Predefined Field#

A PredefinedField object stores the non-propagating data of a predefined field as well as a number of instances of the corresponding PredefinedFieldState object. The PredefinedFieldState object stores the propagating data of the predefined field in a single step. A specific type of PredefinedField object and a specific type of PredefinedFieldState object are designed for each type of predefined field. Instances of the PredefinedFieldState object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding PredefinedField object.

Create predefined fields#

class PredefinedFieldModel(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:



Field(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a Field object.

FluidCavityPressure(name, fluidCavity, ...)

This method creates a FluidCavityPressure object.

InitialState(name, instances, fileName[, ...])

This method creates an InitialState predefined field object.

KinematicHardening(name, region[, ...])

This method creates a KinematicHardening object.

MaterialAssignment(name, instanceList[, ...])

This method creates a MaterialAssignment predefined field object.

Stress(name, region[, distributionType, ...])

This method creates a Stress predefined field object.

Temperature(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a Temperature object.

Velocity(name, region, velocity1, velocity2, ...)

This method creates a Velocity predefined field object.

Field(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, outputVariable: str = '', fieldVariableNum: int | None = None, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', crossSectionDistribution: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS', field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '') Field[source]#

This method creates a Field object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the predefined field is created.


A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied. Region is ignored if the predefined field has a distributionType member available, and *distributionType*=FROM_FILE.


A String specifying the scalar nodal output variable that will be read from an output database and used to initialize a specified predefined field. This argument is a required argument if *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the field variable number.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field varies spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FROM_FILE, FIELD, FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field is distributed over the cross-section of the region. Possible values are - CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS - POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION The default value is CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD or *distributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the Field values are to be read when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the first step from which Field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant FIRST_STEP or LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last step from which Field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to interpolate a field read from an output database or results file. Possible values are OFF, ON, or MIDSIDE_ONLY. The default value is OFF.


A Sequence of Doubles specifying the Field values when distributionType*=UNIFORM or FIELD. The value of the *magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list: - If crossSectionDistribution*=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS, *magnitudes is a Double specifying the Field. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the Field at each point.

A Field object.


This function can be accessed by:

FluidCavityPressure(name: str, fluidCavity: str, fluidPressure: float) FluidCavityPressure[source]#

This method creates a FluidCavityPressure object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of a Fluid Cavity Interaction.


A Float specifying the initial fluid pressure.

A FluidCavityPressure object.


This function can be accessed by:

InitialState(name: str, instances: PartInstanceArray, fileName: str, endStep: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAST_STEP', endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType = 'STEP_END', updateReferenceConfiguration: BooleanType = 0) InitialState[source]#

This method creates an InitialState predefined field object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A PartInstanceArray object specifying the instances to which the predefined field is applied.


A String specifying the name of the job that generated the initial state data.


The SymbolicConstant LAST_STEP or an Int specifying the step from which the initial state values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant LAST_STEP. The default value is LAST_STEP.


The SymbolicConstant STEP_END or an Int specifying the increment, interval or iteration of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstant STEP_END. The default value is STEP_END.


A Boolean specifying whether to update the reference configuration based on the import data. The default value is OFF.

An InitialState object.


This function can be accessed by:

KinematicHardening(name: str, region: Region, numBackStress: int = 1, equivPlasticStrain: tuple = (), backStress: tuple = (), sectPtNum: tuple = (), definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC_HARDENING', rebarLayerNames: tuple = (), distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAGNITUDE') KinematicHardening[source]#

This method creates a KinematicHardening object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied.


An Int specifying the number of backstresses. The default value is 1.


A sequence of Floats specifying the initial equivalent Plastic strain.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the initial backstress tensor for kinematic hardening models. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of Ints specifying section point numbers. This argument is valid only when *definition*=SECTION_PTS.


A SymbolicConstant specifying different types of kinematic hardening. Possible values are KINEMATIC_HARDENING, CRUSHABLE_FOAM, REBAR, SECTION_PTS, and USER_DEFINED. The default value is KINEMATIC_HARDENING.


A sequence of Strings specifying rebar layer names. This argument is valid only when *definition*=REBAR.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the load is uniform. Possible values are MAGNITUDE and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is MAGNITUDE.

A KinematicHardening object.


This function can be accessed by:

MaterialAssignment(name: str, instanceList: PartInstanceArray, useFields: BooleanType = 0, assignmentList: tuple = (), fieldList: tuple = (), colorList: tuple = ()) MaterialAssignment[source]#

This method creates a MaterialAssignment predefined field object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A PartInstanceArray object specifying the part instances to which the predefined field is applied. All instances must be assigned the same Eulerian section.


A Boolean specifying whether the volume fraction data will be uniform or defined by discrete fields. The default value is OFF.


A sequence of tuples specifying the uniform volume fractions to be assigned. This argument is valid only when useFields*=FALSE. Each tuple contains two entries:A Region object.A tuple of Floats specifying the uniform volume fraction values. The length of the tuple must match the number of material instance names specified in the Eulerain section assigned to part instances specified by *instanceList.


A sequence of tuples specifying the discrete volume fractions to be assigned. This argument is valid only when useFields*=TRUE. Each tuple contains two entries:A Region object.A tuple of Strings specifying Discrete Field names. The length of the tuple must match the number of material instance names specified in the Eulerain section assigned to part instances specified by *instanceList.


A sequence of three Ints specifying colors used to display the material instance assignments. This is a sequence of R,G,B colors, where the values are represented by integers between 0 and 255. The default value is an empty sequence.

A MaterialAssignment object.


This function can be accessed by:

Stress(name: str, region: Region, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', sigma11: float | None = None, sigma22: float | None = None, sigma33: float | None = None, sigma12: float | None = None, sigma13: float | None = None, sigma23: float | None = None) Stress[source]#

This method creates a Stress predefined field object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied. Region is ignored if the predefined field has *distributionType*=FROM_FILE.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the load is uniform. Possible values are UNIFORM and FROM_FILE. The default value is UNIFORM.


A Float specifying the first principal component of the stress.


A Float specifying the second principal component of the stress.


A Float specifying the third principal component of the stress.


A Float specifying the first shear component of the stress.


A Float specifying the second shear component of the stress.


A Float specifying the third shear component of the stress.

A Stress object.


This function can be accessed by:

Temperature(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', crossSectionDistribution: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS', field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '', absoluteExteriorTolerance: float = 0, exteriorTolerance: float = 0) Temperature[source]#

This method creates a Temperature object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the predefined field is created.


A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied. Region is ignored if the predefined field has a distributionType member available, and *distributionType*=FROM_FILE .


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field varies spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FROM_FILE, FIELD, FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field is distributed over the cross section of the region. Possible values are - CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS - POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION The default value is CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD or *distributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the temperature values are to be read when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the first step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant FIRST_STEP or LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to interpolate a field read from an output database or results file. Possible values are OFF, ON or MIDSIDE_ONLY. The default value is OFF.


A Sequence of Doubles specifying the temperature values when distributionType*=UNIFORM or FIELD. The value of the *magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list: - If crossSectionDistribution*=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS then *magnitudes is a Double specifying the temperature. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the temperature at each point.


A Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the field can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.0. This argument cannot be used with midside.


A Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the field can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.0. This argument cannot be used with midside.

A Temperature object.


This function can be accessed by:

Velocity(name: str, region: Region, velocity1: float, velocity2: float, velocity3: float, omega: float, axisBegin: tuple, axisEnd: tuple, field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAGNITUDE') Velocity[source]#

This method creates a Velocity predefined field object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied.


A Float specifying the first component of the velocity.


A Float specifying the second component of the velocity.


A Float specifying the third component of the velocity.


A Float specifying the angular velocity.


A sequence of Floats specifying the X-, Y-, and Z- coordinates of the starting point of the axis about which omega is defined.


A sequence of Floats specifying the X-, Y-, and Z- coordinates of the end point of the axis about which omega is defined.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD_ANALYTICAL. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the load is uniform. Possible values are MAGNITUDE and FIELD_ANALYTICAL. The default value is MAGNITUDE.

A Velocity object.


This function can be accessed by:


Object features#


class Field(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, outputVariable: str = '', fieldVariableNum: int | None = None, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', crossSectionDistribution: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS', field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '')[source]#

The Field object stores the data for field predefined fields. The Field object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:

    • FIELD

name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

distributionType: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field varies spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FROM_FILE, FIELD, FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

field: str

A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when distributionType=FIELD or distributionType=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.

region: Region

A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied. :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` is ignored if the predefined field has an instances member available. :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` is also ignored if the predefined field has a distributionType member available, and distributionType=FROM_FILE or FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


move(fromStepName, toStepName)

This method moves the FieldState object from one step to a different step.

setValues([outputVariable, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing Field object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, outputVariable, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing Field object in the specified step.

move(fromStepName: str, toStepName: str)[source]#

This method moves the FieldState object from one step to a different step.


A String specifying the name of the step from which the PredefinedFieldState is moved.


A String specifying the name of the step to which the PredefinedFieldState is moved.

setValues(outputVariable: str = '', fieldVariableNum: int | None = None, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', crossSectionDistribution: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS', field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing Field object in the step where it is created.


A String specifying the scalar nodal output variable that will be read from an output database and used to initialize a specified predefined field. This argument is a required argument if *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the field variable number.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field varies spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FROM_FILE, FIELD, FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field is distributed over the cross-section of the region. Possible values are - CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS - POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION The default value is CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD or *distributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the Field values are to be read when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the first step from which Field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant FIRST_STEP or LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last step from which Field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to interpolate a field read from an output database or results file. Possible values are OFF, ON, or MIDSIDE_ONLY. The default value is OFF.


A Sequence of Doubles specifying the Field values when distributionType*=UNIFORM or FIELD. The value of the *magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list: - If crossSectionDistribution*=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS, *magnitudes is a Double specifying the Field. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the Field at each point.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, outputVariable: str = '', fieldVariableNum: int | None = None, field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '')[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing Field object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the predefined field is modified.


A String specifying the scalar nodal output variable that will be read from an output database and used to initialize a specified predefined field. This argument is a required argument if *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the field variable number.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD or *distributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the Field values are to be read when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the first step from which Field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant FIRST_STEP or LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last step from which Field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to interpolate a field read from an output database or results file. Possible values are OFF, ON, or MIDSIDE_ONLY. The default value is OFF.


A Sequence of Doubles specifying the Field values when distributionType*=UNIFORM or FIELD. The value of the *magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list: - If crossSectionDistribution*=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS, *magnitudes is a Double specifying the Field. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION, *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the Field at each point.


class FieldState[source]#

The FieldState object stores the propagating data of a field in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the Field object for each step. The FieldState object has no constructor or methods. The FieldState object is derived from the PredefinedFieldState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load
outputVariable: str

A String specifying the scalar nodal output variable that will be read from an output database and used to initialize a specified predefined field. This argument is a required argument if distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.

fileNameState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the fileName member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

beginStep: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant or an Int specifying the first step from which field values are to be read. This argument is valid only when distribution=FROM_FILE or distribution=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. Possible values are FIRST_STEP, LAST_STEP, and NONE. The default value is NONE.

beginStepState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the beginStep member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

beginIncrement: SymbolicConstant

None or an Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.

beginIncrementState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the beginIncrement member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

endStep: SymbolicConstant

None or an Int specifying the last step from which field values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.

endStepState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the endStep member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

endIncrement: SymbolicConstant

None or an Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.

endIncrementState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the endIncrement member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

amplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitudeState member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

fileName: str

A String specifying the name of the file from which the field values are to be read when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.

amplitude: SymbolicConstant

The SymbolicConstant UNSET or a String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The SymbolicConstant UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note: amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.

magnitudesState: SymbolicConstant

A tuple of SymbolicConstants specifying the propagation state of each item of the magnitudes member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

magnitudes: tuple

A tuple of Floats specifying the field values when distributionType=UNIFORM or distributionType=FIELD. The value of the magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list:

  • If crossSectionDistribution=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS, magnitudes is a Double

specifying the field.
  • If crossSectionDistribution=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS, magnitudes is a sequence

of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction.
  • If crossSectionDistribution=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS, magnitudes is a sequence of

Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction.

  • If crossSectionDistribution=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION, magnitudes is a sequence of

Doubles specifying the field at each point.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the PredefinedFieldState.:py:class:~abaqus.PredefinedField.PredefinedFieldState.PredefinedFieldState` object. Possible values are:














This member exists in all PredefinedFieldState.:py:class:~abaqus.PredefinedField.PredefinedFieldState.PredefinedFieldState` objects, but different predefined fields use different subsets of the entire list of possible values depending on propagation rules.


class PredefinedField[source]#

The PredefinedField object is the base object for the objects in the predefined field repository. The methods and members of the PredefinedField object are common to all objects derived from PredefinedField. An instance of any PredefinedField object can be obtained through the predefined field repository of the Model object. An instance of any PredefinedFieldState object can be obtained through the predefined field repository of the Step object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load
name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

region: Region

A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied. :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` is ignored if the predefined field has an instances member available. :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` is also ignored if the predefined field has a distributionType member available, and distributionType=FROM_FILE or FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.

fieldList: IMAField

An IMAField for MaterialAssignment predefined field。



This method allows you to delete existing fields.

move(fromStepName, toStepName)

This method moves a specific PredefinedFieldState object from one step to a different step.


This method resumes the predefined field that was previously suppressed.


This method suppresses the predefined field.

delete(indices: tuple)[source]#

This method allows you to delete existing fields.


A sequence of Ints specifying the index of each field to delete.

move(fromStepName: str, toStepName: str)[source]#

This method moves a specific PredefinedFieldState object from one step to a different step.


A String specifying the name of the step from which the PredefinedFieldState object is moved.


A String specifying the name of the step to which the PredefinedFieldState object is moved.


This method resumes the predefined field that was previously suppressed.


This method suppresses the predefined field.


class PredefinedFieldState[source]#

The PredefinedFieldState object is the base object for the objects in the predefinedFieldState repository of the Step object. The members of the PredefinedFieldState object are common to all objects derived from PredefinedFieldState. The PredefinedFieldState object has no constructor or methods.


This object can be accessed by:

import load
status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the PredefinedFieldState.:py:class:~abaqus.PredefinedField.PredefinedFieldState.PredefinedFieldState` object. Possible values are:














This member exists in all PredefinedFieldState.:py:class:~abaqus.PredefinedField.PredefinedFieldState.PredefinedFieldState` objects, but different predefined fields use different subsets of the entire list of possible values depending on propagation rules.


class FluidCavityPressure(name: str, fluidCavity: str, fluidPressure: float)[source]#

The FluidCavityPressure object stores the data for initial fluid cavity pressures. The base class*region* argument can not be specifed with this object. The FluidCavityPressure object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


region: Region

A Region object on which the fluidCavity interaction is specified.



This method modifies the FluidCavityPressure object.


This method modifies the FluidCavityPressure object.


class IMAField[source]#

A IMAField is an object used to define material instance name volume fractions for the MaterialAssignment predefined field.


This object can be accessed by:

import load
region: Region

A Region object specifying the sub-region of the selected part instance to which the volume fractions will be applied.

discFieldList: tuple

A tuple of Strings specifying the name of the discrete fields that contain the volume fraction data. The length of the tuple corresponds to the number of material instance names, as established by the assigned Eulerian section.


class IMARegion[source]#

A IMARegion is an object used to define material instance name volume fractions for the MaterialAssignment predefined field.


This object can be accessed by:

import load
region: Region

A Region object specifying the sub-region of the selected part instance to which the volume fractions will be applied.

fractionList: float

A tuple of Floats specifying the volume fractions, per material instance name. The length of the tuple corresponds to the number of material instance names, as established by the assigned Eulerian section.


class InitialState(name: str, instances: PartInstanceArray, fileName: str, endStep: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAST_STEP', endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType = 'STEP_END', updateReferenceConfiguration: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

The InitialState object stores the data for an initial state predefined field. The InitialState object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([endStep, endIncrement, ...])

This method modifies the InitialState object.

setValues(endStep: SymbolicConstantType = 'LAST_STEP', endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType = 'STEP_END', updateReferenceConfiguration: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the InitialState object.


The SymbolicConstant LAST_STEP or an Int specifying the step from which the initial state values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant LAST_STEP. The default value is LAST_STEP.


The SymbolicConstant STEP_END or an Int specifying the increment, interval or iteration of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstant STEP_END. The default value is STEP_END.


A Boolean specifying whether to update the reference configuration based on the import data. The default value is OFF.


class KinematicHardening(name: str, region: Region, numBackStress: int = 1, equivPlasticStrain: tuple = (), backStress: tuple = (), sectPtNum: tuple = (), definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC_HARDENING', rebarLayerNames: tuple = (), distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAGNITUDE')[source]#

The KinematicHardening object stores the data for initial equivalent Plastic strains and, if relevant, the initial backstress tensor. The KinematicHardening object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


field: str

A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when distributionType=ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


setValues([numBackStress, ...])

This method modifies the KinematicHardening object.

setValues(numBackStress: int = 1, equivPlasticStrain: tuple = (), backStress: tuple = (), sectPtNum: tuple = (), definition: SymbolicConstantType = 'KINEMATIC_HARDENING', rebarLayerNames: tuple = (), distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAGNITUDE')[source]#

This method modifies the KinematicHardening object.


An Int specifying the number of backstresses. The default value is 1.


A sequence of Floats specifying the initial equivalent Plastic strain.


A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the initial backstress tensor for kinematic hardening models. The default value is an empty sequence.


A sequence of Ints specifying section point numbers. This argument is valid only when *definition*=SECTION_PTS.


A SymbolicConstant specifying different types of kinematic hardening. Possible values are KINEMATIC_HARDENING, CRUSHABLE_FOAM, REBAR, SECTION_PTS, and USER_DEFINED. The default value is KINEMATIC_HARDENING.


A sequence of Strings specifying rebar layer names. This argument is valid only when *definition*=REBAR.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the load is uniform. Possible values are MAGNITUDE and ANALYTICAL_FIELD. The default value is MAGNITUDE.


class MaterialAssignment(name: str, instanceList: PartInstanceArray, useFields: BooleanType = 0, assignmentList: tuple = (), fieldList: tuple = (), colorList: tuple = ())[source]#

The MaterialAssignment object stores the data for an initial material assignment predefined field, for use with an Eulerian analysis. The MaterialAssignment object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


region: Region

A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied.


setValues([useFields, assignmentList, ...])

This method modifies the MaterialAssignment object.

setValues(useFields: BooleanType = 0, assignmentList: tuple = (), fieldList: tuple = (), colorList: tuple = ())[source]#

This method modifies the MaterialAssignment object.


A Boolean specifying whether the volume fraction data will be uniform or defined by discrete fields. The default value is OFF.


A sequence of tuples specifying the uniform volume fractions to be assigned. This argument is valid only when useFields*=FALSE. Each tuple contains two entries:A Region object.A tuple of Floats specifying the uniform volume fraction values. The length of the tuple must match the number of material instance names specified in the Eulerain section assigned to part instances specified by *instanceList.


A sequence of tuples specifying the discrete volume fractions to be assigned. This argument is valid only when useFields*=TRUE. Each tuple contains two entries:A Region object.A tuple of Strings specifying Discrete Field names. The length of the tuple must match the number of material instance names specified in the Eulerain section assigned to part instances specified by *instanceList.


A sequence of three Ints specifying colors used to display the material instance assignments. This is a sequence of R,G,B colors, where the values are represented by integers between 0 and 255. The default value is an empty sequence.


class Stress(name: str, region: Region, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', sigma11: float | None = None, sigma22: float | None = None, sigma33: float | None = None, sigma12: float | None = None, sigma13: float | None = None, sigma23: float | None = None)[source]#

The Stress object stores the data for an initial stress predefined field. The Stress object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([distributionType, sigma11, ...])

This method modifies the Stress object.

setValues(distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', sigma11: float | None = None, sigma22: float | None = None, sigma33: float | None = None, sigma12: float | None = None, sigma13: float | None = None, sigma23: float | None = None)[source]#

This method modifies the Stress object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the load is uniform. Possible values are UNIFORM and FROM_FILE. The default value is UNIFORM.


A Float specifying the first principal component of the stress.


A Float specifying the second principal component of the stress.


A Float specifying the third principal component of the stress.


A Float specifying the first shear component of the stress.


A Float specifying the second shear component of the stress.


A Float specifying the third shear component of the stress.


class Temperature(name: str, createStepName: str, region: Region, distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', crossSectionDistribution: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS', field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '', absoluteExteriorTolerance: float = 0, exteriorTolerance: float = 0)[source]#

The Temperature object stores the data for temperature predefined fields. The Temperature object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:


name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

distributionType: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field varies spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FROM_FILE, FIELD, FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.

field: str

A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when distributionType=FIELD or distributionType=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.

region: Region

A Region object specifying the region to which the predefined field is applied. :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` is ignored if the predefined field has an instances member available. :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` is also ignored if the predefined field has a distributionType member available, and distributionType=FROM_FILE or FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


move(fromStepName, toStepName)

This method moves the TemperatureState object from one step to a different step.

setValues([distributionType, ...])

This method modifies the data for an existing Temperature object in the step where it is created.

setValuesInStep(stepName[, field, ...])

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing Temperature object in the specified step.

move(fromStepName: str, toStepName: str)[source]#

This method moves the TemperatureState object from one step to a different step.


A String specifying the name of the step from which the PredefinedFieldState is moved.


A String specifying the name of the step to which the PredefinedFieldState is moved.

setValues(distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'UNIFORM', crossSectionDistribution: SymbolicConstantType = 'CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS', field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '', absoluteExteriorTolerance: float = 0, exteriorTolerance: float = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the data for an existing Temperature object in the step where it is created.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field varies spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FROM_FILE, FIELD, FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how the predefined field is distributed over the cross section of the region. Possible values are - CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS - GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS - POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION The default value is CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD or *distributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the temperature values are to be read when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the first step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant FIRST_STEP or LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to interpolate a field read from an output database or results file. Possible values are OFF, ON or MIDSIDE_ONLY. The default value is OFF.


A Sequence of Doubles specifying the temperature values when distributionType*=UNIFORM or FIELD. The value of the *magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list: - If crossSectionDistribution*=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS then *magnitudes is a Double specifying the temperature. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the temperature at each point.


A Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the field can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.0. This argument cannot be used with midside.


A Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the field can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.0. This argument cannot be used with midside.

setValuesInStep(stepName: str, field: str = '', amplitude: str = 'UNSET', fileName: str = '', beginStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, beginIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endStep: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, endIncrement: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, interpolate: SymbolicConstantType = 0, magnitudes: str = '', absoluteExteriorTolerance: float = 0, exteriorTolerance: float = 0)[source]#

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing Temperature object in the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the predefined field is modified.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD or *distributionType*=DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.


A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the temperature values are to be read when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.


An Int specifying the first step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstant FIRST_STEP or LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when *distributionType*=FROM_FILE or *distributionType*=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to interpolate a field read from an output database or results file. Possible values are OFF, ON or MIDSIDE_ONLY. The default value is OFF.


A Sequence of Doubles specifying the temperature values when distributionType*=UNIFORM or FIELD. The value of the *magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list: - If crossSectionDistribution*=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS then *magnitudes is a Double specifying the temperature. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction. - If crossSectionDistribution*=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION then *magnitudes is a sequence of Doubles specifying the temperature at each point.


A Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the field can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.0. This argument cannot be used with midside.


A Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the field can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.0. This argument cannot be used with midside.


class TemperatureState[source]#

The TemperatureState object stores the propagating data of a temperature in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the Temperature object for each step. The TemperatureState object has no constructor or methods. The TemperatureState object is derived from the PredefinedFieldState object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load
fileNameState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the fileName member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

beginStep: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant or an Int specifying the first step from which temperature values are to be read. This argument is valid only when distribution=FROM_FILE or distribution=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. Possible values are FIRST_STEP, LAST_STEP, and NONE. The default value is NONE.

beginStepState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the beginStep member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

beginIncrement: SymbolicConstant

None or an Int specifying the first increment of the step set in beginStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START or STEP_END. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.

beginIncrementState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the beginIncrement member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

endStep: SymbolicConstant

None or an Int specifying the last step from which temperature values are to be read or the SymbolicConstants FIRST_STEP and LAST_STEP. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.

endStepState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the endStep member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

endIncrement: SymbolicConstant

None or an Int specifying the last increment of the step set in endStep or the SymbolicConstants STEP_START and STEP_END. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED. The default value is None.

endIncrementState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the endIncrement member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

midside: Boolean

A Boolean specifying that temperatures in second-order elements are to be interpolated from corner node temperatures. This argument is valid only when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.

midsideState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the midside member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

amplitudeState: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitudeState member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

fileName: str

A String specifying the name of the file from which the temperature values are to be read when distributionType=FROM_FILE or distributionType=FROM_FILE_AND_USER_DEFINED.

amplitude: SymbolicConstant

The SymbolicConstant UNSET or a String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The SymbolicConstant UNSET should be used if the predefined field has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET.Note:amplitude should be given only if it is valid for the specified step.

magnitudesState: SymbolicConstant

A tuple of SymbolicConstants specifying the propagation state of each item of the magnitudes member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.

magnitudes: tuple

A tuple of Floats specifying the temperature values when distributionType=UNIFORM or distributionType=FIELD. The value of the magnitudes argument is a function of the crossSectionDistribution argument, as shown in the following list:

  • If crossSectionDistribution=CONSTANT_THROUGH_THICKNESS then magnitudes is a Double

specifying the temperature.
  • If crossSectionDistribution=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_SHELL_CS then magnitudes is a

sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value and the gradient in the thickness direction.

  • If crossSectionDistribution=GRADIENTS_THROUGH_BEAM_CS then magnitudes is a

sequence of Doubles specifying the mean value, the gradient in the N1 direction, and the gradient in the N2 direction.

  • If crossSectionDistribution=POINTS_THROUGH_SECTION then magnitudes is a sequence

of Doubles specifying the temperature at each point.

status: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the PredefinedFieldState.:py:class:~abaqus.PredefinedField.PredefinedFieldState.PredefinedFieldState` object. Possible values are:














This member exists in all PredefinedFieldState.:py:class:~abaqus.PredefinedField.PredefinedFieldState.PredefinedFieldState` objects, but different predefined fields use different subsets of the entire list of possible values depending on propagation rules.


class TiffOptions[source]#

The TiffOptions object stores the settings that Abaqus uses when printing in TIFF format. The TiffOptions object has no constructor. Abaqus creates the tiffOptions member when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:




This method modifies the TiffOptions object.

setValues(imageSize: SymbolicConstantType = 'SIZE_ON_SCREEN')[source]#

This method modifies the TiffOptions object.


The SymbolicConstant SIZE_ON_SCREEN or a pair of Ints specifying the width and height of the image in pixels. Possible values are (minWidth, minHeight) ≤≤ imageSize ≤≤ (maxWidth and maxHeight). The default value is SIZE_ON_SCREEN. Note:The minimum value of width and height (minWidth and minHeight ) is the number of pixels that occupy 10 mm at the current screen resolution. The value is typically around 50 pixels and may be different for width and height. The maximum value of width and height (maxWidth and maxHeight ) is the largest number of pixels supported by the system graphics and will be at least as large as the screen dimensions.

  • If either the width or height arguments of imageSize are out of range (where

minWidth and minHeight are the number of pixels corresponding to approximately 10 mm for a given display and maxWidth and maxHeight are the largest allowable number of pixels supported by the system graphics):

RangeError: imageSize must be SIZE_ON_SCREEN or a sequence of 2 Ints in the range

(minWidth, minHeight) <= (width, height) <= (maxWidth, maxHeight).


class Velocity(name: str, region: Region, velocity1: float, velocity2: float, velocity3: float, omega: float, axisBegin: tuple, axisEnd: tuple, field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAGNITUDE')[source]#

The Velocity object stores the data for an initial velocity predefined field. The Velocity object is derived from the PredefinedField object.


This object can be accessed by:

import load

The corresponding analysis keywords are:



setValues([field, distributionType])

This method modifies the Velocity object.

setValues(field: str = '', distributionType: SymbolicConstantType = 'MAGNITUDE')[source]#

This method modifies the Velocity object.


A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this predefined field. The field argument applies only when *distributionType*=FIELD_ANALYTICAL. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the load is uniform. Possible values are MAGNITUDE and FIELD_ANALYTICAL. The default value is MAGNITUDE.