Abaqus Model#

Model commands are used to create Abaqus/CAE models. A finished model contains all the data that Abaqus/CAE needs to create and submit an analysis to Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit. Models are stored in a model database.

Create models#

Mdb.Model(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1) Model[source]

This method creates a Model object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A String specifying the purpose and contents of the Model object. The default value is an empty string.


None or a Float specifying the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the absolute zero constant. The default value is None.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave formulation to be used in acoustic problems. Possible values are NOT_SET, SCATTERED, and TOTAL. The default value is NOT_SET.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the analysis model type. Possible values are STANDARD_EXPLICIT and ELECTROMAGNETIC. The default is STANDARD_EXPLICIT.


None or a Float specifying the universal gas constant. The default value is None.


A boolean specifying whether to copy the constraints created in the model to the model that instances this model. The default value is ON.


A boolean specifying whether to copy the connectors created in the model to the model that instances this model. The default value is ON.


A boolean specifying whether to copy the interactions created in the model to the model that instances this model. The default value is ON.

model: Model

A Model object


This function can be accessed by:



class Model(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:


The corresponding analysis keywords are:


name: str

A String specifying the repository key.

stefanBoltzmann: float

None or a Float specifying the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The default value is None.

absoluteZero: float

None or a Float specifying the absolute zero constant. The default value is None.

waveFormulation: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave formulation to be used in acoustic problems. Possible values are NOT_SET, SCATTERED, and TOTAL. The default value is NOT_SET.

universalGas: float

None or a Float specifying the universal gas constant. The default value is None.

noPartsInputFile: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether an input file should be written without parts and assemblies. The default value is OFF.

restartIncrement: SymbolicConstant

An Int specifying the increment, interval, iteration or cycle where the restart analysis will start. To select the end of the step use the SymbolicConstant STEP_END.

endRestartStep: Boolean

A Boolean specifying that the step specified by restartStep should be terminated at the increment specified by restartIncrement.

shellToSolid: Boolean

A Boolean specifying that a shell global model drives a solid submodel.

lastChangedCount: float

A Float specifying the time stamp that indicates when the model was last changed.

description: str

A String specifying the purpose and contents of the Model object. The default value is an empty string.

restartJob: str

A String specifying the name of the job that generated the restart data.

restartStep: str

A String specifying the name of the step where the restart analysis will start.

globalJob: str

A String specifying the name of the job that generated the results for the global model.

copyConstraints: Boolean

A boolean specifying the status of constraints created in a model, in the model which instances this model.

copyConnectors: Boolean

A boolean specifying the status of connectors created in a model, in the model which instances this model.

copyInteractions: Boolean

A boolean specifying the status of interactions created in a model, in the model which instances this model.

keywordBlock: KeywordBlock

A KeywordBlock object.

rootAssembly: Assembly

An Assembly object.

amplitudes: dict[str, Amplitude]

A repository of Amplitude objects.

profiles: dict[str, Profile]

A repository of Profile objects.

boundaryConditions: dict[str, BoundaryCondition]

A repository of BoundaryCondition objects.

constraints: dict[str, Constraint]

A repository of ConstrainedSketchConstraint objects.

analyticalFields: dict[str, AnalyticalField]

A repository of AnalyticalField objects.

discreteFields: dict[str, DiscreteField]

A repository of DiscreteField objects.

predefinedFields: dict[str, PredefinedField]

A repository of PredefinedField objects.

interactions: dict[str, Interaction]

A repository of Interaction objects.

interactionProperties: dict[str, ContactProperty]

A repository of InteractionProperty objects.

contactControls: dict[str, ContactControl]

A repository of ContactControl objects.

contactInitializations: dict[str, ContactInitialization]

A repository of ContactInitialization objects.

contactStabilizations: dict[str, ContactStabilization]

A repository of ContactStabilization objects.

linkedInstances: tuple

A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child PartInstance name in the current model to the corresponding parent PartInstance name in a different model.

linkedParts: tuple

A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child Part name in the current model to the corresponding parent Part name in a different model.

loads: dict[str, Load]

A repository of Load objects.

materials: dict[str, Material]

A repository of Material objects.

calibrations: dict[str, Calibration]

A repository of Calibration objects.

sections: dict[str, Section]

A repository of Section objects.

remeshingRules: dict[str, RemeshingRule]

A repository of RemeshingRule objects.

sketches: dict[str, ConstrainedSketch]

A repository of ConstrainedSketch objects.

parts: dict[str, Part]

A repository of Part objects.

steps: dict[str, Step]

A repository of Step objects.

featureOptions: FeatureOptions

A FeatureOptions object.

adaptiveMeshConstraints: dict[str, AdaptiveMeshConstraint]

A repository of AdaptiveMeshConstraint objects.

adaptiveMeshControls: dict[str, AdaptiveMeshControl]

A repository of AdaptiveMeshControl objects.

timePoints: dict[str, TimePoint]

A repository of TimePoint objects.

filters: dict[str, Filter]

A repository of Filter objects.

integratedOutputSections: dict[str, IntegratedOutputSection]

A repository of IntegratedOutputSection objects.

fieldOutputRequests: dict[str, FieldOutputRequest]

A repository of FieldOutputRequest objects.

historyOutputRequests: dict[str, HistoryOutputRequest]

A repository of HistoryOutputRequest objects.

optimizationTasks: dict[str, OptimizationTask]

A repository of OptimizationTask objects.

tableCollections: dict[str, TableCollection]

A repository of TableCollection objects.

eventSeriesTypes: dict[str, EventSeriesType]

A repository of EventSeriesType objects.

eventSeriesDatas: dict[str, EventSeriesData]

A repository of EventSeriesData objects.