Predefined Field#

A PredefinedField object stores the non-propagating data of a predefined field as well as a number of instances of the corresponding PredefinedFieldState object. The PredefinedFieldState object stores the propagating data of the predefined field in a single step. A specific type of PredefinedField object and a specific type of PredefinedFieldState object are designed for each type of predefined field. Instances of the PredefinedFieldState object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding PredefinedField object.

Create predefined fields#

class PredefinedFieldModel(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:



Field(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a Field object.

FluidCavityPressure(name, fluidCavity, ...)

This method creates a FluidCavityPressure object.

InitialState(name, instances, fileName[, ...])

This method creates an InitialState predefined field object.

KinematicHardening(name, region[, ...])

This method creates a KinematicHardening object.

MaterialAssignment(name, instanceList[, ...])

This method creates a MaterialAssignment predefined field object.

Stress(name, region[, distributionType, ...])

This method creates a Stress predefined field object.

Temperature(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a Temperature object.

Velocity(name, region, velocity1, velocity2, ...)

This method creates a Velocity predefined field object.