
A Field object stores the non-propagating data of a field as well as a number of instances of the corresponding FieldState object. The FieldState object stores the propagating data of the field in a single step. A specific type of Field object and a specific type of FieldState object are designed for each type of predefined field. Instances of the FieldState object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding Field object.

Create fields#

class FieldModel(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]


DiscreteField(name, defaultValues, fieldType)

This method creates a DiscreteField object.

ExpressionField(name, expression[, ...])

This method creates an ExpressionField object.

MappedField(name[, regionType, ...])

This method creates an MappedField object.