
The Property commands are used to create and manage reinforcements and to assign properties to a part. (See also Material commands and Section commands.) The Property commands are methods of a Part object.

Create properties for Part#

class PropertyPart(name: str, dimensionality: SymbolicConstantType, type: SymbolicConstantType, twist: BooleanType = OFF)[source]
class PropertyPart(name: str, objectToCopy: str, scale: float = 1, mirrorPlane: SymbolicConstantType = NONE, compressFeatureList: BooleanType = OFF, separate: BooleanType = OFF)


CompositeLayup(name[, description, ...])

This method creates a CompositeLayup object.

MaterialOrientation([region, localCsys, ...])

This method creates a MaterialOrientation object.

SectionAssignment(region, sectionName[, ...])

This method creates a SectionAssignment object.