Abaqus Session#

Session commands are used to create objects that are not stored with the model; for example, viewports and display groups. Abaqus/CAE retains Session objects only for the duration of the session; they are not saved when the model database is saved.

Object features#


class Session[source]#

The Session object has no constructor. Abaqus creates the session member when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:

attachedToGui: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether an Abaqus interactive session is running.

replayInProgress: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether Abaqus is executing a replay file.

kernelMemoryFootprint: float

A Float specifying the memory usage value for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes.

kernelMemoryMaxFootprint: float

A Float specifying the maximum value for the memory usage for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes.

kernelMemoryLimit: float

A Float specifying the limit for the memory use for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes.

colors: dict[str, Color]

A repository of Color objects.

journalOptions: JournalOptions

A JournalOptions object specifying how to record selection of geometry in the journal and replay files.

memoryReductionOptions: MemoryReductionOptions

A MemoryReductionOptions object specifying options for running in reduced memory mode.

nodeQuery: NodeQuery

A NodeQuery object specifying nodes and their coordinates in a path.

sketcherOptions: ConstrainedSketcherOptions

A ConstrainedSketcherOptions object specifying common options for all sketches.

viewerOptions: ViewerOptions

A ViewerOptions object.

animationOptions: AnimationOptions

An AnimationOptions object.

aviOptions: AVIOptions

An AVIOptions object.

imageAnimationOptions: ImageAnimationOptions

An ImageAnimationOptions object.

imageAnimation: ImageAnimation

An ImageAnimation object.

quickTimeOptions: QuickTimeOptions

A QuickTimeOptions object.

viewports: dict[str, Viewport]

A repository of Viewport objects.

customData: RepositorySupport

A RepositorySupport object.

defaultFieldReportOptions: FieldReportOptions

A FieldReportOptions object.

defaultFreeBodyReportOptions: FreeBodyReportOptions

A FreeBodyReportOptions object.

fieldReportOptions: FieldReportOptions

A FieldReportOptions object.

freeBodyReportOptions: FreeBodyReportOptions

A FreeBodyReportOptions object.

odbs: dict[str, Odb]

A repository of Odb objects.

scratchOdbs: dict[str, ScratchOdb]

A repository of ScratchOdb objects.

defaultOdbDisplay: DefaultOdbDisplay

A DefaultOdbDisplay object.

defaultPlot: DefaultPlot

A DefaultPlot object.

defaultChartOptions: DefaultChartOptions

A DefaultChartOptions object.

odbData: dict[str, OdbData]

A repository of OdbData objects.

mdbData: dict[str, MdbData]

A repository of MdbData objects.

paths: dict[str, Path]

A repository of Path objects.

freeBodies: dict[str, FreeBody]

A repository of FreeBody objects.

streams: dict[str, Stream]

A repository of Stream objects.

spectrums: dict[str, Spectrum]

A repository of Spectrum objects.

currentProbeValues: CurrentProbeValues

A CurrentProbeValues object.

defaultProbeOptions: ProbeOptions

A ProbeOptions object.

probeOptions: ProbeOptions

A ProbeOptions object.

probeReport: ProbeReport

A ProbeReport object.

defaultProbeReport: ProbeReport

A ProbeReport object.

selectedProbeValues: SelectedProbeValues

A SelectedProbeValues object.

printOptions: PrintOptions

A PrintOptions object.

epsOptions: EpsOptions

An EpsOptions object.

pageSetupOptions: PageSetupOptions

A PageSetupOptions object.

pngOptions: PngOptions

A PngOptions object.

psOptions: PsOptions

A PsOptions object.

svgOptions: SvgOptions

A SvgOptions object.

tiffOptions: TiffOptions

A TiffOptions object.

autoColors: AutoColors

An AutoColors object specifying the color palette to be used for color coding.

xyColors: AutoColors

An AutoColors object specifying the color palette to be used forXYCurve objects.

xyDataObjects: dict[str, XYData]

A repository of XYData objects.

curves: dict[str, XYCurve]

A repository of XYCurve objects.

xyPlots: dict[str, XYPlot]

A repository of XYPlot objects.

charts: dict[str, Chart]

A repository of Chart objects.

defaultXYReportOptions: XYReportOptions

An XYReportOptions object.

xyReportOptions: XYReportOptions

An XYReportOptions object.

views: dict[str, View]

A repository of View objects.

networkDatabaseConnectors: dict[str, NetworkDatabaseConnector]

A repository of NetworkDatabaseConnector objects.

displayGroups: dict[str, DisplayGroup]

A repository of DisplayGroup objects.

graphicsInfo: GraphicsInfo

A GraphicsInfo object.

defaultGraphicsOptions: GraphicsOptions

A GraphicsOptions object.

graphicsOptions: GraphicsOptions

A GraphicsOptions object.

defaultViewportAnnotationOptions: ViewportAnnotationOptions

A ViewportAnnotationOptions object.

queues: dict[str, Queue]

A repository of Queue objects.

currentViewportName: str

A String specifying the name of the current viewport.

sessionState: dict

A Dictionary object specifying the viewports and their associated models. The Dictionary key specifies the viewport name. The Dictionary value is a Dictionary specifying the model name.

images: dict[str, Image]

A repository of Image objects.

movies: dict[str, Movie]

A repository of Movie objects.

defaultLightOptions: LightOptions

A LightOptions object.

drawingArea: DrawingArea

A DrawingArea object.

defaultMesherOptions: MesherOptions

A MesherOptions object specifying how to control default settings in the Mesh module.

drawings: dict[str, Drawing]

A repository of Drawing objects.

static AreaStyle(color: str = '', fill: BooleanType = 1, style: SymbolicConstantType = 'SOLID') AreaStyle[source]#

This method creates an AreaStyle.


A String specifying the color to be used when filling an area with this AreaStyle object. The default value is “White”.


A Boolean specifying whether to fill the area when using this AreaStyle. The default value is ON.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the area pattern style to be used when filling an area using this AreaStyle. The default value is SOLID.

An AreaStyle object.


This function can be accessed by:

DisplayGroup(name: str, leaf: Leaf) DisplayGroup[source]#

This method creates a DisplayGroup object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A Leaf object specifying the items in the display group.

A DisplayGroup object.


This function can be accessed by:

static LineStyle(color: str = '', show: BooleanType = 1, style: SymbolicConstantType = 'SOLID', thickness: float = 0) LineStyle[source]#

This method creates a LineStyle.


A String specifying the color to be used when drawing a line with this LineStyle object. The default value is “White”.


A Boolean specifying whether to draw the line when using this LineStyle. The default value is ON.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the line style to be used when drawing lines using this LineStyle. Possible values are SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED, and DOT_DASH. The default value is SOLID.


A Float specifying the line thickness in mm to be used when drawing lines using this LineStyle. The default value is 0.2.

A LineStyle object.


This function can be accessed by:

Movie(name: str, fileName: str, startFrame: int = 0, endFrame: int | None = None, timelineStartFrame: int = 0, timelineEndFrame: int | None = None, timelineStartTime: float = 0, timelineEndTime: SymbolicConstantType | float = 'END_FRAME_TIME') Movie[source]#

This method creates a Movie object from the contents of the specified file.


A String specifying the repository name for the movie.


A String specifying the file from which the movie is to be read. The file extension must be specified and indicates the movie format (.avi, .mov, .mpeg, or .wmv).


An Int specifying the first frame to be displayed from this movie. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the last frame to be displayed from this movie. A negative number will indicate reverse numbering: -1 is the last frame of the movie. The default value is −1.


An Int specifying the global timeline frame number that corresponds to startFrame. A value of 0 will indicate the first frame to be displayed in the viewport. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the global timeline frame number that corresponds to endFrame. A negative number will indicate reverse numbering: -1 indicates the last frame to be displayed in the viewport. The default value is −1.


A Float specifying the global timeline time that corresponds to the time of startFrame. The default value is 0.0.


The SymbolicConstant END_FRAME_TIME or a Float specifying the global timeline time that corresponds to the time of endFrame. The SymbolicConstant END_FRAME_TIME indicates the time in this movie corresponding to endFrame. The default value is END_FRAME_TIME.

A Movie object.
  • If fileName does not exist or can not be read:

    ValueError: Unable to open movie file

  • If fileName references an unsupported movie file format:

    ValueError: Unsupported movie format

  • If the contents of fileName are corrupt or can not be decoded:

    ValueError: Unable to decode movie file


This function can be accessed by:

Path(name: str, type: SymbolicConstantType, expression: tuple, circleDefinition: SymbolicConstantType, numSegments: int, startAngle: float, endAngle: float, radius: SymbolicConstantType | float, radialAngle: float, startRadius: SymbolicConstantType | float, endRadius: SymbolicConstantType | float) Path[source]#

This method creates a Path object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of path being created. Possible values are NODE_LIST, POINT_LIST, EDGE_LIST, CIRCUMFERENTIAL, and RADIAL.


A sequence specifying the nodes or points that make up the path. The definition of the path expression depends on the type argument. - If type*=NODE_LIST, *expression must be a sequence of sequences. Each inner sequence contains two items, the first item is a String specifying the name of a part instance, and the second item can be either a sequence of Ints or a sequence of Strings, each specifying a range of Ints. - If type*=POINT_LIST, *expression must be a sequence of tuples of three Floats, specifying the coordinates of each point. - If type*=EDGE_LIST, *expression must be a sequence of sequences. Each inner sequence contains two items, the first item is a String specifying the name of the part instance, and the second item is a sequence of tuples of four Ints that uniquely identify an element edge. The four Ints are: 1. The element label. 2. The element face index (one-based). 3. The face edge index (one-based). 4. The edge direction. A positive number specifies that the edge direction runs from the edge start node to the edge end node. A negative number specifies the opposite. - When type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL or RADIAL, *expression must be a sequence of three tuples of three Floats, specifying the coordinates of the points used to define a coordinate system.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method in which the circle is being defined. This argument is valid only when type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL or RADIAL. Possible values are ORIGIN_AXIS and POINT_ARC.When the value is ORIGIN_AXIS, the first two points in *expression are points on the rotational axis and the third point lies on the x-axis. When the value is POINT_ARC, the three points in expression are points lying on the arc of the circle.


An Int specifying the number of equal segments in the path. This argument is valid only when *type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL or RADIAL.


A Float specifying the start angle of the circumferential path. This argument is valid only when *type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL.


A Float specifying the end angle of the circumferential path. This argument is valid only when *type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL.


The SymbolicConstant CIRCLE_RADIUS or a Float specifying the radius of the circumferential path. This argument is valid only when *type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL.


A Float specifying the angle between the radial path and the X-axis of the specified coordinate system. This argument is valid only when *type*=RADIAL.


The SymbolicConstant CIRCLE_RADIUS or a Float specifying the start radius of the radial path. This argument is valid only when *type*=RADIAL.


The SymbolicConstant CIRCLE_RADIUS or a Float specifying the end radius of the radial path. This argument is valid only when *type*=RADIAL.

A Path object.
ModelError, ErrorUnsupportedNodeData, ErrorUnsupportedPointData, ErrorIncorrectPathData,
KeyError, ErrorEmptyPathName, ErrorPathNotFound, and ErrorNoOdbPathDisplay.
ValueError: When *type*=CIRCUMFERENTIAL or RADIAL, the three points specified in
expression are collinear.


This function can be accessed by:

static QuantityType(label: str = '', type: SymbolicConstantType | None = None) QuantityType[source]#

This method creates a QuantityType object.


A String specifying the label for this quantity type.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the physical dimension of the axis. Possible values are: - NONE. - ACCELERATION. - ACOUSTIC_INTENSITY. - ANGLE. - ANGULAR_MOMENTUM. - ARC_LENGTH. - AREA. - AREA_VELOCITY_SQUARED, specifying “Velocity squared per area”. - BIMOMENT. - CURVATURE. - CORIOLIS_LOAD. - DAMAGE. - DAMAGE_CRITERION. - DENSITY. - DENSITY_ROTATIONAL_ACCELERATION, specifying “Density * Angular acceleration”. - DISPLACEMENT. - ECURRENT_AREA_TIME, specifying “Time integrated electric current per area”. - ELECTRIC_CHARGE. - ELECTRIC_CURRENT. - ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AREA, specifying “Electric current per unit area”. - ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL. - ENERGY. - ENERGY_DENSITY. - ENERGY_RELEASE_RATE. - EPOTENTIAL_GRADIENT, specifying “Electric potential gradient”. - FREQUENCY. - FORCE. - FORCE_VOLUME, specifying “Force per volume”. - HEAT_FLUX. - HEAT_FLUX_AREA, specifying “Heat flux per area”. - HEAT_FLUX_RATE. - HEAT_FLUX_VOLUME, specifying “Heat flux per volume”. - LENGTH. - LINEAR_PRESSURE. - LUMIN, specifying “Luminous intensity”. - MASS. - MASS_FLOW_AREA, specifying “Mass flow per area”. - MASS_FLOW_AREA_RATE, specifying “Mass flow rate per area”. - MASS_FLOW_RATE. - MODE_NUMBER. - MOMENT. - NUMBER. - PATH. - PHASE. - POSITION. - PRESSURE. - PRESSURE_GRADIENT. - RATE. - ROTARY_INERTIA. - ROTATIONAL_ACCELERATION. - ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY. - STATUS. - STRAIN. - STRAIN_RATE. - STRESS. - STRESS_INTENS_FACTOR, specifying “Stress intensity factor”. - SUBSTANCE, specifying “Amount of substance”. - TEMPERATURE. - THICKNESS. - TIME. - TIME_INCREMENT. - TIME_HEAT_FLUX, specifying “Time integrated heat flux”. - TIME_HEAT_FLUX_AREA, specifying “Time integrated heat flux per area”. - TIME_VOLUME, specifying “Time integrated volume”. - TIME_VOLUME_FLUX, specifying “Time integrated volume flux per area”. - TWIST. - VELOCITY. - VELOCITY_SQUARED. - VOLUME. - VOLUME_FLUX. - VOLUME_FLUX_AREA, specifying “Volume flux per area”. - VOLUME_FRACTION. The default value is NONE

A QuantityType object.


This function can be accessed by:

Queue(name: str, queueName: str, hostName: str = '', fileCopy: BooleanType = 1, directory: str = '', driver: str = '', remotePlatform: SymbolicConstantType = 'Linux', filesToCopy: str = 'ALL', deleteAfterCopy: BooleanType = 0, description: str = '') Queue[source]#

This method creates a Queue object. Note:Remote queues are available only on Linux platforms.


A String specifying the name of the new Queue object.


A String specifying the name of the remote analysis queue.


A String specifying the name of the remote host. The default value is an empty string.


A Boolean specifying if the results files are to be copied from the remote machine to the local machine. The default value is ON.


A String specifying the remote location for the execution of the simulation. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the designation of the remote driver. The default value is “abaqus”.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of operating system on the remote machine. The default value is Linux.


A list of Strings specifying the files to be copied from the remote location to the local machine, or ALL. Strings specified in a list are the extensions of the job files that will be copied, such as (‘log’, ‘dat’, ‘msg’, ‘sta’, ‘odb’). The default value is ALL.


A Boolean specifying whether remote files are to be deleted after they are copied to the local machine. The default value is OFF.


A String specifying a description of the queue. The default value is an empty string.

A Queue object.
  • If fileCopy*=ON :obj:`and` *hostName is empty:

    Remote queue host name is not set.

  • If fileCopy*=ON :obj:`and` *directory is empty:

    Directory in which to run the job on the remote computer is not set.


This function can be accessed by:

ScratchOdb(odb: Odb) ScratchOdb[source]#

This method creates a new ScratchOdb object.


An Odb object specifying the output database with which to associate.

A ScratchOdb object.


This function can be accessed by:

Spectrum(name: str, colors: tuple) Spectrum[source]#

This method creates a Spectrum object and places it in the spectrums repository.


A string name for the spectrum.


A sequence of strings indicating the colors of the spectrum.

A Spectrum object.


This function can be accessed by:

Stream(name: str, numPointsOnRake: str, pointA: tuple = (), pointB: tuple = (), path: str = '') Stream[source]#

This method creates aStream object and places it in the streams repository.


A string name for the stream.


An integer specifying the number of points along the rake.


A tuple of 3 floats specifying the starting point of the rake. Alternatively, a string representation of the node selected in the viewport.


A tuple of 3 floats specifying the end point of the rake. Alternatively, a string representation of the node selected in the viewport.


APath object that specifies the rake.

A Stream object.


This function can be accessed by:

static SymbolStyle(color: str = '', show: BooleanType = 1, marker: SymbolicConstantType = 'FILLED_CIRCLE', size: float = 2) SymbolStyle[source]#

This method creates a SymbolStyle object.


A String specifying the color to be used when drawing a marker with this SymbolStyle object. The default value is “White”.


A Boolean specifying whether to draw the marker when using this SymbolStyle object. The default value is ON.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the marker type be used when drawing symbols using this SymbolStyle object. Possible values are: - FILLED_CIRCLE - FILLED_SQUARE - FILLED_DIAMOND - FILLED_TRI - HOLLOW_CIRCLE - HOLLOW_SQUARE - HOLLOW_DIAMOND - HOLLOW_TRI - CROSS - XMARKER - POINT The default value is FILLED_CIRCLE.


A Float specifying the marker size to be used when drawing markers using this SymbolStyle object. The default value is 2.0.

A SymbolStyle object.


This function can be accessed by:

static TextStyle(color: str = '', show: BooleanType = 1, font: str = '', rotationAngle: float = 0) TextStyle[source]#

This method creates a TextStyle.


A String specifying the color to be used when drawing text with this TextStyle object. The default value is “White”.


A Boolean specifying whether to draw the text when using this TextStyle object. The default value is ON.


A String specifying the name of the font to be used when drawing text with this TextStyle object. The default value is “--verdana-medium-r-normal---120---p---“.


A Float specifying the angle in degrees used for displaying the text. The default value is 0.0.

A TextStyle object.


This function can be accessed by:

XYDataFromFile(fileName: str, name: str = '', sourceDescription: str = '', contentDescription: str = '', positionDescription: str = '', legendLabel: str = '', xValuesLabel: str = '', yValuesLabel: str = '', axis1QuantityType: QuantityType | None = None, axis2QuantityType: QuantityType | None = None, xField: int = 1, yField: int = 2, skipFrequency: int | None = None)[source]#

This method creates an XYData object from data in an ASCII file.


A String specifying the name of the file from which the X–Y data will be read.


The repository key. If the name is not supplied, a default name in the form _temp#_ is generated and the XYData object is temporary.


A String specifying the source of the X–Y data (e.g., “Entered from keyboard”, “Taken from ASCII file”, “Read from an ODB”, etc.). The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the content of the X–Y data (e.g., “field 1 vs. field 2”). The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying additional information about the X–Y data (e.g., “for whole model”). The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the label to be used in the legend. The default value is the name of the XYData object.


A String specifying the label for the X-values. This value may be overridden if the X–Y data are combined with other X–Y data. The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the label for the Y-values. This value may be overridden if the X–Y data are combined with other X–Y data. The default value is an empty string.


A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the X -axis1- values.


A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the Y -axis2- values.


An Int specifying the field from which the X-data will be read. Fields are delimited by spaces, tabs, or commas. The default value is 1.


An Int specifying the field from which the Y-data will be read. Fields are delimited by spaces, tabs, or commas. The default value is 2.


An Int specifying how often data rows will be skipped. A skipFrequency of 1 means skip every other row. The first row is always read. Possible values are skipFrequency ≥≥ 0. The default value is 0 (data are read from every row).

An XYData object


This function can be accessed by:

XYDataFromFreeBody(odb: Odb, force: BooleanType = 1, moment: BooleanType = 0, heatFlowRate: BooleanType = 0, resultant: BooleanType = 1, comp1: BooleanType = 0, comp2: BooleanType = 0, comp3: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method creates a list of XYData objects by computing free body data from an Odb object.


An Odb object specifying the output database from which data will be read.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the force. The default is ON.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the moment. The default is OFF.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the heat flow rate resultant magnitude. It is extracted only for viewcut based freebodies. The default is OFF.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the resultant. It applies only to force and moment. The default is ON.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the first component. It applies only to force and moment. The default is OFF.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the second component. It applies only to force and moment. The default is OFF.


A boolean indicating whether to compute the third component. It applies only to force and moment. The default is OFF.

A python:list of XYData objects


This function can be accessed by:

XYDataFromHistory(odb: Odb, outputVariableName: str, steps: tuple, name: str = '', sourceDescription: str = '', contentDescription: str = '', positionDescription: str = '', legendLabel: str = '', skipFrequency: int | None = None, numericForm: SymbolicConstantType = 'REAL', complexAngle: float = 0, stepTuple: int | None = None)[source]#

This method creates an XYData object by reading history data from an Odb object.


An Odb object specifying the output database from which data will be read.


A String specifying the output variable from which the X–Y data will be read.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of the steps from which data will be extracted.


The repository key. If the name is not supplied, a default name in the form _temp#_ is generated and the XYData object is temporary (this argument is required if the method is accessed from the session object).


A String specifying the source of the X–Y data (for example, “Entered from keyboard”, “Taken from ASCII file”, “Read from an ODB”, etc.). The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the content of the X–Y data (for example, “field 1 vs. field 2”). The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying additional information about the X–Y data (for example, “for whole model”). The default value is an empty string.


A String specifying the label to be used in the legend. The default value is the name of the XYData object.


An Int specifying how often data frames will be skipped. If skipFrequency*=1, Abaqus will skip every other frame. The first frame is always read. Possible values are *skipFrequency ≥≥ 0. The default value is 0 (data are read from every frame).


A SymbolicConstant specifying the numeric form in which to display results that contain complex numbers. Possible values are COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, COMPLEX_PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY, and COMPLEX_VAL_AT_ANGLE. The default value is REAL.


A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) at which to display results that contain complex numbers when *numericForm*=COMPLEX_VAL_AT_ANGLE. The default value is 0.


A tuple of Integers specifying the steps to include when extracting data.

An XYData object


This function can be accessed by:

XYDataFromPath(path: Path, name: str, includeIntersections: BooleanType, shape: SymbolicConstantType, pathStyle: SymbolicConstantType, numIntervals: int, labelType: SymbolicConstantType, viewport: str = '', removeDuplicateXYPairs: BooleanType = True, includeAllElements: BooleanType = False, step: int | None = None, frame: int | None = None, variable: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, deformedMag: float | None = None, numericForm: SymbolicConstantType = 'REAL', complexAngle: float = 0, projectOntoMesh: BooleanType = False, projectionTolerance: float = 0)[source]#

This method creates an XYData object from path information.


A Path object to use in X–Y data generation.


A String specifying the repository key:for session ‘name’ is required argument and for xyPlot ‘name’ is optional argument.


A Boolean specifying whether to include X–Y data for the intersections between the path and element faces or edges. The default value is False.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the model shape to use. Possible values are UNDEFORMED and DEFORMED.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the path style. Possible values are PATH_POINTS and UNIFORM_SPACING.


An Int specifying the number of uniform-spacing intervals. The default value is 10.




A String specifying the viewport name or an Int specifying the viewport id from which to obtain values. The default is the current viewport.


A Boolean specifying whether to remove duplicate XY values from the final result. The default value is True.


A Boolean specifying whether to include elements which do not lie in the direction of the path. The default value is False.


An Int identifying the step from which to obtain values. The default value is the current step.


An Int identifying the frame from which to obtain values. The default value is the current frame.


A tuple of tuples containing the descriptions of variables for which to extract data along the path. The default value is the current variable. Each tuple specifies the following:Variable label: A String specifying the variable; for example, ‘U’.Variable output position: A SymbolicConstant specifying the output position. Possible values are ELEMENT_CENTROID, ELEMENT_FACE, ELEMENT_NODAL, GENERAL_PARTICLE, INTEGRATION_POINT, NODAL, WHOLE_ELEMENT, WHOLE_MODEL, WHOLE_PART_INSTANCE, and WHOLE_REGION.Refinement: A tuple specifying the refinement. If the refinement tuple is omitted, data are written for all components and invariants (if applicable). This element is required if the location dictionary (the following element in the tuple) is included. The refinement tuple contains the following:Type: A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of refinement. Possible values are INVARIANT and COMPONENT.Label: A String specifying the invariant or the component; for example, ‘Mises’ or ‘S22’.Location: An optional Dictionary specifying the location. The dictionary contains pairs of the following:A String specifying the category selection label.A String specifying the section point label.For example,`variable= (‘S’,INTEGRATION_POINT, ( (COMPONENT, ‘S22’ ), ), ) variable= ((‘S’,INTEGRATION_POINT, ((COMPONENT, ‘S11’ ), ), ), (‘U’,NODAL,((COMPONENT, ‘U1’),)),) variable= ((‘S’, INTEGRATION_POINT, ((INVARIANT, ‘Mises’ ), ), {‘shell < STEEL > < 3 section points >’:’SNEG, (fraction = -1.0)’, }), )`


A tuple of three Floats specifying the deformation magnitude in the X-, Y-, and *Z-*planes. The default value is (1, 1, 1).


A SymbolicConstant specifying the numeric form in which to display results that contain complex numbers. Possible values are COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, COMPLEX_PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY, and COMPLEX_VAL_AT_ANGLE. The default value is REAL.


A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) at which to display results that contain complex numbers when *numericForm*=COMPLEX_VAL_AT_ANGLE. The default value is 0.


A Boolean to specify whether to consider the data points that do not lie on or inside the mesh. The default value is False.


A Float specifying the tolerance value for the projected distance considered for the data extraction when *projectOntoMesh*= True. The default value is 0.

If variable specified has one fieldoutput: Returns an XYData object.
If variable specified has more than one fieldoutputs: Returns python:list of XYData objects.
  • If path is invalid:

    ErrorPathNotFound: Path not found.

  • If viewport is invalid:

    ErrorCurrentVPNotFound: Current viewport not found.

  • If step and/or frame are invalid:

    ErrorInvalidUserStepAndFrame: The user step and frame specified have not been defined.

  • If the variable argument is empty:

    ErrorNoVarInPathExtract: No variable selection for XY data extraction from path.

  • If the specified output variable is not available in the output database:

    ErrorUnavailableSelectedVariable: The selected variable is not available for the

current frame.
  • If the specified output variable cannot be used to obtain X–Y data:

    ErrorUnusableVarInPathExtract: Specified variable cannot be used in XY data extraction

from path.
  • If the SymbolicConstant specifying the refinement type is invalid:

    ErrorUnsupportedRefinementType: Unsupported refinement type.

  • If the label specifying the refinement invariant or component is invalid:

    ErrorInvalidRefinementSpecification: Invalid refinement specification.

  • If deformedMag does not contain three Floats:

    ErrorDeformedMagTupleInPathExtract: Deformed magnification tuple must contain X, Y and

Z values.


This function can be accessed by:

disableCADConnection(CADName: str)[source]#

This method disables an associative import CAD connection that was enabled.


A String specifying the CAD system for which associative import will be disabled. Available options are Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA V5, and CATIA V6, NX and SolidWorks.

disableParameterUpdate(CADName: str)[source]#

This method disables an associative CAD connection using parameters.


A String specifying the CAD system for which the parameter update will be disabled. Available option is Pro/ENGINEER.

enableCADConnection(CADName: str, portNum: int | None = None)[source]#

This method enables the Abaqus/CAE listening port for the specified CAD system.


A String specifying the CAD system. Available options are Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA V5, CATIA V6, NX and SolidWorks.


An Integer specifying the port number to be used by the CAD system to communicate with Abaqus/CAE. If unspecified, attempts will be made to identify an open port. The default ports used are as follow:Pro/E : 49178CATIA V5 : 49179SolidWorks : 49180NX : 49181CATIA V6 : 49182

The connection port number used for the CAD connection.
enableParameterUpdate(CADName: str, CADVersion: str, CADPort: int | None = None)[source]#

This method enables parameter updates for ProE and NX by establishing a connection with the listening port previously setup by the CAD application.


A String specifying the CAD system for which parameter update will be enabled. Available options are Pro/ENGINEER and NX.


A String specifying the CAD system version. Allowable options take the form of the specific CAD system plus a version string. Examples for Pro/ENGINEER are “Wildfire5” and “Creo4.” An NX example is “NX11.”


An Integer specifying the port number to be used by Abaqus/CAE to communicate with the CAD system. If unspecified, attempts will be made to identify an open port. This port number is not the same as the portNum used by the associative import interface. The default CAD listening ports are as follow:ProE : 3344NX : 3344


This method is used to get the limit for number of XY data objects while creating XYData from field output.

Int specifying the limit for number of XY data objects.

This method is used to get the tolerance used when creating XYData objects by extracting results along Path objects.

A Double specifying the tolerance.

This method checks the status of CAD Connection.

A Boolean value of python:True if the CAD connection enabled and python:False if the CAD connection
linearizeStress(name: str, path: str, startPoint: str, endPoint: str, modelShape: SymbolicConstantType, components: tuple, xyMembraneComps: tuple, xyBendingComps: tuple, invariantBendingComps: tuple = (), intervals: int = 40, radiusOfCurvature: float | None = None, oopRadiusOfCurvature: float | None = None, curvatureCorrection: BooleanType = 0, curvatureCsys: str = '', useCurvatureCsysForOrient: BooleanType = 0, saveXy: BooleanType = 0, writeReport: BooleanType = 0, reportFile: str = '', appendToFile: BooleanType = 0, saveToPath: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method is used to perform stress linearization along a defined stress line.


A String specifying the name of the stress line.


APath object specifying the end points of the stress line.Note:You must provide either the path argument or the startPoint and endPoint arguments.


A String specifying a part instance and a node belonging to that part instance, or a sequence of three Floats specifying the coordinates of a point.


A String specifying a part instance and a node belonging to that part instance, or a sequence of three Floats specifying the coordinates of a point.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the model shape to be used for obtaining coordinates of the intermediate points along the stress line. Possible values are UNDEFORMED and DEFORMED. When DEFORMED is selected, the deformation scale factor is always set to a uniform value of 1.0.


A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress components to be displayed in the xyPlot object. Possible values are “S11”, “S22”, “S33”, “S12”, “S23”, and “S13”.Note:You must provide at least one of the components , xyMembraneComps , and xyBendingComps arguments.


A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress membrane components to be displayed in the xyPlot object. Possible values are “S11”, “S22”, “S33”, “S12”, “S23”, and “S13”.


A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress bending components to be displayed in the xyPlot object. Possible values are “S11”, “S22”, “S33”, “S12”, “S23”, and “S13”.


A sequence of Strings specifying the linearized stress bending components to be included in the computation of the linearized stress invariants. Possible values are “S11”, “S22”, “S33”, “S12”, “S23”, and “S13”. The default value of the sequence includes all the possible values.


An Int specifying the number of equally-spaced intervals into which the stress line is to be divided. The default value is 40.


A Float specifying the in-plane radius of curvature of the center section along the stress line for axi-symmetric models. The default value is ∞∞.


A Float specifying the out-of-plane radius of curvature of the center section along the Stress Line for axi-symmetric models. The default value forces Abaqus to compute the radius of curvature.


A Boolean specifying whether the out-of-plane curvature correction should be applied for non-axisymmetric models when performing linearized stress computations. Curvature correction is always applied for axisymmetric models. The default value is OFF.


A String specifying the name of the user-defined local coordinate system to be used for computing the out-of-plane radius of curvature for non-axisymmetric models when curvatureCorrection =ON . The default value uses the global coordinate system to compute the out-of-plane radius of curvature.


A Boolean specifying whether to use the user-defined local coordinate system to compute the local stress line orientation for non-axisymmetric models when curvatureCorrection =ON and curvatureCsys is specified. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether to save the xyData objects created during the stress linearization operation to the session. The default value is OFF .


A Boolean specifying whether to write the output from the stress linearization operation to a text file. The default value is ON .


A String specifying the report file name. The default value is “linearStress.rpt”.


A Boolean specifying whether to append output from the stress linearization to the text file specified by the reportFile argument. The default value is ON .


A Boolean specifying whether to create a Path object containing all the points used when performing the linearized stress computation. The default value is OFF . When this argument is set to ON , a Path object is created with the same name as that of the stress line and placed in the Path repository.

A python:list of xyData objects.
  • Text Error

    The stress line passes through incompatible part instances. Results cannot be

  • Text Error

    Specified variables cannot be used for extracting results along the stress line.

  • Text Error

    Results for all the points along the stress line were not found. Selected end points

and all intermediate sample points must lie within the current display group, and within
solid continuum elements. Due to tolerance limitations, intermediate points lying on
display group boundaries may fail to meet this criterion. Choose new end points, adjust
the number of intervals along the line, or modify the current display group to obtain
the stress linearization plot.
openOdb(name: str, *args, **kwargs) Odb[source]#

This method opens an existing output database (.odb) file and creates a new Odb object. You typically execute this method outside Abaqus/CAE when, in most cases, only one output database is open at any time. For example import odbAccess shockLoadOdb = odbAccess.openOdb(path=’myOdb.odb’)


A String specifying the repository key. If the*name* is not the same as the*path* to the output database (.odb) file, the path must be specified as well. Additionally, to support backwards compatibility of the interface, if the name parameter is omitted, the path and name will be presumed to be the same.

An Odb object.
  • If the output database was generated by a previous release of Abaqus and needs

OdbError: The database is from a previous release of Abaqus. Run `abaqus upgrade -job

<newFilename> -odb <oldFileName>` to upgrade it.
  • If the output database was generated by a newer release of Abaqus, and the
installation of Abaqus needs upgrading:

OdbError: Abaqus installation must be upgraded before this output database can be

printToFile(fileName: str, format: SymbolicConstantType = 'PNG', canvasObjects: tuple[Canvas] = (), compression: BooleanType = 0)[source]#

This method prints canvas objects to a file using the attributes stored in the PrintOptions object and the appropriate format options object.


A String specifying the file to which the image is to be written. If no file extension is supplied, an extension is added based on the selected image format (.ps, .eps, .png, .tif, .svg, or .svgz).


A SymbolicConstant specifying the image format. Possible values are PNG, SVG, TIFF, PS, and EPS. The default value is PNG.


A sequence of canvas objects (viewports, text strings, or arrows) to print. The default is to print all canvas objects.


A Boolean specifying the format for an SVG file. It is only valid to use this argument when format is SVG. Possible values are False (Uncompressed) and True (Compressed).

printToPrinter(printCommand: str = '', numCopies: int = 1, canvasObjects: tuple[Canvas] = ())[source]#

This method prints canvas objects to a Windows printer or to a PostScript printer. The attributes used for printing to a Windows printer are stored in the PrintOptions object and the PageSetupOptions object; the attributes used for printing to a PostScript printer are stored in the PrintOptions object and the PsOptions object.


A String specifying the operating system command or printer name to issue for printing to the printer. The default value is “lpr” or the value specified by the printOptions method. If you create a script to print directly to a Windows printer, the printCommand must take the following form: session.printToPrinter.setValues(printCommand=’PRINTER[number of characters in name]:printername PROPERTIES[number of characters in properties]:document properties’) The PROPERTIES is a list of characters that represents the printing preferences for the selected Windows printer. The properties are not required in a script; the printed output will use the current settings for the selected printer. You can use ‘PRINTER[7]: DEFAULT’ to specify the default Windows printer.


An Int specifying the number of copies to print. Possible values are 1 ≤≤ numCopies ≤≤ 100. The default value is 1.


A sequence of canvas objects (viewports, text strings, or arrows) to print. The default is to print all canvas objects.


A Boolean specifying the format for an SVG file. It is valid to use this argument only when format is SVG. Possible values are False (Uncompressed) and True (Compressed). A Boolean specifying the format for an SVG file. It is only valid to use this argument when format is SVG. Possible values are False (Uncompressed) and True (Compressed).

  • If printCommand is invalid:

    SystemError: invalid print command

  • If the print command fails:

    SystemError: print command failed

  • If numCopies is out of range:

    RangeError: numCopies must be in the range 1 <= value <= 100

  • If compression is specified when format is not SVG

    TypeError: keyword error on compression

saveOptions(directory: SymbolicConstantType)[source]#

This method saves your customized display settings.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the directory in which Abaqus saves the file that will be used to restore your customized settings (abaqus_2021.gpr). Possible values are HOME and CURRENT.

setCADPortNumber(CADName: str, Port: str)[source]#

This method enables parameter updates for CATIA V5 and CATIA V6 by establishing a connection with the listening port previously setup by the CAD application. This port number is used to send the parameter information to the CAD system.


A String specifying the CAD system for which the port number will be saved. The available options are ‘CATIA V5’ and ‘ CATIA V6’.


An integer specifying the port number to be used by Abaqus/CAE to send the modified parameters to the CAD system.

setLimitForXYDataPlots(limit: int | None = None)[source]#

This method is used to set the limit for number of XY data objects while creating XYData from field output.


None or an Int specifying the limit for number of XY data objects. The default value is no limit

python:None .
setPathTolerance(tolerance: str = 0)[source]#

This method is used to set the tolerance to be used when creating XYData objects by extracting results along Path objects. This command should be exercised with caution since setting a value too low or too high may result in getting no results or unpredictable results.


A Double specifying the tolerance. The default value is 0.00001.

python:None .
setValues(kernelMemoryLimit: float | None = None)[source]#

This method modifies the Session object.


A Float specifying the memory limit value for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes. If the limit is exceeded, Abaqus/CAE displays an error message.The default memory limit value for Windows 32-bit systems if not set is 1800 MB. Increasing the memory limit is not recommended unless you are using a Windows 32-bit system with the boot option /3GB /userva=SizeInMBytes to extend the amount of memory available for Abaqus/CAE. In this case the limit can be changed to 2800 MB.If the kernel memory size reaches the abq_ker_memory value or the virtual memory limit of the machine, the following message will be displayed:`Operation did not complete due to a memory allocation failure.`For optimal performance, the memory limit should be set to a value less than the physical amount of memory on the machine.The minimum setting allowed is 256 MB.

updateCADParameters(modelName: str, CADName: str, parameterFile: str, CADPartFile: str, CADPartName: str = '')[source]#

This method updates the parameters for the specified model using the specified parameter file.


A String specifying the model name to update.


A String specifying the CAD system for which Abaqus updates the parameters. The available options are ‘Pro/ENGINEER’, ‘CATIA V5’ and ‘CATIA V6’.


A parameter file containing the parameters that were exposed in the CAD system using the ‘ABQ_’ prefix.


A file name specifying the CAD part file for which parameter update is triggered.For *CADName*=’CATIA V5’ or ‘CATIA V6’, you can specify either products or parts using this argument. If you specify a product, Abaqus updates all of the parts associated with that product.For *CADName*=’Pro/ENGINEER’, this argument is optional, and you can specify update for parts only. However, a single file can be associated with multiple parts in the case of family tables. In this case, Abaqus updates all listed parts.


An String specifying the part name to update. This part name should match the part name in the originating CAD system.If you specify neither CADPartFile nor CADPartName during an update in which you specified *CADName*=’Pro/ENGINEER’, Abaqus updates all of the parts in the specified file.

write3DXMLFile(fileName: str, format: BooleanType = 0, canvasObjects: tuple[Canvas] = ())[source]#

This method exports the current viewport objects to a file.


A String specifying the file to which the graphics data is to be written. If no file extension is supplied, (.3dxml) will be added.


A Boolean specifying the format. Possible values are False (Uncompressed) and True (Compressed).


A sequence of canvas objects to export.

writeFieldRepor(filename: str, append: BooleanType, sortItem: str, odb: Odb, step: int, frame: int, outputPosition: SymbolicConstantType, displayGroup: DisplayGroup, variable: SymbolicConstantType, numericForm: SymbolicConstantType | None = None, complexAngle: float | None = None, stepFrame: SymbolicConstantType = 'SPECIFY')[source]#

This method writes a FieldOutput object to a user-defined ASCII file.


A String specifying the name of the file to which field output will be written.


A Boolean specifying whether to append the field output to an existing file. The default value is ON.


A String specifying the item by which to sort the tabular values.


An Odb object from which to obtain field output values.


An Int (or stepIndex) specifying the step from which to obtain field output values. Possible values are 0 ≤≤ step ≤≤ (numSteps − 1).


An Int (or frameIndex) specifying the frame from which to obtain field output values. Possible values are 0 ≤≤ frame ≤≤ (numFramesInStep − 1).




A DisplayGroup object specifying the subset of the model for which to obtain data.


A sequence of variable description sequences specifying one or more field output variables for which to obtain data. Each variable description sequence contains the following elements: - element0: A String specifying the name of the variable. - element1: A SymbolicConstant specifying the output position at which to report data. Possible values are ELEMENT_CENTROID, ELEMENT_FACE, ELEMENT_NODAL, GENERAL_PARTICLE, INTEGRATION_POINT, NODAL, WHOLE_ELEMENT, WHOLE_MODEL, WHOLE_PART_INSTANCE, and WHOLE_REGION. - element2: A Sequence of tuples each consisting of a SymbolicConstant specifying the refinement (COMPONENT or INVARIANT), followed by a String specifying the name of a component or invariant for which to obtain values. If this element is omitted, data are written for all components and invariants (if applicable). This element is required if element3 (the following element in the tuple) is included. - element3 (if applicable): A Dictionary with a String key and a String value specifying a single section point at which to report data. The key specifies a region in the model; the corresponding value specifies a section point within that region. For example: ` {'shell < MAT > < 7 section points >':'SPOS (fraction = 1.0)'} ` If this element is omitted, data are written for all section points (if applicable). If this element is omitted, data are written for all section points (if applicable).


A SymbolicConstant specifying the numeric form in which to display results that contain complex numbers. Possible values are COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, COMPLEX_PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY, and COMPLEX_MAG_AT_ANGLE. The initial value is COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE.


A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) at which to display results that contain complex numbers when *numericForm*=COMPLEX_MAG_AT_ANGLE. The initial value is 0.


A SymbolicConstant indicating whether to obtain the values from the specified frame or from all active frames. Possible values are SPECIFY and ALL. The default value is SPECIFY.


This function can be accessed by:

writeFreeBodyRepor(fileName: str, append: BooleanType, step: int | None = None, frame: int | None = None, stepFrame: SymbolicConstantType = 'SPECIFY', odb: Odb | None = None)[source]#

This method writes a FreeBody object to a user-defined ASCII file.


A String specifying the name of the file to which the free body output will be written.


A Boolean specifying whether to append the free body output to an existing file. The default value is ON.


An Int identifying the step from which to obtain values. The default value is the current step.


An Int identifying the frame from which to obtain values. The default value is the current frame.


A SymbolicConstant indicating whether to obtain the values from the specified frame or from all active frames. Possible values are SPECIFY and ALL. The default value is SPECIFY.


An Odb object specifying the output database from which data will be read.



This function can be accessed by:

writeImageAnimation(fileName: str, format: SymbolicConstantType, canvasObjects: tuple = ())[source]#

This method writes the animations present in the list of canvas objects to a file. It generates an animation file using the given file name and file format and uses the values in the appropriate options object.


A String specifying the name of the animation file to generate.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the format of the generated file. Possible values are AVI, QUICKTIME, VRML, and COMPRESSED_VRML.


A sequence specifying the canvas objects to capture. The default behavior is to capture all canvas objects.

writeOBJFile(fileName: str, canvasObjects: tuple[Canvas] = ())[source]#

This method exports the current viewport objects to a file.


A String specifying the file to which the graphics data is to be written. If no file extension is supplied, (.obj) will be added.


A sequence of canvas objects to export.

writeVrmlFile(fileName: str, format: BooleanType = 0, canvasObjects: tuple[Canvas] = ())[source]#

This method exports the current viewport objects to a file.


A String specifying the file to which the graphics data is to be written. If no file extension is supplied, an extension is added based on the selected format (.wrl, .wrz).


A Boolean specifying the format. Possible values are False (Uncompressed) and True (Compressed).


A sequence of canvas objects (viewports, text strings, or arrows) to export.

xyDataListFromField(odb: Odb, outputPosition: SymbolicConstantType, variable: tuple[tuple[str, abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType, tuple[abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType, str]]], elementSets: tuple = (), elementLabels: tuple = (), nodeSets: tuple = (), nodeLabels: tuple = (), numericForm: SymbolicConstantType = 'REAL', complexAngle: float = 0, operator: SymbolicConstantType | None = None) list['XYData'][source]#

This method creates a list of XYData objects by reading field data from an Odb object.


An Odb object specifying the output database from which data will be read.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the position from which output will be read. Possible values are ELEMENT_CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, INTEGRATION_POINT, and NODAL.


A tuple of tuples containing the descriptions of variables for which to extract data from the field. Each tuple specifies the following:Variable label: A String specifying the variable; for example, ‘U’.Variable output position: A SymbolicConstant specifying the output position. Possible values are ELEMENT_CENTROID, ELEMENT_FACE, ELEMENT_NODAL, GENERAL_PARTICLE, INTEGRATION_POINT, NODAL, WHOLE_ELEMENT, WHOLE_MODEL, WHOLE_PART_INSTANCE, and WHOLE_REGION.Refinement: A tuple specifying the refinement. If the refinement tuple is omitted, data are written for all components and invariants (if applicable). This element is required if the location dictionary (the following element in the tuple) is included. The refinement tuple contains the following:Type: A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of refinement. Possible values are INVARIANT and COMPONENT.Label: A String specifying the invariant or the component; for example, ‘Mises’ or ‘S22’.Location: An optional Dictionary specifying the location. The dictionary contains pairs of the following:A String specifying the category selection label.A String specifying the section point label.For example, variable=(‘S’,INTEGRATION_POINT, ((COMPONENT, ‘S22’ ), ), ) variable=((‘S’,INTEGRATION_POINT, ((COMPONENT, ‘S11’ ), ), ), (‘U’,NODAL,((COMPONENT, ‘U1’),)),) variable=((‘S’, INTEGRATION_POINT, ((INVARIANT, ‘Mises’ ), ),{‘shell < STEEL > < 3 section points >’:’SNEG, (fraction = -1.0)’, }), ) (fraction = -1.0)’, }), )



A sequence of Strings specifying element sets or a String specifying a single element set.


A sequence of expressions specifying element labels per part instance in the model. Each part instance element expression is a sequence of a String specifying the part instance name and a sequence of element expressions; for example, ((‘partInstance1’,(1,’7’,’3:15;3’),), (‘partInstance2’,’8’),)). The element expressions can be any of the following:An Int specifying a single element label; for example, 1.A String specifying a single element label; for example, ‘7’.A String specifying a sequence of element labels; for example, ‘3:5’ and ‘3:15:3’.


A sequence of Strings specifying node sets or a String specifying a single node set.


A sequence of expressions specifying node labels per part instance in the model. Each part instance node expression is a sequence of a String specifying the part instance name and a sequence of node expressions; for example, ((‘partInstance1’,(1,’7’,’3:15;3’),), (‘partInstance2’,’8’),)). The node expressions can be any of the following:An Int specifying a single node label; for example, 1.A String specifying a single node label; for example, ‘7’.A String specifying a sequence of node labels; for example, ‘3:5’ and ‘3:15:3’.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the numeric form in which to display results that contain complex numbers. Possible values are COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, COMPLEX_PHASE, REAL, IMAGINARY, and COMPLEX_VAL_AT_ANGLE. The default value is REAL.


A Float specifying the angle (in degrees) at which to display results that contain complex numbers when *numericForm*=COMPLEX_VAL_AT_ANGLE. The default value is 0.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the mathematical, trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, or other operations. Possible values are ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, POWER, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, AVERAGE, RANGE, SRSS, ABSOLUTE, UNARY_NEGATIVE, COSINE, HYPERBOLIC_COSINE, INVERSE_COSINE, SINE, HYPERBOLIC_SINE, INVERSE_SINE, TANGENT, HYPERBOLIC_TANGENT, INVERSE_TANGENT, EXPONENTIAL, NATURAL_LOG, LOG, SQUARE_ROOT, NORMALIZE, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, SMOOTH, SWAP, AVERAGE_ALL, MAXIMUM_ENVELOPE, MINIMUM_ENVELOPE, and RANGE_ALL. If no value is defined, no operation will be performed on the data, and the data will be saved as is.

A python:list of XYData objects


This function can be accessed by:



class AutoColors[source]#

The AutoColors object defines a color palette.


This object can be accessed by:




This method changes the color palette.

setValues(colors: tuple)[source]#

This method changes the color palette.


A sequence of Strings specifying the colors of the palette. Strings must be named colors or represent red, green, blue components in hexadecimal form. For instance, ‘#FF0000’ for red, ‘#00FF00’ for green and ‘#0000FF’ for blue


class Color[source]#

The Color object contains the RGB definition of a system color.


This object can be accessed by:

name: str

A String specifying the name of the color.

rgb: float

A tuple of three Floats specifying the RGB value of the color. The Float values must be between 0.0 and 1.0.



This method changes the RGB value of a user-defined color.

setByRGB(rgb: tuple)[source]#

This method changes the RGB value of a user-defined color. However, users cannot define colors, and this method does not modify system-defined colors.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the RGB value of the color. The Float values must be between 0.0 and 1.0.


class Drawing(name: str)[source]#

A drawing is the container for a geometric object. The Drawing object stores the vertex data and various settings that determine how the drawing will be displayed.


This object can be accessed by:

vertexCount: int

An Int specifying the number of vertices in the vertex array after a call to the setVertices method. The default value is 0.

normalCount: int

An Int specifying the number of normal vectors in the normal array after a call to the setNormals method. The default value is 0.

colorCount: int

An Int specifying the number of colors in the color array after a call to the setColors method. The default value is 0.

show: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the drawing object will be rendered when referenced. The default value is OFF.

cullBackfaces: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether polygonal graphics primitives facing away from the viewer should be culled (not rendered). The default value is OFF.The winding order, and not the normal, of the graphics primitive is used to determine its facing.

frontFaceOrder: SymbolicConstant

A SymbolicConstant specifying the winding order for polygonal graphics primitives that face the viewer. Possible values are:CCW, specifying front face winding order is counter-clockwise.CW, specifying front face winding order is clockwise.The default value is CCW.

translucency: float

A Float specifying the opacity for polygonal graphics primitives. Possible values are 0.0 ≤ translucency ≤ 1.0 with 0.0 being completely transparent (invisible) and 1.0 being opaque. The default value is 1.0.A value greater than 0.3 will cause the translucent facets to be sorted by depth before being rendered and has the side effect of disabling two-sided lighting for those facets.

lineSize: float

A Float specifying the width of the line, in millimeters, used to render edges. Possible values are 0.0 ≤ lineSize ≤ 5.0 with 0.0 being interpreted as the thinnest possible line. The default value is 0.0.A value of 0.0 will be one pixel on the output device. One pixel on the screen is generally visible but one pixel on a 1200 DPI printer may not be clear.

pointSize: float

A Float specifying the width of points, in millimeters, used to render points. Possible values are 0.0 ≤ lineSize ≤ 5.0 with 0.0 being interpreted as the smallest possible point. The default value is 0.0.A value of 0.0 will be one pixel on the output device. One pixel on the screen is generally visible but one pixel on a 1200 DPI printer may not be clear.

smoothShade: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether the lighting of polygonal graphics primitives is consistent for each facet or calculated for each displayed pixel. The default value is ON.When False, only the last normal for each facet will be used in the lighting calculation.

edgesInShaded: Boolean

A Boolean specifying whether edge and point drawing commands will be issued in a FILLED or SHADED display. The default value is ON.If no edge or point drawing commands have been defined, the polygonal drawing commands will be issued in WIREFRAME and HIDDEN_LINE displays with the polygonMode set to EDGES. If only edge and point drawing commands have been defined, the Drawing will not be rendered in FILLED or SHADED displays.

edgeColor: float

A tuple of three Floats specifying the Red, Green, and Blue component values for the edge color. Possible values for each component are between 0.0 and 1.0.

pointColor: float

A tuple of three Floats specifying the Red, Green, and Blue component values for the point color. Possible values for each component are between 0.0 and 1.0.

depthTest: Boolean

A Boole:py:class:~.an specifying whe:py:class:~.the`r :py:class:`~.an object’s depth will be considered during rendering. The default value is ON.When OFF, the object will not be hidden by o:py:class:`~.the`r objects in front of it.


addArrayDraw(type, startIndex, numVertices)

This method adds a rendering command to the drawing and can be called multiple times to add additional rendering commands.

addIndexDraw(type, indices[, polygonMode])

This method adds a rendering command to the drawing and can be called multiple times to add additional rendering commands.

setColors(colorDimension, colorData)

This method accepts the color data for each vertex.


This method allows a separate, single color to be used when rendering the edges of the drawing.


This method accepts the normal data for each vertex.


This method allows a separate, single color to be used when rendering the points of the drawing.

setValues([show, cullBackfaces, ...])

This method modifies the rendering of the Drawing object.

setVertices(vertexDimension, vertexData)

This method accepts the vertex data that defines the Drawing object.

addArrayDraw(type: SymbolicConstantType, startIndex: int, numVertices: int, polygonMode: SymbolicConstantType = 'FILL')[source]#

This method adds a rendering command to the drawing and can be called multiple times to add additional rendering commands. When the drawing is referenced by a Viewport, the drawing commands are used the render the Drawing. The rendering command constructs the specified type of geometric primitive using numVertices array elements starting at element index startIndex.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of graphics primitive rendered by this command. Possible values are POINTS, LINES, LINE_LOOP, LINE_STRIP, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, QUADS, and QUAD_STRIP.


An Integer specifying the index of the first vertex to render.


An Integer specifying the total number of vertices to render.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how polygonal graphics primitives will be rendered by this command. Possible values are FILL, EDGES, and POINTS. The default value is FILL.

The total number of rendering commands that have been specified.
  • If (startIndex + numVertices - 1) is larger than the length of the vertex array:

    ValueError: Drawing request extends past array size of vertices.

  • If (startIndex + numVertices - 1) is larger than the length of the normal array
and normals are required for the graphics primitive:

Drawing request extends past array size of normals.

  • If (startIndex + numVertices - 1) is larger than the length of the color array and
vertex colors are required for the graphics primitive:

Drawing request extends past array size of colors.

addIndexDraw(type: SymbolicConstantType, indices: tuple, polygonMode: SymbolicConstantType = 'FILL')[source]#

This method adds a rendering command to the drawing and can be called multiple times to add additional rendering commands. When the drawing is referenced by a Viewport, the drawing commands are used the render the Drawing. The rendering command constructs the specified type of geometric primitive using numVertices array elements starting at element index startIndex.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of graphics primitive rendered by this command. Possible values are POINTS, LINES, LINE_LOOP, LINE_STRIP, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, QUADS, and QUAD_STRIP.


A sequence of Integer values specifying index of each vertex to render.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how polygonal graphics primitives will be rendered by this command. Possible values are FILL, EDGES, and POINTS. The default value is FILL.

The total number of rendering commands that have been specified.
  • If any value in the indices python:sequence negative:

    ValueError: Index values must be positive.

  • If any value in the indices python:sequence is larger than the length of the vertex array:

    ValueError: Drawing request extends past array size of vertices.

  • If any value in the indices python:sequence is larger than the length of the normal array
and normals are required for the graphics primitive:

Drawing request extends past array size of normals.

  • If any value in the indices python:sequence is larger than the length of the color array
and vertex colors are required for the graphics primitive:

Drawing request extends past array size of colors.

setColors(colorDimension: float, colorData: tuple)[source]#

This method accepts the color data for each vertex. It defines in an array of colors with a length equal to the length of the colorData sequence divided by colorDimension.


An Integer in the range of 3 to 4 specifying how many Float values are needed to compose a single color.


A sequence of Float values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 that will be used to compose the colors. There must be colorDimension values in the sequence for each color. The first color will be associated with the fist vertex and so on.The first Float will be the red value for the first color. The second Float will be the green value and the third will be the blue value. When colorDimension is 4 the 4th Float will be the alpha value for the first color but is ignored.If only one color is specified, all vertices will use the color value.

The number of colors described.

ValueError. - If an invalid colorDimension is specified:

RangeError: colorDimension must be in the range 3 <= value <= 4

  • If colorData is an empty sequence: ValueError: colorData cannot be empty.

  • If setColors has already been called and this call is sending fewer colors: ValueError: colorData cannot be reduced

setEdgeColor(edgeColor: tuple)[source]#

This method allows a separate, single color to be used when rendering the edges of the drawing. Once called, edges will be rendered using the specified color but facets will continue to use the colors specified in the setColors method. An empty sequence can be specified to resume using the colors arrays for edges.


A sequence of 0 or 3 Float values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 that will be used to compose the edge color.If the initial Float value is -1, the viewport background color will be used for the edge color.

  • If edgeColor is not a python:sequence of 0 or 3 Floats:

    ValueError: edgeColor must be a tuple with 3 values

setNormals(normalData: tuple)[source]#

This method accepts the normal data for each vertex. It defines in an array of normal vectors with a length equal to the length of the normalData sequence divided by 3.


A sequence of Float values that will be used to compose the normals. There must be 3 values in the sequence for each normal.If only one normal is specified, all vertices will use the normal value.

The number of normals described.

ValueError. - If normalData is sequence with less than 3 values:

ValueError: normalData must have at least three values.

  • If setNormals has already been called and this call is sending fewer values: ValueError: normalData cannot be reduced.

setPointColor(pointColor: tuple)[source]#

This method allows a separate, single color to be used when rendering the points of the drawing. Once called, points will be rendered using the specified color but facets will continue to use the colors specified in the setColors method. An empty sequence can be specified to resume using the colors arrays for points.


A sequence of 0 or 3 Float values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 that will be used to compose the point color.If the initial Float value is -1, the viewport background color will be used for the edge color.

  • If pointColor is a not python:sequence of 0 or 3 Floats:

    ValueError: pointColor must be a tuple with 3 values

setValues(show: BooleanType = 0, cullBackfaces: BooleanType = 0, frontFaceOrder: SymbolicConstantType = 'CCW', smoothShade: BooleanType = 1, edgesInShaded: BooleanType = 1, translucency: float = 1, lineSize: float = 0, pointSize: float = 0, depthTest: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the rendering of the Drawing object.


A Boolean specifying whether the drawing object will be rendered when referenced. The default value is OFF.


A Boolean specifying whether polygonal graphics primitives facing away from the viewer should be culled (not rendered). The default value is OFF.The winding order, and not the normal, of the graphics primitive is used to determine its facing.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the winding order for polygonal graphics primitives that face the viewer. Possible values are:CCW, specifying front face winding order is counter-clockwise.CW, specifying front face winding order is clockwise.The default value is CCW.


A Boolean specifying whether the lighting of polygonal graphics primitives is consistent for each facet or calculated for each displayed pixel. The default value is ON.When False, only the last normal for each facet will be used in the lighting calculation.


A Boolean specifying whether edge and point drawing commands will be issued in a FILLED or SHADED display. The default value is ON.If no edge or point drawing commands have been defined, the polygonal drawing commands will be issued in WIREFRAME and HIDDEN_LINE displays with the polygonMode set to EDGES. If only edge and point drawing commands have been defined, the Drawing will not be rendered in FILLED or SHADED displays.


A Float specifying the opacity for polygonal graphics primitives. Possible values are 0.0 ≤ translucency ≤ 1.0 with 0.0 being completely transparent (invisible) and 1.0 being opaque. The default value is 1.0.A value greater than 0.3 will cause the translucent facets to be sorted by depth before being rendered and has the side effect of disabling two-sided lighting for those facets.


A Float specifying the width of the line, in millimeters, used to render edges. Possible values are 0.0 ≤ lineSize ≤ 5.0 with 0.0 being interpreted as the thinnest possible line. The default value is 0.0.A value of 0.0 will be one pixel on the output device. One pixel on the screen is generally visible but one pixel on a 1200 DPI printer may not be clear.


A Float specifying the width of points, in millimeters, used to render points. Possible values are 0.0 ≤ lineSize ≤ 5.0 with 0.0 being interpreted as the smallest possible point. The default value is 0.0.A value of 0.0 will be one pixel on the output device. One pixel on the screen is generally visible but one pixel on a 1200 DPI printer may not be clear.


A Boolean specifying whether an object’s depth will be considered during rendering. The default value is ON.When OFF, the object will not be hidden by other objects in front of it.

  • If an invalid translucency value is specified: RangeError: translucency must be in the range 0.0 <= value <= 1.0

  • If an invalid lineSize value is specified: RangeError: lineSize must be in the range 0.0 <= value <= 5.0

  • If an invalid pointSize value is specified: RangeError: pointSize must be in the range 0.0 <= value <= 5.0

setVertices(vertexDimension: float, vertexData: tuple)[source]#

This method accepts the vertex data that defines the Drawing object. It defines in an array of vertices with a length equal to the length of the vertexData sequence divided by vertexDimension.


An Integer in the range of 2 to 4 specifying how many Float values are needed to compose a single vertex.


A sequence of Float values that will be used to compose the vertices. There must be vertexDimension values in the sequence for each vertex.

The number of vertices described.

ValueError. - If an invalid vertexDimension is specified:

RangeError: vertexDimension must be in the range 2 <= value <= 4

  • If vertexData is an empty sequence: ValueError: vertexData cannot be empty.

  • If setVertices has already been called and this call is sending fewer vertices: ValueError: vertexData cannot be reduced


class Image(name: str, fileName: str)[source]#

The Image object is used to store color values and attributes associated with a raster file. Upon creation, the Image object is added to the session.images repository.


This object can be accessed by:



ImageFromMovie(name, movieName, frame, time)

This method creates an Image object from a given frame of an existing Movie object.

ImageFromMovie(name: str, movieName: str, frame: int, time: float)[source]#

This method creates an Image object from a given frame of an existing Movie object.


A String specifying the repository name for the image.


A String specifying the name of the movie from which the image is to be extracted. The movie must exist in the session.movies repository.


An Int specifying the movie frame number defining the image to be extracted.


A Float specifying the time of the movie defining the image to be extracted.

An Image object.
  • If movieName does not exist:

    ValueError: There is no movie object with this name: ‘movieName’

  • If frame references an non existing frame:

    ValueError: Could not load frame n from movie: ‘movieName’

  • If time references an non existing frame:

    ValueError: Could not load frame at time ‘t’ from movie: ‘movieName’

  • If time and frame are given in the same command:

    TypeError: keyword error on time


class JournalOptions[source]#

A JournalOptions object specifies how to record selection of geometry in the journal and replay files. journalOptions can also be used to set the numeric formatting options for field report output, geometry commands output, and a default format for other numeric output. The JournalOptions object has no constructor. Abaqus creates the journalOptions member when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:

numberFormat: NumberFormat

Format of the number


NumberFormat([blankPad, format, numDigits, ...])

This method creates a NumberFormat object.

setValues([replayGeometry, recoverGeometry, ...])

This method modifies the JournalOptions object.

NumberFormat(blankPad: BooleanType = 1, format: SymbolicConstantType = 'ENGINEERING', numDigits: int = 6, precision: int = 0) NumberFormat[source]#

This method creates a NumberFormat object.


A Boolean specifying whether the printed digits should be padded with blank characters to ensure equal sized fields. The blankPad argument is useful when your printed output includes columns. The default value is ON.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the formatting type. Possible values are ENGINEERING, SCIENTIFIC, and AUTOMATIC. The default value is ENGINEERING.


An Int specifying the number of digits to be displayed in the result. numDigits >0>0. The default value is 6.


An Int specifying the number of decimal places to which the number is to be truncated for display. precision ≤0≤0. If precision =0, no truncation is applied. The default value is 0.

A NumberFormat object.


This function can be accessed by:

setValues(replayGeometry: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPRESSEDINDEX', recoverGeometry: ~abaqusConstants.SymbolicConstantType = 'COMPRESSEDINDEX', defaultFormat: ~abaqus.Session.NumberFormat.NumberFormat = <abaqus.Session.NumberFormat.NumberFormat object>, fieldReportFormat: ~abaqus.Session.NumberFormat.NumberFormat = <abaqus.Session.NumberFormat.NumberFormat object>, geometryFormat: ~abaqus.Session.NumberFormat.NumberFormat = <abaqus.Session.NumberFormat.NumberFormat object>)[source]#

This method modifies the JournalOptions object.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the format of the geometry in the replay file. Possible values are COORDINATE, INDEX, and COMPRESSEDINDEX. The default value is COMPRESSEDINDEX.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the format of the geometry in the recovery file. Possible values are COORDINATE, INDEX, and COMPRESSEDINDEX. The default value is COMPRESSEDINDEX.


A NumberFormat object specifying the default format for numeric output. The default values are the same as the default values for the NumberFormat object.


A NumberFormat object specifying the default format for numbers in a field report output. The default values are the same as the default values for the NumberFormat object.


A NumberFormat object specifying the default format for numbers in geometry commands output. The default values are the same as the default values for the NumberFormat object.


class MemoryReductionOptions[source]#

The MemoryReductionOptions object controls the default settings that Abaqus/CAE uses for running in reduced memory mode. The MemoryReductionOptions object has no constructor. Abaqus creates the MemoryReductionOptions member when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:



setValues([reducedMemoryMode, percentThreshold])

This method modifies the MemoryReductionOptions object.

setValues(reducedMemoryMode: BooleanType = 1, percentThreshold: float = 75)[source]#

This method modifies the MemoryReductionOptions object.


A Boolean specifying whether Abaqus/CAE should run in reduced memory mode. The default value is ON.


A Float specifying the percent of kernelMemoryLimit at which the reduced memory mode starts. The default value is 75.0.


class NetworkDatabaseConnector(name: str, hostName: str, directory: str, remoteAbaqusDriverName: str = '', remoteLoginMechanism: SymbolicConstantType = 'SSH', sshPath: str = '', serverPort: int = 0, connectionPort: int = 0, serverTimeout: int = 86400, allowAutomaticStartup: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

The NetworkDatabaseConnector object allows you to access an output database on a remote system.


This object can be accessed by:

connected: Boolean

A Boolean specifying if the connection between the client and the server is established.


setValues([remoteAbaqusDriverName, ...])

This method modifies the NetworkDatabaseConnector object.

start([serverPort, serverTimeout])

This method starts the remote network database connector server on the remote host.


This method stops the remote network database connector server on the remote host.

setValues(remoteAbaqusDriverName: str = '', remoteLoginMechanism: SymbolicConstantType = 'SSH', sshPath: str = '', serverPort: int = 0, connectionPort: int = 0, serverTimeout: int = 86400, allowAutomaticStartup: BooleanType = 1)[source]#

This method modifies the NetworkDatabaseConnector object.


A String specifying the name of command to execute Abaqus/CAE on the remote computer.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the remote shell command on the local system. Possible values are RSH and SSH. The default value is SSH.


A String specifying the path to the`ssh` command on the local system. The default value is an empty string.


An Int specifying the server port on the remote computer. If serverPort =0, the host and remote systems are allowed to establish their own port numbers. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the connection port on the remote computer. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the timeout in seconds for the remote server. For example: 86400 corresponds to one day. The server exits if it does not receive any communication from the client during the time specified. The default value is 86400.


A Boolean specifying whether to start the remote network database connector server. The default value is ON.

start(serverPort: int = 0, serverTimeout: int = 86400)[source]#

This method starts the remote network database connector server on the remote host.


An Int specifying the server port on the remote computer. If serverPort =0, the host and remote systems are allowed to establish their own port numbers. The default value is 0.


An Int specifying the timeout in seconds for the remote server. For example: 86400 corresponds to one day. The server exits if it does not receive any communication from the client during the time specified. The default value is 86400.


This method stops the remote network database connector server on the remote host.


class NumberFormat(blankPad: BooleanType = 1, format: SymbolicConstantType = 'ENGINEERING', numDigits: int = 6, precision: int = 0)[source]#

The NumberFormat object is a formatting template used to define formatting options for certain numeric output.This page discusses:Access[NumberFormat(…)](https://help.3ds.com/2022/english/DSSIMULIA_Established/SIMACAEKERRefMap/simaker-c-numberformatpyc.htm?ContextScope=all#simaker-numberformatnumberformatpyc)Members


This object can be accessed by:

import visualization