Boundary Condition#

A specific type of boundary condition object and a specific type of boundary condition state object are designed for each type of boundary condition. A BoundaryCondition object stores the non-propagating data of a boundary condition as well as a number of instances of the corresponding BoundaryConditionState object, each of which stores the propagating data of the boundary condition in a single step. Instances of the BoundaryConditionState object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding BoundaryCondition object.

Create boundary conditions#

class BoundaryConditionModel(name: str, description: str = '', stefanBoltzmann: float | None = None, absoluteZero: float | None = None, waveFormulation: SymbolicConstantType = 'NOT_SET', modelType: SymbolicConstantType = 'STANDARD_EXPLICIT', universalGas: float | None = None, copyConstraints: BooleanType = 1, copyConnectors: BooleanType = 1, copyInteractions: BooleanType = 1)[source]

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:



AccelerationBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates an AccelerationBC object.

AccelerationBaseMotionBC(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a AccelerationBaseMotionBC object.

AcousticPressureBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a AcousticPressureBC object.


This method creates a Calibration object.

ConcentrationBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a ConcentrationBC object.

ConnAccelerationBC(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates an ConnAccelerationBC object on a wire region.

ConnDisplacementBC(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ConnDisplacementBC object on a wire region.

ConnVelocityBC(name, createStepName[, ...])

This method creates a ConnVelocityBC object on a wire region.

DisplacementBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a DisplacementBC object.

DisplacementBaseMotionBC(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a DisplacementBaseMotionBC object.

ElectricPotentialBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates an ElectricPotentialBC object.

EncastreBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates an encastre TypeBC object.

EulerianBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a EulerianBC object.

EulerianMotionBC(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates an EulerianMotionBC object.

FluidCavityPressureBC(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a FluidCavityPressureBC object.

MagneticVectorPotentialBC(name, ...[, ...])

This method creates a MagneticVectorPotentialBC object.

MaterialFlowBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a MaterialFlowBC object.

PinnedBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a pinned TypeBC object.

PorePressureBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a PorePressureBC object.

RetainedNodalDofsBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a RetainedNodalDofsBC object.

SecondaryBaseBC(name, createStepName, ...)

This method creates a SecondaryBaseBC object.

SubmodelBC(name, createStepName, region, ...)

This method creates a SubmodelBC object.

TemperatureBC(name, createStepName, region)

This method creates a TemperatureBC object.

VelocityBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a VelocityBC object.

VelocityBaseMotionBC(name, createStepName, dof)

This method creates a VelocityBaseMotionBC object.

XasymmBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the X-axis.

XsymmBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the X-axis.

YasymmBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Y-axis.

YsymmBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Y-axis.

ZasymmBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Z-axis.

ZsymmBC(name, createStepName, region[, ...])

This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Z-axis.