Abaqus Output Database#

class Odb(name: str, analysisTitle: str = '', description: str = '', path: str = '')[source]

The Odb object is the in-memory representation of an output database (ODB) file.


This object can be accessed by:

import odbAccess
isReadOnly: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the output database was opened with read-only access.

amplitudes: dict[str, Amplitude]

A repository of Amplitude objects.

filters: dict[str, Filter]

A repository of Filter objects.

rootAssembly: OdbAssembly

An OdbAssembly object.

jobData: JobData

A JobData object.

parts: dict[str, OdbPart]

A repository of OdbPart objects.

materials: dict[str, Material]

A repository of Material objects.

steps: dict[str, OdbStep]

A repository of OdbStep objects.

sections: dict[str, Section]

A repository of Section objects.

sectionCategories: dict[str, SectionCategory]

A repository of SectionCategory objects.

sectorDefinition: SectorDefinition

A SectorDefinition object.

userData: UserData

A UserData object.

customData: RepositorySupport

A RepositorySupport object.

profiles: dict[str, Profile]

A repository of Profile objects.


Part(name, embeddedSpace, type)

This method creates an OdbPart object.

SectionCategory(name, description)

This method creates a SectionCategory object.

Step(name, description, domain[, ...])

This method creates an OdbStep object.