
A specific type of load object and a specific type of load state object are designed for each type of load. A load object stores the nonpropagating data of a load as well as a number of instances of the corresponding load state object, each of which stores the propagating data of the load in a single step. Instances of the load state object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding load object.

Load Case commands are used for configuring load cases in specific types of steps that may use them.


The Load object is the abstract base type for other Load objects. The Load object has no explicit constructor. The methods and members of the Load object are common to all objects derived from Load.

Create loads#

class LoadModel(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:



BodyCharge(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a BodyCharge object.

BodyConcentrationFlux(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a BodyConcentrationFlux object.

BodyCurrent(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a BodyCurrent object.

BodyCurrentDensity(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a BodyCurrentDensity object.

BodyForce(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a BodyForce object.

BodyHeatFlux(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a BodyHeatFlux object.

BoltLoad(name, createStepName, region, magnitude)

This method creates a BoltLoad object.

ConcCharge(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a ConcCharge object.

ConcConcFlux(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a ConcConcFlux object.

ConcCurrent(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a ConcCurrent object.

ConcPoreFluid(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a ConcPoreFluid object.

ConcentratedForce(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a ConcentratedForce object.

ConcentratedHeatFlux(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a ConcentratedHeatFlux object.

ConnectorForce(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ConnectorForce object on a wire region.

ConnectorMoment(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ConnectorMoment object on a wire region.

CoriolisForce(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a CoriolisForce object.

Gravity(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a Gravity object.

InertiaRelief(name, createStepName[, u1, ...])

This method creates an InertiaRelief object.

InwardVolAccel(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a InwardVolAccel object.

LineLoad(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a LineLoad object.

Moment(name, createStepName, region[, cm1, ...])

This method creates a Moment object.

PEGLoad(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a PEGLoad object.

PipePressure(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a Pressure object.

Pressure(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a Pressure object.

RotationalBodyForce(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a RotationalBodyForce object.

ShellEdgeLoad(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a ShellEdgeLoad object.

SubmodelSB(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a SubmodelSB object.

SubstructureLoad(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a SubstructureLoad object.

SurfaceCharge(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a SurfaceCharge object.

SurfaceConcentrationFlux(name, ...[, field, ...])

This method creates a SurfaceConcentrationFlux object.

SurfaceCurrent(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a SurfaceCurrent object.

SurfaceCurrentDensity(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a SurfaceCurrentDensity object.

SurfaceHeatFlux(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates a SurfaceHeatFlux object.

SurfacePoreFluid(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a SurfacePoreFluid object.

SurfaceTraction(name, createStepName, ...[, ...])

This method creates a SurfaceTraction object.