDependentVars: int = 0, useProperties: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method creates a ContactTangentialBehavior object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the friction formulation. Possible values are FRICTIONLESS, PENALTY, EXPONENTIAL_DECAY, ROUGH, LAGRANGE, and USER_DEFINED. The default value is FRICTIONLESS.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the directionality of the friction. Possible values are ISOTROPIC and ANISOTROPIC. The default value is ISOTROPIC.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on slip rate. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on contact pressure. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variables. The default value is 0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the exponential decay definition. Possible values are COEFFICIENTS and TEST_DATA. The default value is COEFFICIENTS.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying tangential behavior. The items in the table data are described below.


None or a Float specifying the shear stress limit. If *shearStressLimit*=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying what the maximum elastic slip will be. Possible values are FRACTION and ABSOLUTE_DISTANCE. The default value is FRACTION.


A Float specifying the fraction of a characteristic surface dimension. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying the absolute distance. The default value is 0.0.


None or a Float specifying the elastic slip stiffness. If *elasticSlipStiffness*=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the number of state-dependent variables. The default value is 0.


A Boolean specifying whether property values will be used. The default value is OFF.

A ContactTangentialBehavior object.


This function can be accessed by:

ThermalConductance(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', clearanceDependency: BooleanType = 1, pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependencyC: BooleanType = 0, massFlowRateDependencyC: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesC: int = 0, clearanceDepTable: tuple = (), temperatureDependencyP: BooleanType = 0, massFlowRateDependencyP: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesP: int = 0, pressureDepTable: tuple = ())[source]#

This method creates a ThermalConductance object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the thermal conductance is defined. Possible values are TABULAR and USER_DEFINED. The default value is TABULAR.


A Boolean specifying whether to use clearance-dependent data. The default value is ON.


A Boolean specifying whether to use pressure-dependent data. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to use temperature-dependent data with clearance dependency. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to use mass-flow-rate-dependent data with clearance dependency. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variables to use with clearance dependency. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying clearance dependency data. The items in the table data are described below.


A Boolean specifying whether to use temperature-dependent data with pressure dependency. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to use mass-flow-rate-dependent data with pressure dependency. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variables to use with pressure dependency. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying pressure dependency data. The items in the table data are described below.

A ThermalConductance object.


This function can be accessed by:



class ContactPropertyAssignment[source]#

The ContactPropertyAssignment object stores the contact property assignment definition for domain pairs in ContactExp and ContactStd objects. The ContactPropertyAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of contact property assignments to new domain pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of contact property assignments to domain pairs already defined in a given step.

delete(indices, surfPair)

The delete method allows you to delete existing contact property assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows addition of contact property assignments to new domain pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new contact property assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the properties assigned to each surface pair. Each tuple contains three entries:A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL.A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant SELF. When used with a ContactExp object, this parameter can also be a string that references an Eulerian material surface.A String specifying a ContactProperty object associated with this pair of regions.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: str)[source]#

This method allows modification of contact property assignments to domain pairs already defined in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the contact property assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the contact property assignment whose value is to be modified.


A String specifying the value of the contact property to be assigned to the domain pair whose index is referenced.

delete(indices: tuple, surfPair: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing contact property assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each contact property assignment to delete. The indices and surfPair arguments are mutually exclusive.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface pair of each contact property assignment to delete. Each tuple contains two entries:A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL.A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant SELF. When used with a ContactExp object, this parameter can also be a string that references an Eulerian material surface.*surfPair* and indices arguments are mutually exclusive.


class ContactStabilization[source]#

The ContactStabilization object is the abstract base type for other ContactStabilization objects. The ContactStabilization object has no explicit constructor, members, or methods.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


class Interaction[source]#

The Interaction object is the abstract base type for other Interaction objects. The Interaction object has no explicit constructor. Each of the Interaction objects has the following methods: - deactivate - move - reset - resume - suppress - delete The methods are described below.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
name: str

A String specifying the repository key.



This method deactivates the interaction in the specified step and all its subsequent steps.


This method allows you to delete existing interactions.

move(fromStepName, toStepName)

This method moves an interaction from one step to another.


This method reactivates an interaction that was deactivated previously.


This method resumes an interaction that was previously suppressed.


This method suppresses an interaction.

deactivate(stepName: str)[source]#

This method deactivates the interaction in the specified step and all its subsequent steps.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is deactivated.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

This method allows you to delete existing interactions.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each interaction to delete.

move(fromStepName: str, toStepName: str)[source]#

This method moves an interaction from one step to another.


A String specifying the name of the step from which to move the interaction.


A String specifying the name of the step to which to move the interaction.

reset(stepName: str)[source]#

This method reactivates an interaction that was deactivated previously. The reset method is available during the step in which the interaction was deactivated originally.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is reactivated.


This method resumes an interaction that was previously suppressed.


This method suppresses an interaction.


class InitializationAssignment[source]#

The InitializationAssignment object stores the contact initialization assignment definition for domain pairs in a ContactStd or ContactExp object. The InitializationAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of contact initialization assignments to new domain pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of contact initialization assignments to domain pairs already defined in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing contact initialization assignments from a ContactStd or ContactExp object.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows addition of contact initialization assignments to new domain pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new contact initialization assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the initializations assigned to each surface pair. Each tuple contains four entries (fourth entry is for Abaqus/Explicit and is optional): - A region object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL (for Abaqus/Standard only). - A region object or the SymbolicConstant SELF (for Abaqus/Standard only). - A String specifying a StdInitialization or ExpInitializationobject associated with this pair of regions. - A String specifying a secondary surface type. This entry is applicable only if the ExpInitialization object is defined with *overclosureType*=CLEARANCE and *adjustNodalCoords*=True.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: str)[source]#

This method allows modification of contact initialization assignments to domain pairs already defined in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the contact initialization assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the contact initialization assignment whose value is to be modified.


A String specifying the value of the contact initialization to be assigned to the domain pair whose index is referenced.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing contact initialization assignments from a ContactStd or ContactExp object.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each contact initialization assignment to delete.


class InteractionProperty[source]#

The InteractionProperty object is the abstract base type for other InteractionProperty objects. The InteractionProperty object has no explicit constructor, members, or methods.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


class InteractionState[source]#

The InteractionState object is the abstract base type for other InteractionState objects. The InteractionState object has no explicit constructor. The members of the InteractionState object are common to all objects derived from InteractionState.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class AcousticImpedance(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', interactionProperty: str = '', nonreflectingType: SymbolicConstantType = 'PLANE', radius: float = 1, semimajorAxis: float = 1, eccentricity: float = 0, centerCoordinates: tuple = (), directionCosine: tuple = ())[source]#

The AcousticImpedance object defines surface impedance information or nonreflecting boundaries for acoustic and coupled acoustic-structural analyses. The AcousticImpedance object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([definition, interactionProperty, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing AcousticImpedance object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, interactionProperty])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing AcousticImpedance object in the specified step.

setValues(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', interactionProperty: str = '', nonreflectingType: SymbolicConstantType = 'PLANE', radius: float = 1, semimajorAxis: float = 1, eccentricity: float = 0, centerCoordinates: tuple = (), directionCosine: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing AcousticImpedance object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of acoustic impedance to be defined. Possible values are TABULAR and NONREFLECTING. The default value is TABULAR.


A String specifying the AcousticImpedanceProp object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of nonreflecting geometry to be defined. Possible values are PLANE, IMPROVED, CIRCULAR, SPHERICAL, ELLIPTICAL, and PROLATE. The default value is PLANE.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING.


A Float specifying the radius of the circle or sphere defining the boundary surface. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=CIRCULAR or SPHERICAL.


A Float specifying the semimajor axis length of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.


A Float specifying the eccentricity of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is (0, 0, 0).This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z components of the direction cosine of the major axis of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the boundary surface. The default value is (0, 0, 1).This argument is valid only when *definition*=NONREFLECTING, and *nonreflectingType*=ELLIPTICAL or PROLATE.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, interactionProperty: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing AcousticImpedance object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A String specifying the AcousticImpedanceProp object associated with this interaction.


class AcousticImpedanceProp(name: str, tableType: SymbolicConstantType, table: tuple, frequencyDependency: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

The AcousticImpedanceProp object is an interaction property that defines the properties referred to by an AcousticImpedance object. The AcousticImpedanceProp object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the AcousticImpedanceProp object.

setValues(frequencyDependency: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the AcousticImpedanceProp object.


A Boolean specifying whether the table data depend on frequency. The default value is OFF.


class AcousticImpedanceState[source]#

The AcousticImpedanceState object stores the propagating data of an AcousticImpedance object in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the AcousticImpedance object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the AcousticImpedance object. The AcousticImpedanceState object has no constructor or methods. The AcousticImpedanceState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the name of the AcousticImpedanceProp object associated with this interaction.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class ActuatorSensor(name: str, createStepName: str, point: Region, interactionProperty: str, noCoordComponents: int, unsymm: BooleanType, noSolutionDepVar: int, userSubUel: str, dof: str, solutionDepVars: tuple)[source]#

The ActuatorSensor object defines a single point actuator where the actuation is determined by a user subroutine (UEL). The subroutine senses the data at the same point as the actuator. The ActuatorSensor object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:





This method modifies the ActuatorSensor object.


This method modifies the ActuatorSensor object.


class ActuatorSensorProp(name: str, realProperties: tuple = (), integerProperties: tuple = ())[source]#

The ActuatorSensorProp object is an interaction property that defines the properties referred to by an ActuatorSensor object. The ActuatorSensorProp object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([realProperties, integerProperties])

This method modifies the ActuatorSensorProp object.

setValues(realProperties: tuple = (), integerProperties: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the ActuatorSensorProp object.


A sequence of Floats specifying the PROPS array used by user subroutine UEL. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of Ints specifying the JPROPS array used by user subroutine UEL. The default value is an empty sequence.


class ActuatorSensorState[source]#

The ActuatorSensorState object stores the propagating data of an actuator sensor in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the ActuatorSensor object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ActuatorSensor object. The ActuatorSensorState object has no constructor, methods, or members. The ActuatorSensorState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class CavityRadiation(name: str, createStepName: str, surfaces: ~abaqus.Region.RegionArray.RegionArray, surfaceEmissivities: tuple = (), ambientTemp: float | None = None, blocking: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'BLOCKING_ALL', blockingSurfaces: ~abaqus.Region.RegionArray.RegionArray | None = None, rangeOfView: float | None = None, surfaceReflection: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, viewfactorAccurTol: float = 0, minInfinitesimalRatio: float = 64, numPointsPerEdge: int = 3, minLumpedAreaDS: float = 5, cyclicSymmetry: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, cyclicImages: int = 2, cyclicRotPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, cyclicRotEndPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, cyclicSymPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, periodicSymmetries: int = 0, periodicImages_1: int = 2, periodicImages_2: int = 2, periodicImages_3: int = 2, periodicSymAxis_1: str = '', periodicSymAxis_2: str = '', periodicSymPlane_1: str = '', periodicSymPlane_2: str = '', periodicSymPlane_3: str = '', periodicDistance_1: tuple = (), periodicDistance_2: tuple = (), periodicDistance_3: tuple = (), periodicSymZ: float | None = None, periodicDistZ: float | None = None, reflectionSymmetries: int = 0, reflectionSymAxis_1: str = '', reflectionSymAxis_2: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_1: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_2: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_3: str = '', reflectionSymZ: float | None = None)[source]#

The CavityRadiation object defines cavities for thermal radiation heat transfer and controls the calculation of viewfactors. The CavityRadiation object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:

    • CYCLIC






name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

ambientTemp: float

None or a Float specifying the reference ambient temperature value, θ0θ0. Specifying a value indicates an open cavity. The default value is None.

minInfinitesimalRatio: float

A Float specifying the facet area ratio above which the infinitesimal-to-finite area approximation is used for viewfactor calculations. The default value is 64.0.

numPointsPerEdge: int

An Int specifying the number of Gauss integration points to be used along each edge when the numerical integration of contour integrals is used for viewfactor calculations. One to five integration points are allowed. The default value is 3.

minLumpedAreaDS: float

A Float specifying the nondimensional distance-square value above which the lumped area approximation is used for viewfactor calculations. The default value is 5.0.

cyclicSymmetry: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether cyclic symmetry will be applied. This argument cannot be specified for axisymmetric models. The default value is OFF.

cyclicImages: int

An Int specifying the number of cyclically similar images that compose the cavity formed as a result of this symmetry. This argument applies only when cyclicSymmetry=ON. The default value is 2.

periodicSymmetries: int

An Int specifying the number of periodic symmetries that will be applied. The default value is 0.

periodicImages_1: int

An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the first periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_1. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero. The default value is 2.

periodicImages_2: int

An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the second periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_2. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than one. The default value is 2.

periodicImages_3: int

An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the third periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_3. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries = 3. The default value is 2.

periodicSymZ: float

None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the symmetry reference line in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when periodicSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.

periodicDistZ: float

None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the periodic distance in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when periodicSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.

reflectionSymmetries: int

An Int specifying the number of reflection symmetries will be applied. The default value is 0.

reflectionSymZ: float

None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the symmetry reference line in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.

createStepName: str

A String specifying the name of the step in which the cavity radiation interaction should be created.

surfaces: RegionArray

A RegionArray object specifying the surfaces for which radiation viewfactor control is being specified.

surfaceEmissivities: tuple

A tuple of Strings specifying the names of the Cavity Radiation properties containing the surface emissivity data. One name per specified surface. The emissivity data is ignored when surfaceReflection=OFF.

cyclicRotPt: ModelDot

A ModelDot object specifying the rotation axis point. This argument applies only when cyclicSymmetry=ON.

cyclicRotEndPt: ModelDot

A ModelDot object specifying the rotation axis end point. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and only when cyclicSymmetry=ON.

cyclicSymPt: ModelDot

A ModelDot object specifying the symmetry axis end point. This argument applies only when cyclicSymmetry=ON.

periodicDistance_1: tuple

A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the first periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero. The default value is an empty sequence.

periodicDistance_2: tuple

A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the second periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than one. The default value is an empty sequence.

periodicDistance_3: tuple

A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the third periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries = 3. The default value is an empty sequence.


setValues([surfaceEmissivities, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing CavityRadiation object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, blocking, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing CavityRadiation object in the specified step.

setValues(surfaceEmissivities: tuple = (), ambientTemp: float | None = None, blocking: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'BLOCKING_ALL', blockingSurfaces: ~abaqus.Region.RegionArray.RegionArray | None = None, rangeOfView: float | None = None, surfaceReflection: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, viewfactorAccurTol: float = 0, minInfinitesimalRatio: float = 64, numPointsPerEdge: int = 3, minLumpedAreaDS: float = 5, cyclicSymmetry: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, cyclicImages: int = 2, cyclicRotPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, cyclicRotEndPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, cyclicSymPt: ~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot = <abaqus.BasicGeometry.ModelDot.ModelDot object>, periodicSymmetries: int = 0, periodicImages_1: int = 2, periodicImages_2: int = 2, periodicImages_3: int = 2, periodicSymAxis_1: str = '', periodicSymAxis_2: str = '', periodicSymPlane_1: str = '', periodicSymPlane_2: str = '', periodicSymPlane_3: str = '', periodicDistance_1: tuple = (), periodicDistance_2: tuple = (), periodicDistance_3: tuple = (), periodicSymZ: float | None = None, periodicDistZ: float | None = None, reflectionSymmetries: int = 0, reflectionSymAxis_1: str = '', reflectionSymAxis_2: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_1: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_2: str = '', reflectionSymPlane_3: str = '', reflectionSymZ: float | None = None)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing CavityRadiation object in the step where it is created.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of the Cavity Radiation properties containing the surface emissivity data. One name per specified surface. The emissivity data is ignored when *surfaceReflection*=OFF.


None or a Float specifying the reference ambient temperature value, θ0θ0. Specifying a value indicates an open cavity. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the blocking checks to be performed in the viewfactor calculations. Possible values are BLOCKING_ALL, NO_BLOCKING, and PARTIAL_BLOCKING. The default value is BLOCKING_ALL.


A RegionArray object specifying the surfaces that provide blocking inside the cavity. This argument applies only when *blocking*=PARTIAL_BLOCKING.


None or a Float specifying the maximum distance between surface facets at which viewfactors are calculated. More distant facets are deemed too far apart to exchange significant amounts of heat through radiation effects, and the viewfactors between these facets are assumed to be zero. If *rangeOfView*=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether heat reflections are to be included in the cavity radiation calculations. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the acceptable tolerance for the viewfactor calculations. The default value is 0.05.


A Float specifying the facet area ratio above which the infinitesimal-to-finite area approximation is used for viewfactor calculations. The default value is 64.0.


An Int specifying the number of Gauss integration points to be used along each edge when the numerical integration of contour integrals is used for viewfactor calculations. One to five integration points are allowed. The default value is 3.


A Float specifying the nondimensional distance-square value above which the lumped area approximation is used for viewfactor calculations. The default value is 5.0.


A Boolean specifying whether cyclic symmetry will be applied. This argument cannot be specified for axisymmetric models. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of cyclically similar images that compose the cavity formed as a result of this symmetry. This argument applies only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON. The default value is 2.


A ModelDot object specifying the rotation axis point. This argument applies only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON.


A ModelDot object specifying the rotation axis end point. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON.


A ModelDot object specifying the symmetry axis end point. This argument applies only when *cyclicSymmetry*=ON.


An Int specifying the number of periodic symmetries that will be applied. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the first periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_1. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero. The default value is 2.


An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the second periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_2. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than one. The default value is 2.


An Int specifying the number of repetitions used in the numerical calculation of the cavity viewfactors resulting from the third periodic symmetry. The result of this symmetry is a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model plus twice the value of periodicImages_3. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries = 3. The default value is 2.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the first line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for 2D models, and when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the second line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for two-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries = 2.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the first plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the second plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries is greater than one.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the third plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when periodicSymmetries = 3.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the first periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than zero. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the second periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries is greater than one. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the two points of the vector that describes the periodic distance for the third periodic symmetry. Each point is defined by a tuple of three coordinates indicating its position. This argument applies only when periodicSymmetries = 3. The default value is an empty sequence.


None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the symmetry reference line in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when periodicSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the periodic distance in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when periodicSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the number of reflection symmetries will be applied. The default value is 0.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the first line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for two-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries is greater than zero.


A straight Edge, a Datum object representing a datum axis, or an ElementEdge object indicating the second line of symmetry in two-dimensional models. This argument applies only for two-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 2.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the first plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries is greater than zero.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the second plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries is greater than one.


A planar Face, an ElementFace, or a Datum object representing a datum plane; indicating the third plane of symmetry in three-dimensional models. This argument applies only for three-dimensional models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 3.


None or a Float specifying the Z value indicating the symmetry reference line in axisymmetric models. This argument applies only for axisymmetric models, and when reflectionSymmetries = 1. The default value is None.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, blocking: SymbolicConstantType = 'BLOCKING_ALL', blockingSurfaces: RegionArray | None = None, rangeOfView: float | None = None, surfaceReflection: BooleanType = 1, viewfactorAccurTol: float = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing CavityRadiation object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the blocking checks to be performed in the viewfactor calculations. Possible values are BLOCKING_ALL, NO_BLOCKING, and PARTIAL_BLOCKING. The default value is BLOCKING_ALL.


A RegionArray object specifying the surfaces that provide blocking inside the cavity. This argument applies only when *blocking*=PARTIAL_BLOCKING.


None or a Float specifying the maximum distance between surface facets at which viewfactors are calculated. More distant facets are deemed too far apart to exchange significant amounts of heat through radiation effects, and the viewfactors between these facets are assumed to be zero. If *rangeOfView*=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether heat reflections are to be included in the cavity radiation calculations. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the acceptable tolerance for the viewfactor calculations. The default value is 0.05.


class CavityRadiationProp(name: str, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, property: tuple = ())[source]#

The CavityRadiationProp object is an interaction property that defines emissivity as a function of temperature and field variables. The CavityRadiationProp object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([temperatureDependency, ...])

This method modifies the CavityRadiationProp object.

setValues(temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, property: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the CavityRadiationProp object.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the following:The emissivity, ϵϵ.Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.Value of the second field variable.Etc.


class CavityRadiationState[source]#

The CavityRadiationState object stores the propagating data for a CavityRadiation object. One instance of this object is created internally by the CavityRadiation object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the CavityRadiation object. The CavityRadiationState object has no constructor or methods. The CavityRadiationState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


blocking: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the blocking checks to be performed in the viewfactor calculations. Possible values are BLOCKING_ALL, NO_BLOCKING, and PARTIAL_BLOCKING.

blockingState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the blocking member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

blockingSurfacesState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the blockingSurfaces member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

rangeOfView: float

A Float specifying the distance beyond which factors need not be calculated because surfaces are judged to be too far apart to “see” each other (due to blocking by other surfaces).

rangeOfViewState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rangeOfView member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

surfaceReflection: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether reflection must be included in the cavity radiation calculations. The default value is ON.

surfaceReflectionState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the surfaceReflection member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

viewfactorAccuracyTol: float

A Float specifying the acceptable tolerance for the viewfactor calculations.

viewfactorAccuracyTolState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the viewfactorAccuracyTol member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

blockingSurfaces: tuple

A tuple of Strings specifying the surfaces that provide blocking inside the cavity.

status: SymbolicConstant



class CohesiveBehavior(repeatedContacts: BooleanType = 0, eligibility: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALL_NODES', defaultPenalties: BooleanType = 1, coupling: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNCOUPLED', temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, table: tuple = ())[source]#

The CohesiveBehaviour


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:

- If *coupling*=UNCOUPLED, the table data specify the following:
    - Stiffness coefficient in the normal direction, Knn.
    - Stiffness coefficient in the first shear direction, Kss.
    - Stiffness coefficient in the second shear direction, Ktt.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
- If *coupling*=COUPLED, the table data specify the following:
    - Stiffness coefficient in the normal direction, Knn.
    - Stiffness coefficient in the first shear direction, Kss.
    - Stiffness coefficient in the second shear direction, Ktt.
    - Coupled stiffness coefficient, Kns.
    - Coupled stiffness coefficient, Knt.
    - Coupled stiffness coefficient, Kst.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
The corresponding analysis keywords are:



This method modifies the CohesiveBehavior object.


This method modifies the CohesiveBehavior object.


class ConcentratedFilmCondition(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, definition: SymbolicConstantType, nodalArea: float = 1, explicitRegionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAGRANGIAN', interactionProperty: str = '', field: str = '', sinkTemperature: float = 0, sinkAmplitude: str = '', filmCoeff: float = 0, filmCoeffAmplitude: str = '', sinkFieldName: str = '', sinkDistributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

The ConcentratedFilmCondition object defines concentrated film coefficients and associated sink temperatures. The ConcentratedFilmCondition object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([nodalArea, explicitRegionType, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing ConcentratedFilmCondition object in the step where it is created.


This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ConcentratedFilmCondition object in the specified step.

setValues(nodalArea: float = 1, explicitRegionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAGRANGIAN', interactionProperty: str = '', field: str = '', sinkTemperature: float = 0, sinkAmplitude: str = '', filmCoeff: float = 0, filmCoeffAmplitude: str = '', sinkFieldName: str = '', sinkDistributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing ConcentratedFilmCondition object in the step where it is created.


A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated film condition is applied. The default value is 1.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the concentrated film condition is applied to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. Possible values are LAGRANGIAN, SLIDING, and EULERIAN. The default value is LAGRANGIAN. This argument applies only during an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


A String specifying the name of the FilmConditionProp object associated with this interaction. The interactionProperty argument applies only when *definition*=PROPERTY_REF. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *definition*=FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A Float specifying the reference sink temperature, θ0θ0. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the sink temperature, θ0θ0, with time. The default value is an empty string.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied throughout the step.


A Float specifying the reference film coefficient value, hh. The filmCoeff argument applies when *definition*=EMBEDDED_COEFF, *definition*=USER_SUB, or *definition*=FIELD. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the film coefficient, hh, with time. The default value is an empty string.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied throughout the step.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with the sink temperature. The sinkFieldName argument applies only when *sinkDistributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD or *sinkDistributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the sink temperature is distributed. Possible values are UNIFORM, ANALYTICAL_FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ConcentratedFilmCondition object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


class ConcentratedFilmConditionState[source]#

The ConcentratedFilmConditionState object stores the propagating data for a ConcentratedFilmCondition object. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConcentratedFilmCondition object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConcentratedFilmCondition object. The ConcentratedFilmConditionState object has no constructor or methods. The ConcentratedFilmConditionState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

sinkTemperature: float

A Float specifying the sink temperature.

sinkTemperatureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the sinkTemperature member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

sinkAmplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the sinkAmplitude member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

filmCoeff: float

A Float specifying the film coefficient.

filmCoeffState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the filmCoeff member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

filmCoeffAmplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the filmCoeffAmplitude member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

nodalArea: float

A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated film condition is applied.

nodalAreaState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the nodalArea member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the FilmConditionProp object associated with this interaction.

sinkAmplitude: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the sink temperature.

filmCoeffAmplitude: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the film coefficient.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, ambientTemperature: float, ambientTemperatureAmp: str, emissivity: float, nodalArea: float = 1, explicitRegionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAGRANGIAN', field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object defines radiant heat transfer between a point and its nonreflecting environment. The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([nodalArea, explicitRegionType, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, nodalArea, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object in the specified step.

setValues(nodalArea: float = 1, explicitRegionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAGRANGIAN', field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object in the step where it is created.


A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated radiation interaction is applied. The default value is 1.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the concentrated radiation is applied to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. Possible values are LAGRANGIAN, SLIDING, and EULERIAN. The default value is LAGRANGIAN.Note:explicitRegionType applies only during an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the radiation is defined. Possible values are UNIFORM and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, nodalArea: float = 1, field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated radiation interaction is applied. The default value is 1.0.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the radiation is defined. Possible values are UNIFORM and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


class ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState[source]#

The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object stores the propagating data for a ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object. The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object has no constructor or methods. The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


ambientTemperature: float

A Float specifying the ambient temperature.

ambientTemperatureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the ambientTemperature member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

ambientTemperatureAmpState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the ambientTemperatureAmp member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

emissivity: float

A Float specifying the emissivity.

emissivityState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the emissivity member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

nodalArea: float

A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated radiation is applied.

nodalAreaState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the nodalArea member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

ambientTemperatureAmp: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the ambient temperature with time.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class ContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, useAllstar: BooleanType = OFF, globalSmoothing: BooleanType = ON, includedPairs: RegionPairs = RegionPairs(), excludedPairs: RegionPairs = RegionPairs(), contactPropertyAssignments: ContactPropertyAssignment = ContactPropertyAssignment(), surfaceThicknessAssignments: SurfaceThicknessAssignment = SurfaceThicknessAssignment(), surfaceOffsetAssignments: SurfaceOffsetAssignment = SurfaceOffsetAssignment(), surfaceFeatureAssignments: SurfaceFeatureAssignment = SurfaceFeatureAssignment(), smoothingAssignments: SmoothingAssignment = SmoothingAssignment(), surfaceCrushTriggerAssignments: SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment = SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment(), surfaceFrictionAssignments: SurfaceFrictionAssignment = SurfaceFrictionAssignment(), mainSecondaryAssignments: MainSecondaryAssignment = MainSecondaryAssignment(), polarityAssignments: PolarityAssignments = PolarityAssignments())[source]#
class ContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, globalSmoothing: BooleanType = ON, surfaceCrushTriggerAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = TRIGGER, surfaceFrictionAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = GLOBAL, useAllstar: BooleanType = OFF, includedPairs: SymbolicConstantType = None, excludedPairs: SymbolicConstantType = None, contactPropertyAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, surfaceThicknessAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = ORIGINAL, surfaceOffsetAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = GLOBAL, surfaceFeatureAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = PERIMETER, smoothingAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, mainSecondaryAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, polarityAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None)

The ContactExp object defines the contact domain and associated properties during contact in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. The ContactExp object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

globalSmoothing: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether surface smoothing (geometric correction) is automatically applied to all eligible surfaces. The default value is ON.

includedPairs: RegionPairs

A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs included in contact.

excludedPairs: RegionPairs

A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs excluded from contact.

contactPropertyAssignments: ContactPropertyAssignment

A ContactPropertyAssignment object specifying the contact property assignments in the contact domain.

surfaceThicknessAssignments: SurfaceThicknessAssignment

A SurfaceThicknessAssignment object specifying the surface thickness assignments in the contact domain.

surfaceOffsetAssignments: SurfaceOffsetAssignment

A SurfaceOffsetAssignment object specifying the surface offset fraction assignments in the contact domain.

surfaceFeatureAssignments: SurfaceFeatureAssignment

A SurfaceFeatureAssignment object specifying the surface feature angle assignments in the contact domain.

smoothingAssignments: SmoothingAssignment

A SmoothingAssignment object specifying the surface smoothing assignments in the contact domain.

masterSlaveAssignments: MasterSlaveAssignment

A MasterSlaveAssignment object specifying the master-slave assignments in the contact domain.

polarityAssignments: PolarityAssignments

A PolarityAssignments object specifying the polarity assignments in the contact domain.


class ContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, useAllstar: BooleanType = OFF, globalSmoothing: BooleanType = ON, includedPairs: RegionPairs = RegionPairs(), excludedPairs: RegionPairs = RegionPairs(), contactPropertyAssignments: ContactPropertyAssignment = ContactPropertyAssignment(), surfaceThicknessAssignments: SurfaceThicknessAssignment = SurfaceThicknessAssignment(), surfaceOffsetAssignments: SurfaceOffsetAssignment = SurfaceOffsetAssignment(), surfaceFeatureAssignments: SurfaceFeatureAssignment = SurfaceFeatureAssignment(), surfaceBeamSmoothingAssignments: SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment = SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment(), surfaceVertexCriteriaAssignments: SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment = SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment(), mainSecondaryAssignments: MainSecondaryAssignment = MainSecondaryAssignment(), initializationAssignments: InitializationAssignment = InitializationAssignment(), stabilizationAssignments: StabilizationAssignment = StabilizationAssignment(), smoothingAssignments: SmoothingAssignment = SmoothingAssignment(), slidingTransitionAssignments: SlidingTransitionAssignment = SlidingTransitionAssignment(), slidingFormulationAssignments: SlidingFormulationAssignment = SlidingFormulationAssignment())[source]#
class ContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, globalSmoothing: BooleanType = ON, surfaceBeamSmoothingAssignments: tuple = (), surfaceVertexCriteriaAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = GLOBAL, slidingFormulationAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, useAllstar: BooleanType = OFF, includedPairs: SymbolicConstantType = None, excludedPairs: SymbolicConstantType = None, contactPropertyAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, surfaceFeatureAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = GLOBAL, surfaceThicknessAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = GLOBAL, surfaceOffsetAssignments: SymbolicConstantType | float = GLOBAL, mainSecondaryAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, initializationAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, stabilizationAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, smoothingAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None, slidingTransitionAssignments: SymbolicConstantType = None)

The ContactStd object defines the contact domain and associated properties during contact in an Abaqus/Standard analysis. The ContactStd object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

globalSmoothing: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether surface smoothing (geometric correction) is automatically applied to all eligible surfaces. The default value is ON.

includedPairs: RegionPairs

A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs included in contact.

excludedPairs: RegionPairs

A RegionPairs object specifying the domain pairs excluded from contact.

contactPropertyAssignments: ContactPropertyAssignment

A ContactPropertyAssignment object specifying the contact property assignments in the contact domain.

surfaceThicknessAssignments: SurfaceThicknessAssignment

A SurfaceThicknessAssignment object specifying the surface thickness assignments in the contact domain.

surfaceOffsetAssignments: SurfaceOffsetAssignment

A SurfaceOffsetAssignment object specifying the surface offset fraction assignments in the contact domain.

masterSlaveAssignments: MasterSlaveAssignment

A MasterSlaveAssignment object specifying the master-slave assignments in the contact domain.

initializationAssignments: InitializationAssignment

An InitializationAssignment object specifying the contact initialization assignments in the contact domain.

stabilizationAssignments: StabilizationAssignment

A StabilizationAssignment object specifying the contact stabilization assignments in the contact domain.

smoothingAssignments: SmoothingAssignment

A SmoothingAssignment object specifying the surface smoothing assignments in the contact domain.

surfaceFeatureAssignments: SurfaceFeatureAssignment

A SurfaceFeatureAssignment object specifying the surface feature angle assignments in the contact domain.

slidingTransitionAssignments: SlidingTransitionAssignment

A SlidingTransitionAssignments object specifying the sliding transition assignments in the contact domain.

assignEdgeToEdgeformulation: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether to assign the edge-to-edge formulation. The default value is False.

edgeToEdgeFormulation: str

A symbolic constant specifying edge-to-edge formulation. The default value is NO.


class ContactTangentialBehavior(formulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'FRICTIONLESS', directionality: SymbolicConstantType = 'ISOTROPIC', slipRateDependency: BooleanType = 0, pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, exponentialDecayDefinition: SymbolicConstantType = 'COEFFICIENTS', table: tuple = (), shearStressLimit: float | None = None, maximumElasticSlip: SymbolicConstantType = 'FRACTION', fraction: float = 0, absoluteDistance: float = 0, elasticSlipStiffness: float | None = None, nStateDependentVars: int = 0, useProperties: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

The ContactTangentialBehavior object specifies tangential behavior for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:

- If *formulation*=PENALTY or LAGRANGE, the table data specify the following:
    - Friction coefficient in the first slip direction, μ1μ1.
    - Friction coefficient in the second slip direction, μ2μ2 (if *directionality*=ANISOTROPIC).
    - Slip rate, if the data depend on slip rate.
    - Contact pressure, if the data depend on contact pressure.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
- If *formulation*=EXPONENTIAL_DECAY and *exponentialDecayDefinition*=COEFFICIENTS, the table data specify the
    - Static friction coefficient.
    - Kinetic friction coefficient.
    - Decay coefficient.
- If *formulation*=EXPONENTIAL_DECAY and *exponentialDecayDefinition*=TEST_DATA, the table data specify the
    - Friction coefficient.
    - Slip rate.
- If *formulation*=USER_DEFINED, the table data specify the following:
    - Friction property.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


formulation: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the friction formulation. Possible values are FRICTIONLESS, PENALTY, EXPONENTIAL_DECAY, ROUGH, LAGRANGE, and USER_DEFINED. The default value is FRICTIONLESS.

directionality: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the directionality of the friction. Possible values are ISOTROPIC and ANISOTROPIC. The default value is ISOTROPIC.

slipRateDependency: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on slip rate. The default value is OFF.

pressureDependency: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on contact pressure. The default value is OFF.

temperatureDependency: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.

dependencies: int

An Int specifying the number of field variables. The default value is 0.

exponentialDecayDefinition: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the exponential decay definition. Possible values are COEFFICIENTS and TEST_DATA. The default value is COEFFICIENTS.

shearStressLimit: float

None or a Float specifying the shear stress limit. If shearStressLimit=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.

maximumElasticSlip: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying what the maximum elastic slip will be. Possible values are FRACTION and ABSOLUTE_DISTANCE. The default value is FRACTION.

fraction: float

A Float specifying the fraction of a characteristic surface dimension. The default value is 0.0.

absoluteDistance: float

A Float specifying the absolute distance. The default value is 0.0.

elasticSlipStiffness: float

None or a Float specifying the elastic slip stiffness. If elasticSlipStiffness=None, there is no upper limit. The default value is None.

nStateDependentVars: int

An Int specifying the number of state-dependent variables. The default value is 0.

useProperties: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether property values will be used. The default value is OFF.

table: float

A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying tangential behavior. The items in the table data are described below.



This method modifies the ContactTangentialBehavior object.


This method modifies the ContactTangentialBehavior object.


class CyclicSymmetry(name: str, createStepName: str, main: Region, secondary: Region, repetitiveSectors: int, axisPoint1: Region, axisPoint2: Region, extractedNodalDiameter: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER', lowestNodalDiameter: int = 0, highestNodalDiameter: int = 0, excitationNodalDiameter: int = 0, adjustTie: BooleanType = 1, positionTolerance: float = 0, positionToleranceMethod: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED_TOLERANCE')[source]#

The CyclicSymmetry object defines a cyclic symmetry analysis. The CyclicSymmetry object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


    • DLOAD

    • DSLOAD


    • TIE


setValues([extractedNodalDiameter, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing CyclicSymmetry object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing CyclicSymmetry object in the specified step.


This method switches the master and slave surfaces of a cyclic symmetry interaction.

setValues(extractedNodalDiameter: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER', lowestNodalDiameter: int = 0, highestNodalDiameter: int = 0, excitationNodalDiameter: int = 0, adjustTie: BooleanType = 1, positionTolerance: float = 0, positionToleranceMethod: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED_TOLERANCE')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing CyclicSymmetry object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether Abaqus should extract all possible nodal diameters or the nodal diameters between the user-specified values for lowestNodalDiameter and highestNodalDiameter. Possible values are ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER and SPECIFIED_NODAL_DIAMETER. The default value is ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER.


An Int specifying the lowest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the highest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. This argument value should be less than or equal to the half of the total number of sectors (as specified in the repetitiveSectors parameter). The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the nodal diameter for which the modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis will be performed. This value should be greater than or equal to the lowest nodal diameter (specified in the lowestNodalDiameter parameter), and less than or equal to the highest nodal diameter (specified in the highestNodalDiameter parameter). The default value is 0.


A Boolean specifying whether or not to adjust the secondary surface of the cyclic symmetry to tie it to the main surface. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the position tolerance. The*positionTolerance* argument applies only when *positionToleranceMethod*=SPECIFY_TOLERANCE. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to determine the position tolerance. Possible values are COMPUTED_TOLERANCE and SPECIFY_TOLERANCE. The default value is COMPUTED_TOLERANCE.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, extractedNodalDiameter: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER', lowestNodalDiameter: int = 0, highestNodalDiameter: int = 0, excitationNodalDiameter: int = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing CyclicSymmetry object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether Abaqus should extract all possible nodal diameters or the nodal diameters between the user-specified values for lowestNodalDiameter and highestNodalDiameter. Possible values are ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER and SPECIFIED_NODAL_DIAMETER. The default value is ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER.


An Int specifying the lowest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the highest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. This argument value should be less than or equal to the half of the total number of sectors (as specified in the repetitiveSectors parameter). The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the nodal diameter for which the modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis will be performed. This value should be greater than or equal to the lowest nodal diameter (specified in the lowestNodalDiameter parameter), and less than or equal to the highest nodal diameter (specified in the highestNodalDiameter parameter). The default value is 0.


This method switches the master and slave surfaces of a cyclic symmetry interaction. This command is valid only during the step in which the interaction is created.


class CyclicSymmetryState[source]#

The CyclicSymmetryState object stores the propagating data for a CyclicSymmetry object. One instance of this object is created internally by the CyclicSymmetry object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the CyclicSymmetry object. The CyclicSymmetryState object has no constructor or methods. The CyclicSymmetryState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:

    • DLOAD

    • DSLOAD


extractedNodalDiameter: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying whether Abaqus should extract all possible nodal diameters or the nodal diameters between the user-specified values for lowestNodalDiameter and highestNodalDiameter. Possible values are ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER and SPECIFIED_NODAL_DIAMETER. The default value is ALL_NODAL_DIAMETER.

extractedNodalDiameterState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the extractedNodalDiameter member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

lowestNodalDiameter: int

An Int specifying the lowest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. The default value is 0.

lowestNodalDiameterState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the lowestNodalDiameter member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

highestNodalDiameter: int

An Int specifying the highest nodal diameter to be used in the eigenfrequency analysis. This argument value should be less than or equal to the half of the total number of sectors. The default value is 0.

highestNodalDiameterState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the highestNodalDiameter member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

excitiationNodalDiameter: int

An Int specifying the nodal diameter for which the modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis will be performed. This value should be greater than or equal to the lowest nodal diameter (specified in the lowestNodalDiameter parameter), and less than or equal to the highest nodal diameter (specified in the highestNodalDiameter parameter). The default value is 0.

excitiationNodalDiameterState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the excitiationNodalDiameter member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class ElasticFoundation(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, stiffness: float)[source]#

The ElasticFoundation object defines a mechanical foundation. The ElasticFoundation object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the data for an existing ElasticFoundation object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, stiffness])

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ElasticFoundation object in the specified step.


This method modifies the data for an existing ElasticFoundation object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, stiffness: float | None = None)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ElasticFoundation object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A Float specifying the foundation stiffness per area (or per length for beams).


class ElasticFoundationState[source]#

The ElasticFoundationState object stores the propagating data for an ElasticFoundation object. One instance of this object is created internally by the ElasticFoundation object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ElasticFoundation object. The ElasticFoundationState object has no constructor or methods. The ElasticFoundationState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
stiffness: float

A Float specifying the foundation stiffness per area.

stiffnessState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the stiffness member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class ExpContactControl(name: str, globTrkChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', globTrkInc: int | None = None, fastLocalTrk: BooleanType = 1, scalePenalty: float = 1, warpCheckPeriod: int = 20, warpCutoff: float = 20)[source]#

The ExpContactControl object is used in Abaqus/Explicit analyses to specify optional solution controls for problems involving contact between bodies. The ExpContactControl object is derived from the ContactControl object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([globTrkChoice, globTrkInc, ...])

This method modifies the ExpContactControl object.

setValues(globTrkChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', globTrkInc: int | None = None, fastLocalTrk: BooleanType = 1, scalePenalty: float = 1, warpCheckPeriod: int = 20, warpCutoff: float = 20)[source]#

This method modifies the ExpContactControl object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether or not the default value will be used for the maximum number of increments between global contact searches. Possible values are DEFAULT and SPECIFY. The default value is DEFAULT.


An Int specifying the maximum number of increments between global contact searches. The globTrkInc argument applies only when *globTrkChoice*=SPECIFY. The default value is 100 for surface-to-surface contact and 4 for self-contact.


A Boolean specifying whether to use the more computationally efficient local tracking method. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the factor by which Abaqus/Explicit will scale the default penalty stiffness to obtain the stiffnesses used for the penalty contact pairs. The default value is 1.0.


An Int specifying the number of increments between checks for highly warped facets on main surfaces. The default value is 20.


A Float specifying the out-of-plane warping angle (in degrees), at which a facet will be considered to be highly warped. The default value is 20.0.



class ExpInitialization(name: str, overclosureType: SymbolicConstantType = 'ADJUST', interferenceDistance: float | None = None, clearanceDistance: float | None = None, openingTolerance: float | None = None, overclosureTolerance: float | None = None, adjustNodalCoords: BooleanType = True, secondaryNodesetName: str | None = None, stepFraction: float = 1)[source]#

The ExpInitialization object is used in conjunction with ContactExp in Abaqus/Explicit analyses to specify contact initialization data. The ExpInitialization object is derived from the ContactInitialization object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([overclosureType, ...])

This method modifies the ExpInitialization object.

setValues(overclosureType: SymbolicConstantType = 'ADJUST', interferenceDistance: float | None = None, clearanceDistance: float | None = None, openingTolerance: float | None = None, overclosureTolerance: float | None = None, adjustNodalCoords: BooleanType = True, secondaryNodesetName: str | None = None, stepFraction: float = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the ExpInitialization object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of overclosure to be defined. Possible values are ADJUST, INTERFERENCE, and CLEARANCE. The default value is ADJUST.


None or a Float specifying the interference distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the initial clearance distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=CLEARANCE and must be specified in that case. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial openings will undergo strain-free adjustments. This argument is not valid when overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE unless a value has been specified for *interferenceDistance. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial overclosures will undergo strain-free adjustments. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether to resolve clearances/overclosures by adjusting the nodal coordinates without creating strain in the model. *adjustNodalCoords*=True can be used only for clearances/overclosures defined in the first step of an analysis. The default value is True.


A String specifying the name of the node set containing the secondary nodes to be included in the initial clearance specification. This argument is not valid when overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE and if *openingTolerance or overclosureTolerance is specified. The default value is None.


A Float specifying the fraction of the step time (between 0.0 and 1.0) in which the interference fit has to be solved. The default value is 1.0. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE.



class FilmCondition(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, definition: SymbolicConstantType, interactionProperty: str = '', sinkTemperature: float = 0, sinkAmplitude: str = '', filmCoeff: float = 0, filmCoeffAmplitude: str = '', field: str = '', sinkFieldName: str = '', sinkDistributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

The FilmCondition object defines film coefficients and associated sink temperatures for coupled temperature-displacement analyses. The FilmCondition object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([interactionProperty, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing FilmCondition object in the step where it is created.


This method modifies the propagating data of an existing FilmCondition object in the specified step.

setValues(interactionProperty: str = '', sinkTemperature: float = 0, sinkAmplitude: str = '', filmCoeff: float = 0, filmCoeffAmplitude: str = '', field: str = '', sinkFieldName: str = '', sinkDistributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing FilmCondition object in the step where it is created.


A String specifying the name of the FilmConditionProp object associated with this interaction. The interactionProperty argument applies only when *definition*=PROPERTY_REF. The default value is an empty string.


A Float specifying the reference sink temperature, θ0θ0. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the sink temperature, θ0θ0, with time. The default value is an empty string.Note:Use empty string in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use empty string in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference sink temperature is applied throughout the step.


A Float specifying the reference film coefficient value, hh. The filmCoeff argument applies when *definition*=EMBEDDED_COEFF, *definition*=USER_SUB, or *definition*=FIELD. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the film coefficient, hh, with time. The default value is an empty string. Note: Use empty string in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use empty string in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference film coefficient is applied throughout the step.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *definition*=FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with the sink temperature. The sinkFieldName argument applies only when *sinkDistributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD or *sinkDistributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the sink temperature is distributed. Possible values are UNIFORM, ANALYTICAL_FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing FilmCondition object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


class FilmConditionProp(name: str, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, property: tuple = ())[source]#

The FilmConditionProp object is an interaction property that defines a film coefficient as a function of temperature and field variables. The FilmConditionProp object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([temperatureDependency, ...])

This method modifies the FilmConditionProp object.

setValues(temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, property: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the FilmConditionProp object.


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the following: - The film coefficient, hh. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.


class FilmConditionState[source]#

The FilmConditionState object stores the propagating data for a FilmCondition object. One instance of this object is created internally by the FilmCondition object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the FilmCondition object. The FilmConditionState object has no constructor or methods. The FilmConditionState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:

    • FILM

interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

sinkTemperature: float

A Float specifying the sink temperature.

sinkTemperatureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the sinkTemperature member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

sinkAmplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the sinkAmplitude member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

filmCoeff: float

A Float specifying the film coefficient.

filmCoeffState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the filmCoeff member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

filmCoeffAmplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the filmCoeffAmplitude member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the FilmConditionProp object associated with this interaction.

sinkAmplitude: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the sink temperature.

filmCoeffAmplitude: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the film coefficient.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class FluidCavity(name: str, createStepName: str, cavityPoint: Region, cavitySurface: Region, interactionProperty: str, ambientPressure: float = 0, thickness: float = 1, useAdiabatic: BooleanType = 0, checkNormals: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

The FluidCavity object defines a surface-based cavity. The FluidCavity object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([ambientPressure, thickness, ...])

This method modifies the FluidCavity object.

setValues(ambientPressure: float = 0, thickness: float = 1, useAdiabatic: BooleanType = 0, checkNormals: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the FluidCavity object.


A Float specifying the magnitude of the ambient pressure. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying the out-of-plane thickness of the surface for two-dimensional models. This argument is valid only when using two-dimensional models. The default value is 1.0.


A Boolean specifying whether adiabatic behavior is assumed for the ideal gas. This argument is valid only when interactionProperty specifies a pneumatic definition. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the analysis will check the consistency of the surface normals. The default value is ON.


class FluidCavityProperty(name: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'HYDRAULIC', fluidDensity: float | None = None, molecularWeight: float | None = None, useExpansion: BooleanType = 0, expansionTempDep: BooleanType = 0, expansionDependencies: int = 0, referenceTemperature: float = 0, expansionTable: tuple = (), useBulkModulus: BooleanType = 0, bulkModulusTempDep: BooleanType = 0, bulkModulusDependencies: int = 0, bulkModulusTable: tuple = (), useCapacity: BooleanType = 0, capacityType: SymbolicConstantType = 'POLYNOMIAL', capacityTempDep: BooleanType = 0, capacityDependencies: int = 0, capacityTable: tuple = ())[source]#

The FluidCavityProperty object is an interaction property that defines the fluid behavior for a surface-based fluid cavity. The FluidCavityProperty object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:







setValues([definition, fluidDensity, ...])

This method modifies the FluidCavityProperty object.

setValues(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'HYDRAULIC', fluidDensity: float | None = None, molecularWeight: float | None = None, useExpansion: BooleanType = 0, expansionTempDep: BooleanType = 0, expansionDependencies: int = 0, referenceTemperature: float = 0, expansionTable: tuple = (), useBulkModulus: BooleanType = 0, bulkModulusTempDep: BooleanType = 0, bulkModulusDependencies: int = 0, bulkModulusTable: tuple = (), useCapacity: BooleanType = 0, capacityType: SymbolicConstantType = 'POLYNOMIAL', capacityTempDep: BooleanType = 0, capacityDependencies: int = 0, capacityTable: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the FluidCavityProperty object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of fluid cavity property to be defined. Possible values are HYDRAULIC and PNEUMATIC. The default value is HYDRAULIC.


None or a Float specifying the reference fluid density. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC, and is required in that case. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the molecular weight of the ideal gas species. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, and is required in that case. The default value is None.


A Boolean specifying whether thermal expansion coefficients will be defined. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the thermal fluid expansion data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useExpansion*=True. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the thermal fluid expansion data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useExpansion*=True. The default value is 0.


A Float specifying the reference temperature for the coefficient of thermal expansion. This argument is applicable only when definition*=HYDRAULIC, when *useExpansion*=True, and when either *expansionTempDep*=True or when *expansionDependencies is greater than 0. The default value is 0.0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the thermal expansion coefficients. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useExpansion*=True. Each sequence contains the following data: - The mean coefficient of thermal expansion. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.


A Boolean specifying whether fluid bulk modulus values will be defined. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the fluid bulk modulus data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useBulkModulus*=True. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the fluid bulk modulus data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useBulkModulus*=True. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the fluid bulk modulus values. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=HYDRAULIC and when *useBulkModulus*=True. Each sequence contains the following data: - The fluid bulk modulus. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.


A Boolean specifying whether molar heat capacity values will be defined. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method to define the molar heat capacity. Possible values are POLYNOMIAL and TABULAR. The default value is POLYNOMIAL.


A Boolean specifying whether the molar heat capacity data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=TABULAR. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the molar heat capacity data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=TABULAR. The default value is 0.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the molar heat capacity values in the form of a polynomial expression. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=POLYNOMIAL. In this form, only one sequence is specified and that sequence contains the following data: - The first molar heat capacity coefficient. - The second molar heat capacity coefficient. - The third molar heat capacity coefficient. - The fourth molar heat capacity coefficient. - The fifth molar heat capacity coefficient. Alternatively, the sequence data may specify the molar heat capacity values at constant pressure for an ideal gas species. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=PNEUMATIC, when *useCapacity*=True, and when *capacityType*=TABULAR. Each sequence contains the following data: - The molar heat capacity at constant pressure. - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables. - Value of the second field variable. - Etc.


class FluidCavityState[source]#

The FluidCavityState object stores the propagating data for an FluidCavity object. One instance of this object is created internally by the FluidCavity object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the FluidCavity object. The FluidCavityState object has no constructor or methods. The FluidCavityState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class FluidExchange(name: str, createStepName: str, firstCavity: str, interactionProperty: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TO_ENVIRONMENT', secondCavity: str = '', exchangeArea: float = 1)[source]#

The FluidExchange object is used to define fluid exchange between two fluid cavities or between a fluid cavity and its environment. The FluidExchange object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([definition, secondCavity, ...])

This method modifies the FluidExchange object.

setValues(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TO_ENVIRONMENT', secondCavity: str = '', exchangeArea: float = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the FluidExchange object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of fluid exchange to be defined. Possible values are TO_ENVIRONMENT and BETWEEN_CAVITIES. The default value is TO_ENVIRONMENT.


A String specifying the second FluidCavity object associated with this interaction. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BETWEEN_CAVITIES.


A Float specifying the effective exchange area. The default value is 1.0.


class FluidExchangeProperty(name: str, dataTable: tuple, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'BULK_VISCOSITY', pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, fieldDependencies: int = 0)[source]#

The FluidExchangeProperty object is an interaction property that defines the fluid exchange property for a flow between two fluid cavities or between a fluid cavity and its environment. The FluidExchangeProperty object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([definition, pressureDependency, ...])

This method modifies the FluidExchangeProperty object.

setValues(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'BULK_VISCOSITY', pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, fieldDependencies: int = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the FluidExchangeProperty object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of fluid exchange property to be defined. Possible values are BULK_VISCOSITY, MASS_FLUX, MASS_RATE_LEAK, VOL_FLUX, and VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is BULK_VISCOSITY.


A Boolean specifying whether the data will have pressure dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY, or when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK, or when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether the data will have temperature dependency. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY, or when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK, or when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies in the data. This argument is applicable only when *definition*=BULK_VISCOSITY, or when *definition*=MASS_RATE_LEAK, or when *definition*=VOL_RATE_LEAK. The default value is 0.


class FluidExchangeState[source]#

The FluidExchangeState object stores the propagating data for an FluidExchange object. One instance of this object is created internally by the FluidExchange object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the FluidExchange object. The FluidExchangeState object has no constructor or methods. The FluidExchangeState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class FluidInflator(name: str, createStepName: str, cavity: str, interactionProperty: str, inflationTimeAmplitude: str = '', massFlowAmplitude: str = '')[source]#

The FluidInflator object is used to define a fluid inflator to model deployment of an airbag. The FluidInflator object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([inflationTimeAmplitude, ...])

This method modifies the FluidInflator object.

setValues(inflationTimeAmplitude: str = '', massFlowAmplitude: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the FluidInflator object.


A string specifying the name of the amplitude curve defining a mapping between the inflation time and the actual time.


A string specifying the name of the amplitude curve by which to modify the mass flow rate.


class FluidInflatorProperty(name: str, definition: str, effectiveArea: float, tankVolume: float, dischargeCoefficient: float | None = None, dataTable: tuple = (), numFluids: int | None = None, mixtureType: str = '', inflationTime: tuple = (), fluidbehaviorName: tuple = (), massFraction: tuple = ())[source]#

The FluidInflatorProperty object is an interaction property that defines a fluid inflator property to model the deployment of an airbag. The inflator property defines the mass flow rate and temperature as a function of inflation time either directly or by entering tank test data. It also defines the mixture of gases entering the fluid cavity. The FluidInflatorProperty object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:

- If *definition*=DUAL PRESSURE, the table data specify the following:
    - Inflation time.
    - Inflator pressure.
    - Tank pressure.
- If *definition*=PRESSURE AND MASS, the table data specify the following:
    - Inflation time.
    - Inflator pressure.
    - Inflator mass flow rate.
- If *definition*=TANK TEST, the table data specify the following:
    - Inflation time.
    - Inflator gas temperature.
    - Tank pressure.
- If *definition*=TEMPERATURE AND MASS, the table data specify the following:
    - Inflation time.
    - Inflator gas temperature.
    - Inflator mass flow rate.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([dischargeCoefficient, dataTable, ...])

This method modifies the FluidInflatorProperty object.

setValues(dischargeCoefficient: float | None = None, dataTable: tuple = (), numFluids: int | None = None, mixtureType: str = '', inflationTime: tuple = (), fluidbehaviorName: tuple = (), massFraction: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the FluidInflatorProperty object.


A Float specifying the discharge coefficient. This argument is applicable only if *definition*=DUAL PRESSURE or *definition*=PRESSURE AND MASS.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the items described in the “Table data” section below.


An Int specifying the number of gas species used for this inflator.


A Symbolic constant specifying whether to use mass fraction or the molar fraction for a mixture of ideal gases. The default value is MASS FRACTION. The possible values are MASS FRACTION or MOLAR FRACTION.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the inflation time.


A sequence of sequences of Strings specifying fluid behavior names.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the mass fraction or the molar fraction corresponding to entered fluid behavior.


class FluidInflatorState[source]#

The FluidInflatorState object stores the propagating data for a FluidInflator object. One instance of this object is created internally by the FluidInflator object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the FluidInflator object. The FluidInflatorState object has no constructor or methods. The FluidInflatorState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class FractureCriterion(initTable: tuple, type: SymbolicConstantType = 'VCCT', mixedModeBehavior: SymbolicConstantType = 'BK', temperatureDependency: BooleanType = 0, dependencies: int = 0, tolerance: float = 0, specifyUnstableCrackProp: SymbolicConstantType = 0, unstableTolerance: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'DEFAULT')[source]#

The FractureCriterion object specifies fractureCriterion options for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:
Table data for *initTable*:
If *type*=VCCT for *mixedModeBehavior*=BK or REEDER, the table data specify the following:
    - Mode I critical energy release rate, GICGI⁢C.
    - Mode II critical energy release rate, GIICGI⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode III critical energy release rate, GIIICGI⁢I⁢I⁢C.
    - Exponent, ηη.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *type*=VCCT for *mixedModeBehavior*=POWER, the table data specify the following:
    - Mode I critical energy release rate, GICGI⁢C.
    - Mode II critical energy release rate, GIICGI⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode III critical energy release rate, GIIICGI⁢I⁢I⁢C.
    - Exponent, ama⁢m.
    - Exponent, ana⁢n.
    - Exponent, aoa⁢o.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *type*=ENHANCED VCCT for *mixedModeBehavior*=BK or REEDER, the table data specify the following:
    - Mode I critical energy release rate for onset crack, GICGI⁢C.
    - Mode II critical energy release rate for onset crack, GIICGI⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode III critical energy release rate for onset crack, GIIICGI⁢I⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode I critical energy release rate for crack propagation, GICGI⁢C.
    - Mode II critical energy release rate for crack propagation, GIICGI⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode III critical energy release rate for crack propagation, GIIICGI⁢I⁢I⁢C.
    - Exponent, ηη.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
If *type*=ENHANCED VCCT for *mixedModeBehavior*=POWER, the table data specify the following:
    - Mode I critical energy release rate for onset crack, GICGI⁢C.
    - Mode II critical energy release rate for onset crack, GIICGI⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode III critical energy release rate for onset crack, GIIICGI⁢I⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode I critical energy release rate for crack propagation, GICGI⁢C.
    - Mode II critical energy release rate for crack propagation, GIICGI⁢I⁢C.
    - Mode III critical energy release rate for crack propagation, GIIICGI⁢I⁢I⁢C.
    - Exponent, ama⁢m.
    - Exponent, ana⁢n.
    - Exponent, aoa⁢o.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the FractureCriterion object.


This method modifies the FractureCriterion object.


class GapElectricalConductance(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', clearanceDependency: BooleanType = 1, pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependencyC: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesC: int = 0, clearanceDepTable: tuple = (), temperatureDependencyP: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesP: int = 0, pressureDepTable: tuple = ())[source]#

The GapElectricalConductance object specifies electrical conductance for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:
The *clearanceDepTable* data specify the following:
    - Conductivity.
    - Clearance.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
The *pressureDepTable* data specify the following:
    - Conductivity.
    - Pressure.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the GapElectricalConductance object.


This method modifies the GapElectricalConductance object.


class GapHeatGeneration(conversionFraction: float = 1, slaveFraction: float = 0)[source]#

The GapHeatGeneration object specifies heat generation for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


conversionFraction: float

A Float specifying the fraction of dissipated energy caused by friction or electric currents that is converted to heat. The default value is 1.0.

slaveFraction: float

A Float specifying the fraction of converted heat distributed to the slave surface. The default value is 0.5.



This method modifies the GapHeatGeneration object.


This method modifies the GapHeatGeneration object.


class GeometricProperties(contactArea: float = 1, padThickness: float | None = None, trackingThickness: float | None = None, dependentVariables: int = 0, numProperties: int = 0, useUnsymmetricEqunProcedure: BooleanType = 0, modelType: SymbolicConstantType | None = None)[source]#

The GeometricProperties object specifies surface interaction properties.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the GeometricProperties object.


This method modifies the GeometricProperties object.


class IncidentWave(name: str, createStepName: str, sourcePoint: Region, standoffPoint: Region, surface: Region, interactionProperty: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'PRESSURE', amplitude: str = '', imaginaryAmplitude: str = '', surfaceNormal: tuple = (), initialDepth: float | None = None, referenceMagnitude: float | None = None, detonationTime: float | None = None, magnitudeFactor: float = 1)[source]#

The IncidentWave object defines incident wave interactions for acoustic and coupled acoustic-structural analyses. The IncidentWave object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([definition, amplitude, ...])

This method modifies the IncidentWave object.

setValues(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'PRESSURE', amplitude: str = '', imaginaryAmplitude: str = '', surfaceNormal: tuple = (), initialDepth: float | None = None, referenceMagnitude: float | None = None, detonationTime: float | None = None, magnitudeFactor: float = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the IncidentWave object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave to be defined. The value must be PRESSURE for linear perturbation steps. An Explicit step is required when the value is set to CONWEP. Possible values are PRESSURE, ACCELERATION, UNDEX, and CONWEP. The default value is PRESSURE.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines the fluid pressure time history at the standoff point, if *definition*=PRESSURE. If *definition*=ACCELERATION, then this string specifies the name of the Amplitude object that defines the fluid particle acceleration time history at the standoff point. This member can be specified only if *definition*=PRESSURE or ACCELERATION. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines the imaginary component of the fluid pressure time history at the standoff point. This member is applicable only for linear perturbation steps and if *definition*=PRESSURE. The default value is an empty string.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z components of the direction cosine of the fluid surface normal.This argument is valid only when *definition*=UNDEX.


None or a Float specifying the initial depth of the UNDEX bubble. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=UNDEX.


A Float specifying the reference magnitude.This argument is not valid when *definition*=CONWEP.


A Float specifying the time of detonation, given in total time.This argument is valid only when *definition*=CONWEP.


A Float specifying the magnitude scale factor. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=CONWEP.


class IncidentWaveProperty(name: str, definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'PLANAR', propagationModel: SymbolicConstantType = 'ACOUSTIC', soundSpeed: float | None = None, fluidDensity: float | None = None, specificHeatRatio: float | None = None, gravity: float | None = None, atmosphericPressure: float | None = None, dragCoefficient: float | None = None, dragExponent: float = 2, waveEffects: BooleanType = 1, chargeDensity: float | None = None, chargeMass: float | None = None, constantK1: float | None = None, constantK2: float | None = None, constantA: float | None = None, constantB: float | None = None, constantKc: float | None = None, duration: float | None = None, maximumSteps: int = 1500, relativeStepControl: float | None = None, absoluteStepControl: float | None = None, stepControlExponent: float = 0, genDecayA: float = 0, genDecayB: float = 0, genDecayC: float = 0, seedNumber: int | None = None, massTNT: float | None = None, massFactor: float = 1, lengthFactor: float = 1, timeFactor: float = 1, pressureFactor: float = 1)[source]#

The IncidentWaveProperty object is an interaction property that defines the properties referred to by an IncidentWave object. The IncidentWaveProperty object is derived from the InteractionProperty object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




setValues([definition, propagationModel, ...])

This method modifies the IncidentWaveProperty object.

setValues(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'PLANAR', propagationModel: SymbolicConstantType = 'ACOUSTIC', soundSpeed: float | None = None, fluidDensity: float | None = None, specificHeatRatio: float | None = None, gravity: float | None = None, atmosphericPressure: float | None = None, dragCoefficient: float | None = None, dragExponent: float = 2, waveEffects: BooleanType = 1, chargeDensity: float | None = None, chargeMass: float | None = None, constantK1: float | None = None, constantK2: float | None = None, constantA: float | None = None, constantB: float | None = None, constantKc: float | None = None, duration: float | None = None, maximumSteps: int = 1500, relativeStepControl: float | None = None, absoluteStepControl: float | None = None, stepControlExponent: float = 0, genDecayA: float = 0, genDecayB: float = 0, genDecayC: float = 0, seedNumber: int | None = None, massTNT: float | None = None, massFactor: float = 1, lengthFactor: float = 1, timeFactor: float = 1, pressureFactor: float = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the IncidentWaveProperty object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of wave to be defined. Possible values are PLANAR, SPHERICAL, DIFFUSE, AIR_BLAST, and SURFACE_BLAST. The default value is PLANAR.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the spherical propagation model. Possible values are ACOUSTIC, UNDEX_CHARGE, and GENERALIZED_DECAY. The default value is ACOUSTIC.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL.


A Float specifying the speed of sound in the fluid.This argument is not valid when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or when *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the fluid mass density.This argument is not valid when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or when *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


None or a Float specifying the ratio of specific heats for gas. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the acceleration due to gravity. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the atmospheric pressure. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the fluid drag coefficient. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the fluid drag exponent. The default value is 2.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Boolean specifying whether or not to include wave effects in the fluid and gas. The default value is ON.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the density of the charge material. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the mass of the charge material. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant K. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant k. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant A. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant B. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the charge material constant Kc. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


None or a Float specifying the time duration for the bubble simulation. The default value is None.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


An Int specifying the maximum number of time steps for the bubble simulation. The default value is 1500.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the relative step size control parameter. The default value is 1×10–11.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the absolute step size control parameter. The default value is 1×10–11.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the step size control exponent. The default value is 0.2.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=UNDEX_CHARGE.


A Float specifying the constant A associated with the generalized decay propagation model. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=GENERALIZED_DECAY.


A Float specifying the constant B associated with the generalized decay propagation model. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=GENERALIZED_DECAY.


A Float specifying the constant C associated with the generalized decay propagation model. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=SPHERICAL and *propagationModel*=GENERALIZED_DECAY.


An Int specifying the seed number (N) for the diffuse source calculation. N2 sources will be used in the simulation.This argument is valid only when *definition*=DIFFUSE.


A Float specifying the equivalent mass of TNT, in any preferred mass unit.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the preferred mass unit to kilograms. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the analysis length unit to meters. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the analysis time unit to seconds. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


A Float specifying the multiplication factor to convert from the analysis pressure unit to pascals. The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only when *definition*=AIR_BLAST or *definition*=SURFACE_BLAST.


class IncidentWaveState[source]#

The IncidentWaveState object stores the propagating data of an IncidentWave object in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the IncidentWave object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the IncidentWave object. The IncidentWaveState object has no constructor or methods. The IncidentWaveState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


status: SymbolicConstant



class MainSecondaryAssignment[source]#

The MainSecondaryAssignment object stores the main-secondary assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp and ContactStd objects. The MainSecondaryAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of main-secondary assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of main-secondary assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing main-secondary assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows addition of main-secondary assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the main-secondary assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the main-secondary assignments. Each tuple contains two entries: - A region object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the main-secondary attribute is assigned. - A SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding main-secondary value to be used for the first surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are MAIN, SECONDARY, and BALANCED. The SymbolicConstant BALANCED can be specified only in an Abaqus/Standard analysis.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows modification of main-secondary assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the main-secondary assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the main-secondary assignment whose value is to be modified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the value of the main-secondary role to be assigned to the surface whose index is referenced. Possible values are MAIN, SECONDARY, and BALANCED. The SymbolicConstant BALANCED can be specified only in an Abaqus/Standard analysis.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing main-secondary assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each main-secondary assignment to delete.


class ModelChange(name: str, createStepName: str, isRestart: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, regionType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'GEOMETRY', region: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, activeInStep: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, includeStrain: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0)[source]#

The ModelChange object defines model change interactions for element removal and reactivation. The ModelChange object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([isRestart, regionType, region, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing ModelChange object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, activeInStep, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ModelChange object in the specified step.

setValues(isRestart: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, regionType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'GEOMETRY', region: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, activeInStep: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, includeStrain: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing ModelChange object in the step where it is created.


A Boolean specifying whether this interaction is being used solely to indicate that model change may be required in a subsequent restart analysis (either for elements or contact pairs). The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the region selection type. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False. Possible values are GEOMETRY, SKINS, STRINGERS, and ELEMENTS. The default value is GEOMETRY.


A Region object specifying the elements to be removed or reactivated. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False.


A Boolean specifying whether elements are being removed or reactivated. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether stress/displacement elements are reactivated with strain. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False and when *activeInStep*=True. The default value is OFF.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, activeInStep: BooleanType = 0, includeStrain: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing ModelChange object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A Boolean specifying whether elements are being removed or reactivated. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether stress/displacement elements are reactivated with strain. This argument is valid only when *isRestart*=False and when *activeInStep*=True. The default value is OFF.


class NormalBehavior(contactStiffness: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'DEFAULT', pressureOverclosure: SymbolicConstantType = 'HARD', allowSeparation: BooleanType = 1, maxStiffness: float | None = None, table: tuple = (), constraintEnforcementMethod: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', overclosureFactor: float = 0, overclosureMeasure: float = 0, contactStiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, initialStiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, clearanceAtZeroContactPressure: float = 0, stiffnessBehavior: SymbolicConstantType = 'LINEAR', stiffnessRatio: float = 0, upperQuadraticFactor: float = 0, lowerQuadraticRatio: float = 0)[source]#

The NormalBehavior object specifies normal behavior for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:

- If *pressureOverclosure*=EXPONENTIAL, the table data specify the following:
    - Pressure at zero clearance, p0p0.
    - Clearance at which the contact pressure is zero, c0c0.
- If *pressureOverclosure*=TABULAR, the table data specify the following:
    - Pressure.
    - Overclosure.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the NormalBehavior object.


This method modifies the NormalBehavior object.


class PolarityAssignments[source]#

The PolarityAssignments object stores the polarity assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp objects. The PolarityAssignments object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows you to add polarity assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows you to modify polarity assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing polarity assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows you to add polarity assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the polarity assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the polarity assignments. Each tuple contains two entries: - A region object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the polarity attribute is assigned. - A SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding polarity value to be used for the first surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are SPOS, SNEG, and TWO_SIDED.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows you to modify polarity assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the main-secondary assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the polarity assignment whose value is to be modified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the value of the polarity to be assigned to the surface whose index is referenced. Possible values are SPOS, SNEG, and TWO_SIDED.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing polarity assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each polarity assignment to delete.


class PressurePenetration(name: str, createStepName: str, contactInteraction: str, mainPoints: RegionArray, secondaryPoints: RegionArray, penetrationPressure: float, criticalPressure: float, amplitude: str = 'UNSET', penetrationTime: float = 0)[source]#

The PressurePenetration object defines pressure penetration loading simulated with surface-to-surface contact. The PressurePenetration object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

createStepName: str

A String specifying the name of the step in which the PressurePenetration object is created.

contactInteraction: str

A String specifying the name of the Surface-to-surface contact (Standard) interaction.

masterPoints: RegionArray

A RegionArray object specifying the points on the master surface that are exposed to the fluid.

slavePoints: RegionArray

A RegionArray object specifying the points on the slave surface that are exposed to the fluid.


setValues([amplitude, penetrationTime])

This method modifies the data for an existing PressurePenetration object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing PressurePenetration object in the specified step.

setValues(amplitude: str = 'UNSET', penetrationTime: float = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing PressurePenetration object in the step where it is created.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the load has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.


A Float specifying the fraction of the current step time over which the fluid pressure on newly penetrated contact surface segments is ramped up to the current magnitude. The default value is 0.001.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, penetrationPressure: float | None = None, criticalPressure: float | None = None, amplitude: str = '', penetrationTime: float = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing PressurePenetration object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A tuple of Floats specifying the fluid pressure magnitude. For steady state dynamic analyses, a tuple of Complexes specifying the fluid pressure magnitude.


A tuple of Floats specifying the critical contact pressure below which fluid penetration starts to occur.


A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the load is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.


A Float specifying the fraction of the current step time over which the fluid pressure on newly penetrated contact surface segments is ramped up to the current magnitude. The default value is 0.001.


class PressurePenetrationState[source]#

The PressurePenetrationState object stores the propagating data of a PressurePenetration object in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the PressurePenetration object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the PressurePenetration object. The PressurePenetrationState object has no constructor or methods. The PressurePenetrationState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


penetrationTime: float

A Float specifying the fraction of the current step time over which the fluid pressure on newly penetrated contact surface segments is ramped up to the current magnitude. The default value is 10–3.

penetrationTimeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the penetrationTime member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

amplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

criticalPressureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the criticalPressure member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

penetrationPressureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the penetrationPressure member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

penetrationPressure: float

A tuple of Floats specifying the fluid pressure magnitude. For steady state dynamic analyses, a tuple of Complexes specifying the fluid pressure magnitude.

amplitude: str

A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the load has no amplitude reference.

criticalPressure: float

A tuple of Floats specifying the critical contact pressure below which fluid penetration starts to occur.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class Radiation(mainEmissivity: float, secondaryEmissivity: float, table: tuple)[source]#

The Radiation object specifies radiation for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the Radiation object.


This method modifies the Radiation object.


class RadiationToAmbient(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, emissivity: float, field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', radiationType: SymbolicConstantType = 'AMBIENT', ambientTemperature: float = 0, ambientTemperatureAmp: str = '')[source]#

The RadiationToAmbient object defines radiant heat transfer between a surface and its environment. The RadiationToAmbient object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([field, distributionType, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing RadiationToAmbient object in the step where it is created.


This method modifies the propagating data of an existing RadiationToAmbient object in the specified step.

setValues(field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', radiationType: SymbolicConstantType = 'AMBIENT', ambientTemperature: float = 0, ambientTemperatureAmp: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing RadiationToAmbient object in the step where it is created.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this interaction. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the radiation is distributed. This argument applies only when *radiationType*=AMBIENT. Possible values are UNIFORM and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use the default surface radiation behavior, or the cavity radiation approximation. Possible values are AMBIENT and CAVITY. The default value is AMBIENT.


A Float specifying the reference ambient temperature, θ0θ0. This argument applies only when *radiationType*=AMBIENT. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the ambient temperature with time.Note:Use None in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to specify that the reference ambient temperature is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step. Use None in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to specify that the reference ambient temperature is applied throughout the step. This argument applies only when *radiationType*=AMBIENT.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing RadiationToAmbient object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


class RadiationToAmbientState[source]#

The RadiationToAmbientState object stores the propagating data for a RadiationToAmbient object. One instance of this object is created internally by the RadiationToAmbient object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the RadiationToAmbient object. The RadiationToAmbientState object has no constructor or methods. The RadiationToAmbientState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


ambientTemperature: float

A Float specifying the ambient temperature.

ambientTemperatureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the ambientTemperature member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

ambientTemperatureAmpState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the ambientTemperatureAmp member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

emissivity: float

A Float specifying the emissivity.

emissivityState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the emissivity member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

ambientTemperatureAmp: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the ambient temperature with time.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class RegionPairs[source]#

The RegionPairs object stores the domain pair definition for ContactExp and ContactStd objects. The RegionPairs object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValuesInStep(stepName[, useAllstar, ...])

This method allows addition and removal of domain pairs in a given step.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, useAllstar: BooleanType = 0, addPairs: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, removePairs: SymbolicConstantType | None = None)[source]#

This method allows addition and removal of domain pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the region pair assignments are to be modified.


A Boolean specifying whether the contacting surface pair consists of all exterior faces and – in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis – analytical rigid surfaces, shell edges, and beam segments in the model.


A sequence of pairs of region objects or SymbolicConstants that specify the surface pairs to add to the included pairs of the ContactExp or ContactStd object in the given step. Possible values of the SymbolicConstants are GLOBAL and SELF. When used with a ContactExp object, the second parameter of each pair can also be a string that references an Eulerian material surface.


A sequence of pairs of region objects or SymbolicConstants that specify the surface pairs to remove from the included pairs of the ContactExp or ContactStd object in the given step. Possible values of the SymbolicConstants are GLOBAL and SELF. When used with a ContactExp object, the second parameter of each pair can also be a string that references an Eulerian material surface.


class SelfContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, interactionProperty: str, mechanicalConstraint: SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC', contactControls: str = '')[source]#

The SelfContactExp object defines self-contact during an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. The SelfContactExp object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([mechanicalConstraint, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing SelfContactExp object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SelfContactExp object in the specified step.

setValues(mechanicalConstraint: SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC', contactControls: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing SelfContactExp object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mechanical constraint formulation. Possible values are KINEMATIC and PENALTY. The default value is KINEMATIC.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, interactionProperty: str = '', contactControls: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SelfContactExp object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


class SelfContactExpState[source]#

The SelfContactExpState object stores the propagating data for a SelfContactExp object. One instance of this object is created internally by the SelfContactExp object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the SelfContactExp object. The SelfContactExpState object has no constructor or methods. The SelfContactExpState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

contactControlsState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the contactControls member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.

contactControls: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class SelfContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, surface: Region, interactionProperty: str, enforcement: SymbolicConstantType = 'SURFACE_TO_SURFACE', thickness: BooleanType = 1, smooth: float = 0, contactControls: str = '')[source]#

The SelfContactStd object defines self-contact during an Abaqus/Standard analysis. The SelfContactStd object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
contactTracking: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the choice of contact tracking algorithm. The STATE tracking algorithm uses only normal projections and is specified by using ONE_CONFIG. The PATH tracking algorithm uses crossing and normal projections and is specified by using TWO_CONFIG. Possible values are ONE_CONFIG and TWO_CONFIG. The default value is TWO_CONFIG.This argument is valid only when enforcement=SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.

supplementaryContact: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the manner in which mid-face constraints are employed. Possible values are SELECTIVE, NEVER, and ALWAYS. The default value is SELECTIVE.This argument is valid only when enforcement=NODE_TO_SURFACE.


setValues([enforcement, thickness, smooth, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing SelfContactStd object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing SelfContactStd object in the specified step.

setValues(enforcement: SymbolicConstantType = 'SURFACE_TO_SURFACE', thickness: BooleanType = 1, smooth: float = 0, contactControls: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing SelfContactStd object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the discretization method. Possible values are NODE_TO_SURFACE and SURFACE_TO_SURFACE. The default value is SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


A Boolean specifying whether shell/membrane element thickness is considered. The default value is ON.This argument in valid only when *enforcement*=SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


A Float specifying the degree of smoothing used for deformable or rigid main surfaces involved when *enforcement*=NODE_TO_SURFACE. The value given must lie between 0.0 and 0.5. The default value is 0.2.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, interactionProperty: str = '', contactControls: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data of an existing SelfContactStd object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


class SelfContactStdState[source]#

The SelfContactStdState object stores the propagating data for a SelfContactStd object. One instance of this object is created internally by the SelfContactStd object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the SelfContactStd object. The SelfContactStdState object has no constructor or methods. The SelfContactStdState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

contactControlsState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the contactControls member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.

contactControls: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class SlidingFormulationAssignment[source]#

The SlidingFormulationAssignment object stores the sliding formulation assignment definition for surfaces in ContactStd objects. The SlidingFormulationAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows you to add sliding formulation assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows you to modify sliding formulation assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing sliding formulation assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows you to add sliding formulation assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the sliding formulation assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the sliding formulation assignments. Each tuple contains two entries:A region object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the sliding formulation attribute is assigned.A SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding the smoothness value to be used for the first surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are NONE and SMALL_SLIDING.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows you to modify sliding formulation assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the sliding formulation assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the sliding formulation assignment whose value is to be modified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the value of the smoothness of the surface-to-surface formulation on sliding to be assigned to the surface whose index is referenced. Possible values are NONE and SMALL_SLIDING.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing sliding formulation assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each sliding formulation assignment to delete.


class SlidingTransitionAssignment[source]#

The SlidingTransitionAssignment object stores the sliding transition assignment definition for surfaces in ContactStd objects. The SlidingTransitionAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows you to add sliding transition assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows you to modify sliding transition assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing sliding transition assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows you to add sliding transition assignments to new surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the sliding transition assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the sliding transition assignments. Each tuple contains two entries:A region object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the sliding transition attribute is assigned.A SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding the smoothness value to be used for the first surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ELEMENT_ORDER_SMOOTHING, LINEAR_SMOOTHING, and QUADRATIC_SMOOTHING.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows you to modify sliding transition assignments already defined on surface pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the sliding transition assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the sliding transition assignment whose value is to be modified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the value of the smoothness of the surface-to-surface formulation on sliding to be assigned to the surface whose index is referenced. Possible values are ELEMENT_ORDER_SMOOTHING, LINEAR_SMOOTHING, and QUADRATIC_SMOOTHING.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing sliding transition assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each sliding transition assignment to delete.


class SmoothingAssignment[source]#

The SmoothingAssignment object stores the surface smoothing assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp and ContactStd objects. The SmoothingAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface smoothing assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface smoothing assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface smoothing assignments from ContactExp and ContactStd objects.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface smoothing assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface smoothing assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface smoothing assignments. Each tuple contains two entries: - A region object specifying the surface to which the smoothing is assigned. - A SymbolicConstant specifying the surface smoothing value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are NONE, REVOLUTION, SPHERICAL, and TOROIDAL.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface smoothing assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface smoothing assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface smoothing assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface smoothing assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains one entry:A SymbolicConstant specifying the surface smoothing value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are NONE, REVOLUTION, SPHERICAL, and TOROIDAL.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface smoothing assignments from ContactExp and ContactStd objects.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface smoothing assignment to delete.


class StabilizationAssignment[source]#

The StabilizationAssignment object stores the contact stabilization assignment definition for domain pairs in a ContactStd object. The StabilizationAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of contact stabilization assignments to new domain pairs in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of contact stabilization assignments to domain pairs already defined in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing contact stabilization assignments from a ContactStd object.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method allows addition of contact stabilization assignments to new domain pairs in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new contact stabilization assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the stabilizations assigned to each surface pair. Each tuple contains three entries: - A region object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL. - A region object or the SymbolicConstant SELF. - A String specifying a StdStabilization object associated with this pair of regions.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: str)[source]#

This method allows modification of contact stabilization assignments to domain pairs already defined in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the contact stabilization assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the contact stabilization assignment whose value is to be modified.


A String specifying the value of the contact stabilization to be assigned to the domain pair whose index is referenced.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing contact stabilization assignments from a ContactStd object.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each contact stabilization assignment to delete.


class StdContactControl(name: str, stiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, penetrationTolChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'RELATIVE', relativePenetrationTolerance: float | None = None, absolutePenetrationTolerance: float | None = None, frictionOnset: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, automaticTolerances: BooleanType = 0, maxchp: int = 0, perrmx: float = 0, uerrmx: float = 0, stabilizeChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', dampFactor: float = 1, dampCoef: float = 0, tangFraction: float = 1, eosFraction: float = 0, zeroDampingChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTE', zeroDamping: float | None = None, enforceWithLagrangeMultipliers: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT')[source]#

The StdContactControl object is used in Abaqus/Standard analyses to specify optional solution controls for problems involving contact between bodies. The StdContactControl object is derived from the ContactControl object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([stiffnessScaleFactor, ...])

This method modifies the StdContactControl object.

setValues(stiffnessScaleFactor: float = 1, penetrationTolChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'RELATIVE', relativePenetrationTolerance: float | None = None, absolutePenetrationTolerance: float | None = None, frictionOnset: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, automaticTolerances: BooleanType = 0, maxchp: int = 0, perrmx: float = 0, uerrmx: float = 0, stabilizeChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', dampFactor: float = 1, dampCoef: float = 0, tangFraction: float = 1, eosFraction: float = 0, zeroDampingChoice: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTE', zeroDamping: float | None = None, enforceWithLagrangeMultipliers: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT')[source]#

This method modifies the StdContactControl object.


A Float specifying the factor by which Abaqus/Standard will scale the default penalty stiffness to obtain the stiffnesses used for the contact pairs. Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. The default value is 1.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the allowable penetration is an absolute value or a value relative to the characteristic contact surface face dimension. Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. Possible values are RELATIVE and ABSOLUTE. The default value is RELATIVE.


A Float specifying the ratio of the allowable penetration to the characteristic contact surface face dimension. The float values represent percentages (e.g.: 0.001=0.1%). Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. The default value is 10–3.The relativePenetrationTolerance argument applies only when penetrationTolChoice*=RELATIVE. The *relativePenetrationTolerance and absolutePenetrationTolerance arguments are mutually exclusive.


None or a Float specifying the allowable penetration. Only contact interactions defined with augmented Lagrangian surface behavior will be affected by this argument. The absolutePenetrationTolerance argument applies only when penetrationTolChoice*=ABSOLUTE. The *relativePenetrationTolerance and absolutePenetrationTolerance arguments are mutually exclusive. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying when the application of friction occurs. Possible values are: - IMMEDIATE, specifying the friction is included in the increment when contact occurs. - DELAYED, specifying the application of friction is delayed until the increment after contact occurs.


A Boolean specifying whether Abaqus/Standard should automatically compute an overclosure tolerance and a separation tolerance to prevent chattering in contact. The default value is OFF.The automaticTolerances argument cannot be used with the maxchp, perrmx, and uerrmx arguments.


An Int specifying the maximum number of points that are permitted to violate contact conditions in any increment. The default value is 0.Either the perrmx or the uerrmx argument must be specified in conjunction with the maxchp argument.


A Float specifying the maximum value of tensile stress (tensile force in GAP- or ITT-type contact elements) allowed to be transmitted at a contact point. The default value is 0.0.The perrmx argument must be specified in conjunction with the maxchp argument.


A Float specifying the maximum overclosure distance allowed at a secondary node that is considered to be open. The default value is 0.0.The uerrmx argument must be specified in conjunction with the maxchp argument.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether or not viscous damping will be specified, and if so, how it will be specified. Possible values are NONE, AUTOMATIC, and COEFFICIENT. The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the value of the damping factor. This value is multiplied by the calculated damping coefficient. The default value is 1.0.This argument is only valid when *stabilizeChoice*=AUTOMATIC.


A Float specifying the damping coefficient. The default value is 0.0.This argument is only valid when *stabilizeChoice*=COEFFICIENT.


A Float specifying the tangential stabilization as a fraction of the normal stabilization (damping). The default value is 1.0.This argument is valid only if stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT.


A Float specifying the fraction of the damping that remains at the end of the step. The default value is 0.0.This argument is valid only if stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the zero-damping clearance will be specified. Possible values are COMPUTE and SPECIFY. The default value is COMPUTE.This argument is valid only if stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT.


None or a Float specifying the clearance at which damping becomes zero. This argument is valid only when zeroDampingChoice*=SPECIFY. This argument is valid only if *stabilizeChoice = AUTOMATIC or COEFFICIENT. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to enforce the contact constraints with Lagrange multipliers. Possible values are DEFAULT, ENFORCEMENT_OFF, and ENFORCEMENT_ON. The default value is DEFAULT.



class StdInitialization(name: str, overclosureType: SymbolicConstantType = 'ADJUST', interferenceDistance: float | None = None, clearanceDistance: float | None = None, openingTolerance: float | None = None, overclosureTolerance: float | None = None)[source]#

The StdInitialization object is used in conjunction with ContactStd in Abaqus/Standard analyses to specify contact initialization data. The StdInitialization object is derived from the ContactInitialization object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([overclosureType, ...])

This method modifies the StdInitialization object.

setValues(overclosureType: SymbolicConstantType = 'ADJUST', interferenceDistance: float | None = None, clearanceDistance: float | None = None, openingTolerance: float | None = None, overclosureTolerance: float | None = None)[source]#

This method modifies the StdInitialization object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of overclosure to be defined. Possible values are ADJUST, INTERFERENCE, and CLEARANCE. The default value is ADJUST.


None or a Float specifying the interference distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the initial clearance distance. This argument is valid only when *overclosureType*=CLEARANCE, and must be specified in that case. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial openings will undergo strain-free adjustments. This argument is not valid when overclosureType*=INTERFERENCE unless a value has been specified for *interferenceDistance. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the distance tolerance within which initial overclosures will undergo strain-free adjustments.. The default value is None.



class StdStabilization(name: str, zeroDistance: float | None = None, reductionFactor: float = 0, scaleFactor: float = 1, tangentialFactor: float = 0, amplitude: str = '', reset: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

The StdStabilization object is used in conjunction with ContactStd in Abaqus/Standard analyses to specify contact stabilization. The StdStabilization object is derived from the ContactStabilization object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([zeroDistance, reductionFactor, ...])

This method modifies the StdStabilization object.

setValues(zeroDistance: float | None = None, reductionFactor: float = 0, scaleFactor: float = 1, tangentialFactor: float = 0, amplitude: str = '', reset: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the StdStabilization object.


None or a Float specifying the clearance distance at which the stabilization becomes zero. The default value is None.


A Float specifying the factor by which the analysis will reduce the contact stabilization coefficient per increment. The default value is 0.1.


A Float specifying the factor by which the analysis will scale the contact stabilization coefficient. The default value is 1.0.


A Float specifying the factor that scales the contact stabilization coefficient in the tangential direction. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines a time-dependent scale factor for contact stabilization over the step. The default value is an empty string.


A Boolean specifying whether to cancel carryover effects from contact stabilization specifications involving nondefault amplitudes that appeared in previous steps. The default value is OFF.



class StdXplCosimulation(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, incrementation: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALLOW_SUBCYCLING', stepSize: float = 0, stepSizeDefinition: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT')[source]#

The StdXplCosimulation object defines co-simulation behavior between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. The StdXplCosimulation object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([incrementation, stepSize, ...])

This method modifies the StdXplCosimulation object.

setValues(incrementation: SymbolicConstantType = 'ALLOW_SUBCYCLING', stepSize: float = 0, stepSizeDefinition: SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT')[source]#

This method modifies the StdXplCosimulation object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the analysis programs use the same time increments or one is allowed to use more time increments than the other before exchanging data. Possible values are ALLOW_SUBCYCLING and LOCKSTEP. The default value is ALLOW_SUBCYCLING.


A Float specifying the size of the increments to be used by Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the increment size is the analysis default or a supplied variable. Possible values are DEFAULT and SPECIFIED. The default value is DEFAULT.


class StdXplCosimulationState[source]#

The StdXplCosimulationState object stores the propagating data for a StdXplCosimulation object. One instance of this object is created internally by the StdXplCosimulation object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the StdXplCosimulation object. The StdXplCosimulationState object has no constructor or methods. The StdXplCosimulationState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment object stores the surface beam smoothing assignment definition for surfaces in ContactStd objects. The SurfaceBeamSmoothingAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface beam smoothing assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface beam smoothing assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface beam smoothing assignments from ContactStd objects.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: tuple)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface beam smoothing assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface beam smoothing assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface beam smoothing assignments. Each tuple contains two entries:A region object specifying the surface to which the smoothing is assigned.A Float specifying the surface smoothing value to be used for the surface.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface beam smoothing assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface beam smoothing assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface beam smoothing assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface beam smoothing assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains one entry:A Float specifying the surface beam smoothing value to be used for the surface.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface beam smoothing assignments from ContactStd objects.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface beam smoothing assignment to delete.


class SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment object stores the surface crush trigger assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp objects. The SurfaceCrushTriggerAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface crush trigger assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface crush trigger assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface crush trigger assignments from a ContactExp object.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface crush trigger assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface crush trigger assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface crush trigger assignments. Each tuple contains four entries: - A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the feature angle is assigned. - A SymbolicConstant specifying the trigger option to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are TRIGGER, NO_TRIGGER, or NO_CRUSH. - A Float specifying the crush stress value to be used for the surface. - A Float specifying the crush initiation angle value to be used for the surface. - A Float specifying the crush continuation angle value to be used for the surface.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface crush trigger assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface crush trigger assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface crush trigger assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface crush trigger assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains three entries: - A SymbolicConstant specifying the trigger option to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are TRIGGER, NO_TRIGGER, or NO_CRUSH. - A Float specifying the crush stress value to be used for the surface. - A Float specifying the crush initiation angle value to be used for the surface. - A Float specifying the crush continuation angle value to be used for the surface.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface crush trigger assignments from a ContactExp object.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface crush trigger assignment to delete.


class SurfaceFeatureAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceFeatureAssignment object stores the surface feature angle assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp or ContactStd objects. The SurfaceFeatureAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface feature angle assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface feature angle assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface feature angle assignments from a ContactExp object.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface feature angle assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface feature angle assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface feature angle assignments. Each tuple contains three entries for Abaqus/Standard and four entries for Abaqus/Explicit: - A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the feature angle is assigned. - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding surface primary feature angle value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are PERIMETER, ALL, PICKED, or NONE. The ALL and PICKED values cannot be specified with the GLOBAL region constant and can be used only in the Abaqus/Explicit version of general contact. - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding surface secondary feature angle value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are PERIMETER, ALL, PICKED, or NONE. The ALL and PICKED values cannot be specified with the GLOBAL region constant and can be used only in the Abaqus/Explicit version of general contact. - A SymbolicConstant ORIGINAL or CURRENT specifying the configuration.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface feature angle assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface feature assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface feature angle assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface feature assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains two entries for Abaqus/Standard and three entries for Abaqus/Explicit: - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding surface primary feature angle value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are PERIMETER, ALL, PICKED, or NONE. The ALL and PICKED values cannot be specified with the GLOBAL region constant and can be used only in the Abaqus/Explicit version of general contact. - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding surface secondary feature angle value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are PERIMETER, ALL, PICKED, or NONE. The ALL and PICKED values cannot be specified with the GLOBAL region constant and can be used only in the Abaqus/Explicit version of general contact. - A SymbolicConstant ORIGINAL or CURRENT specifying the configuration.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface feature angle assignments from a ContactExp object.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface feature angle assignment to delete.


class SurfaceFrictionAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceFrictionAssignment object stores the surface friction assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp objects. The SurfaceFrictionAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface friction assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface friction assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface friction assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface friction assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface friction assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface friction assignments. Each tuple contains two entries: - A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the friction coefficient is assigned. - A Float specifying the overriding friction coefficient to be used in the contact definition.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface friction assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface friction assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface friction assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface friction assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains: - A Float specifying the overriding friction coefficient value to be used in the contact definition.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface friction assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface friction assignment to delete.


class SurfaceOffsetAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceOffsetAssignment object stores the surface offset fraction assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp and ContactStd objects. The SurfaceOffsetAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface offset fraction assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface offset fraction assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface offset fraction assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface offset fraction assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface offset fraction assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface offset fraction assignments. Each tuple contains two entries: - A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the offset fraction is assigned. - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the surface offset fraction value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ORIGINAL, SPOS, and SNEG.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface offset fraction assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface offset assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface offset fraction assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface offset assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains one entry: - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the surface offset fraction value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ORIGINAL, SPOS, and SNEG.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface offset fraction assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface offset fraction assignment to delete.


class SurfaceThicknessAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceThicknessAssignment object stores the surface thickness assignment definition for surfaces in ContactExp and ContactStd objects. The SurfaceThicknessAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface thickness assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface thickness assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface thickness assignments.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface thickness assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface thickness assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface thickness assignments. Each tuple contains three entries: - A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the thickness is assigned. - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding thickness value to be used in the contact definition. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ORIGINAL and THINNING. The SymbolicConstant THINNING can be specified only in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. - A Float specifying a scale factor that multiplies the thickness value specified in the second entry.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface thickness assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface thickness assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface thickness assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface thickness assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains two entries: - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the overriding thickness value to be used in the contact definition. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ORIGINAL and THINNING. The SymbolicConstant THINNING can be specified only in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. - A Float specifying a scale factor that multiplies the thickness value specified in the second entry.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface thickness assignments.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface thickness assignment to delete.


class SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp(name: str, createStepName: str, main: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, secondary: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, sliding: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType, interactionProperty: str, mechanicalConstraint: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC', weightingFactorType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', weightingFactor: float = 0, contactControls: str = '', initialClearance: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'OMIT', halfThreadAngle: str | None = None, pitch: str | None = None, majorBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', meanBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', datumAxis: ~abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis = <abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis object>, useReverseDatumAxis: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, clearanceRegion: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>)[source]#

The SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object defines surface-to-surface contact during an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. The SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction


setValues([mechanicalConstraint, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object in the specified step.


This method switches the master and slave surfaces of a surface-to-surface contact pair.

setValues(mechanicalConstraint: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC', weightingFactorType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'DEFAULT', weightingFactor: float = 0, contactControls: str = '', initialClearance: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'OMIT', halfThreadAngle: str | None = None, pitch: str | None = None, majorBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', meanBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', datumAxis: ~abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis = <abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis object>, useReverseDatumAxis: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, clearanceRegion: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mechanical constraint formulation. Possible values are KINEMATIC and PENALTY. The default value is KINEMATIC.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the weighting for node-to-face contact. Possible values are DEFAULT and SPECIFIED. The default value is DEFAULT.


A Float specifying the weighting factor for the contact surfaces when *weightingFactorType*=SPECIFIED. The default value is 0.0.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant or a Float specifying the initial clearance at regions of contact. Possible values are OMIT and COMPUTED. The default value is OMIT.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the half thread angle used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the pitch used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the major diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the mean diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


A DatumAxis object specifying the orientation of the bolt hole when specifying bolt clearance.


A Boolean specifying whether to reverse the bolt clearance direction given by the datum axis. The default value is OFF.


A Region object specifying the contact region for which clearance is specified.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, interactionProperty: str = '', contactControls: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. An empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


This method switches the master and slave surfaces of a surface-to-surface contact pair. This command is valid only during the step in which the interaction is created.


class SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd(name: str, createStepName: str, main: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, secondary: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region, sliding: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType, interactionProperty: str, interferenceType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', overclosure: float = 0, interferenceDirectionType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED', direction: tuple = (), amplitude: str = '', smooth: float = 0, hcrit: float = 0, extensionZone: float = 0, adjustMethod: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', adjustTolerance: float = 0, adjustSet: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, enforcement: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'SURFACE_TO_SURFACE', thickness: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, contactControls: str = '', tied: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, initialClearance: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'OMIT', halfThreadAngle: str | None = None, pitch: str | None = None, majorBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', meanBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', datumAxis: ~abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis = <abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis object>, useReverseDatumAxis: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, clearanceRegion: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, surfaceSmoothing: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', bondingSet: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, handedness: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'RIGHT', normalAdjustment: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | None = None)[source]#

The SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object defines surface-to-surface contact during an Abaqus/Standard analysis. The SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction
contactTracking: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the choice of contact tracking algorithm. The STATE tracking algorithm uses only normal projections and is specified by using ONE_CONFIG. The PATH tracking algorithm uses crossing and normal projections and is specified by using TWO_CONFIG. Possible values are ONE_CONFIG and TWO_CONFIG. The default value is TWO_CONFIG.This argument is valid only when sliding=FINITE and enforcement=SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.

supplementaryContact: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the manner in which midface constraints are employed. Possible values are SELECTIVE, NEVER, and ALWAYS. The default value is SELECTIVE.This argument is not valid when sliding=FINITE and enforcement=SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


setValues([interferenceType, overclosure, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object in the specified step.


This method switches the master and slave surfaces of a surface-to-surface contact pair.

setValues(interferenceType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', overclosure: float = 0, interferenceDirectionType: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED', direction: tuple = (), amplitude: str = '', smooth: float = 0, hcrit: float = 0, extensionZone: float = 0, adjustMethod: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', adjustTolerance: float = 0, adjustSet: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, enforcement: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'SURFACE_TO_SURFACE', thickness: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 1, contactControls: str = '', tied: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, initialClearance: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'OMIT', halfThreadAngle: str | None = None, pitch: str | None = None, majorBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', meanBoltDiameter: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | float = 'COMPUTED', datumAxis: ~abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis = <abaqus.Datum.DatumAxis.DatumAxis object>, useReverseDatumAxis: ~abaqusConstants.BooleanType = 0, clearanceRegion: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, surfaceSmoothing: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', bondingSet: ~abaqus.Region.Region.Region = <abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>, handedness: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'RIGHT', normalAdjustment: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType | None = None)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of time-dependent allowable interference for contact pairs and contact elements. Possible values are:

  • NONE, specifying no allowable contact interference.



The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the maximum overclosure distance allowed. This argument applies only when *interferenceType*=UNIFORM. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to determine the interference direction. Possible values are COMPUTED and DIRECTION_COSINE. The default value is COMPUTED.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the following: - XX-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. - YY-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. - ZZ-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. This argument is required only when *interferenceDirectionType*=DIRECTION_COSINE.


A String specifying the name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the prescribed interference during the step. Use None to specify that the prescribed interference is applied immediately at the beginning of the step and ramped down to zero linearly over the step.


A Float specifying the degree of smoothing used for deformable or rigid main surfaces involved when *enforcement*=NODE_TO_SURFACE. The value given must lie between 0.0 and 0.5. The default value is 0.2.


A Float specifying the distance by which a secondary node must penetrate the main surface before Abaqus/Standard abandons the current increment and tries again with a smaller increment. The default value is 0.0.


A Float specifying a fraction of the end segment or facet edge length by which the main surface is to be extended to avoid numerical round-off errors associated with contact modeling. The value given must lie between 0.0 and 0.2. The default value is 0.1.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the adjust method. Possible values are NONE, OVERCLOSED, TOLERANCE, and SET. The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the adjust tolerance. The default value is 0.0.


A Region object specifying the Set object to which the adjustment is to be applied.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the discretization method. Possible values are NODE_TO_SURFACE and SURFACE_TO_SURFACE. The default value is SURFACE_TO_SURFACE.


A Boolean specifying whether shell/membrane element thickness is considered. The default value is ON.This argument is not valid when *sliding*=FINITE and *enforcement*=NODE_TO_SURFACE.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. The empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


A Boolean specifying whether the surfaces are to be “tied” together for the duration of the simulation. The default value is OFF.


A SymbolicConstant or a Float specifying the initial clearance at regions of contact. Possible values are OMIT and COMPUTED. The default value is OMIT.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the half thread angle used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


None or a sequence of Floats specifying the pitch used for bolt clearance. The default value is None.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the major diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


The SymbolicConstant COMPUTED or a Float specifying the mean diameter of the bolt used for bolt clearance. The default value is COMPUTED.


A DatumAxis object specifying the orientation of the bolt hole when specifying bolt clearance.


A Boolean specifying whether to reverse the bolt clearance direction given by the datum axis. The default value is OFF.


A Region object specifying the contact region for which clearance is specified.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use surface smoothing for geometric surfaces in SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd interactions. Possible values are AUTOMATIC and NONE. The default value is NONE.


A Region object specifying the secondary node sub-set for bonding, used only when the contact property CohesiveBehavior option specifies use.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the bolt handedness formulation. Possible values are RIGHT and LEFT. The default value is RIGHT.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the bolt normal adjustment formulation for all secondary nodes. Possible values are UNIFORM AXIAL COMPONENT and LOCATION DEPENDENT. The default value is UNIFORM AXIAL COMPONENT.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, interactionProperty: str = '', interferenceType: SymbolicConstantType = 'NONE', overclosure: float = 0, interferenceDirectionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPUTED', direction: tuple = (), amplitude: str = '', contactControls: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of time-dependent allowable interference for contact pairs and contact elements. Possible values are:

  • NONE, specifying no allowable contact interference.



The default value is NONE.


A Float specifying the maximum overclosure distance allowed. This argument applies only when *interferenceType*=UNIFORM. The default value is 0.0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to determine the interference direction. Possible values are COMPUTED and DIRECTION_COSINE. The default value is COMPUTED.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the following: - XX-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. - YY-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. - ZZ-direction cosine of the interference direction vector. This argument is required only when *interferenceDirectionType*=DIRECTION_COSINE.


A String specifying the name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the prescribed interference during the step. Use None to specify that the prescribed interference is applied immediately at the beginning of the step and ramped down to zero linearly over the step.


A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction. The empty string indicates that the default contact controls will be used. The default value is an empty string.


This method switches the master and slave surfaces of a surface-to-surface contact pair. This command is valid only for the step in which the interaction is created.


class SurfaceToSurfaceExpState[source]#

The SurfaceToSurfaceExpState object stores the propagating data for a SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object. One instance of this object is created internally by the SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the SurfaceToSurfaceContactExp object. The SurfaceToSurfaceExpState object has no constructor or methods. The SurfaceToSurfaceExpState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

contactControlsState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the contactControls member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.

contactControls: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class SurfaceToSurfaceStdState[source]#

The SurfaceToSurfaceStdState object stores the propagating data for a SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object. One instance of this object is created internally by the SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the SurfaceToSurfaceContactStd object. The SurfaceToSurfaceStdState object has no constructor or methods. The SurfaceToSurfaceStdState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



interactionPropertyState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interactionProperty member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interferenceType: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the interference type. Possible values are NONE, SHRINK_FIT, and UNIFORM.

interferenceTypeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interferenceType member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

overclosure: float

A Float specifying the allowable overclosure.

overclosureState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the overclosure member. Possible values are COMPUTED and DIRECTION_COSINE.

interferenceDirectionType: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the interference direction type. Possible values are COMPUTED and DIRECTION_COSINE.

interferenceDirectionTypeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the interferenceDirectionType member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

directionState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the direction member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

amplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

contactControlsState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the contactControls member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

interactionProperty: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactProperty object associated with this interaction.

amplitude: str

A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that defines the magnitude of the prescribed interference during the step.

contactControls: str

A String specifying the name of the ContactControl object associated with this interaction.

direction: float
A tuple of three Floats specifying the following:
  • X-direction cosine of the interference direction vector.

  • Y-direction cosine of the interference direction vector.

  • Z-direction cosine of the interference direction vector.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are:











class SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment[source]#

The SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment object stores the surface vertex criteria assignment definition for surfaces in ContactStd objects. The SurfaceVertexCriteriaAssignment object has no constructor or members.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



appendInStep(stepName, assignments)

This method allows addition of surface vertex criteria assignments to new surfaces in a given step.

changeValuesInStep(stepName, index, value)

This method allows modification of surface vertex criteria assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


The delete method allows you to delete existing surface vertex criteria assignments from a ContactStd object.

appendInStep(stepName: str, assignments: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows addition of surface vertex criteria assignments to new surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which new surface vertex criteria assignments are to be defined.


A sequence of tuples specifying the surface vertex criteria assignments. Each tuple contains two entries: - A region or a material object or the SymbolicConstant GLOBAL specifying the surface to which the vertex criteria is assigned. - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the vertex criteria value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ALL_VERTICES or NO_VERTICES.

changeValuesInStep(stepName: str, index: int, value: SymbolicConstantType | float)[source]#

This method allows modification of surface vertex criteria assignments already defined on surfaces in a given step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the surface vertex criteria assignments are to be modified.


An Int specifying the position of the surface vertex criteria assignment whose value is to be modified.


A tuple specifying the value of the surface vertex criteria assignments for the surface whose index is referenced. Each tuple contains: - A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the vertex criteria value to be used for the surface. Possible values of the SymbolicConstant are ALL_VERTICES or NO_VERTICES.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

The delete method allows you to delete existing surface vertex criteria assignments from a ContactStd object.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each surface vertex criteria assignment to delete.


class ThermalConductance(definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'TABULAR', clearanceDependency: BooleanType = 1, pressureDependency: BooleanType = 0, temperatureDependencyC: BooleanType = 0, massFlowRateDependencyC: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesC: int = 0, clearanceDepTable: tuple = (), temperatureDependencyP: BooleanType = 0, massFlowRateDependencyP: BooleanType = 0, dependenciesP: int = 0, pressureDepTable: tuple = ())[source]#

The ThermalConductance object specifies thermal conductance for a contact interaction property.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The table data for this object are:
The *clearanceDepTable* data specify the following:
    - Conductivity.
    - Clearance.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Mass flow rate, if the data depend on mass flow rate.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.
The *pressureDepTable* data specify the following:
    - Conductivity.
    - Pressure.
    - Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
    - Mass flow rate, if the data depend on mass flow rate.
    - Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
    - Value of the second field variable.
    - Etc.

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the ThermalConductance object.


This method modifies the ThermalConductance object.


class XFEMCrackGrowth(name: str, createStepName: str, crackName: str, allowGrowth: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

The XFEMCrackGrowth object defines the enrichment activation state for an XFEMCrack. The XFEMCrackGrowth object is derived from the Interaction object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:




This method modifies the data for an existing XFEMCrackGrowth object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, allowGrowth])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing XFEMCrackGrowth object in the specified step.

setValues(allowGrowth: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing XFEMCrackGrowth object in the step where it is created.


A Boolean specifying whether the crack is allowed to grow (propagate) during this analysis step. The default value is ON.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, allowGrowth: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing XFEMCrackGrowth object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the interaction is modified.


A Boolean specifying whether the crack is allowed to grow (propagate) during this analysis step. The default value is ON.


class XFEMCrackGrowthState[source]#

The XFEMCrackGrowthState object stores the propagating data of an XFEMCrackGrowth object in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the XFEMCrackGrowth object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the XFEMCrackGrowth object. The XFEMCrackGrowthState object has no constructor or methods. The XFEMCrackGrowthState object is derived from the InteractionState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import interaction

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


allowGrowth: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the crack is allowed to grow (propagate) during this analysis step. The default value is ON.

allowGrowthState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the allowGrowth member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are: